Published: November 11th, 2018
The Denemer's had it all: Fame, fortune, family, and the American Dream. But tough times have landed on their doorstep— Gerri's acting career is mired in controversy, financial decline is strangling the family bond, and his marriage to Kelli Anne is on the rocks. He'd rather die than face another catastrophe, something the Devil is more than eager to assist.
On the night Gerri attempts to end his suffering, his plan is thwarted by a voice in his smart TV, pulling him into a dimension where past, present, and future collide, and the fate of the human race hangs in the balance. But Gerri is not alone. The Devil's minions are nipping at his heels and Kelli is right behind them, determined to save her family and put right what has gone wrong. Will they be successful? Is the bond between husband and wife strong enough to defeat evil? Will they prevent World War III or will evil's plan triumph? Presenting the Marriage of Kelli Anne and Gerri Denemer: A Horror Story, is a tour de force thriller of dark fiction, romance, and horror in an epic battle between good and evil.
On the night Gerri attempts to end his suffering, his plan is thwarted by a voice in his smart TV, pulling him into a dimension where past, present, and future collide, and the fate of the human race hangs in the balance. But Gerri is not alone. The Devil's minions are nipping at his heels and Kelli is right behind them, determined to save her family and put right what has gone wrong. Will they be successful? Is the bond between husband and wife strong enough to defeat evil? Will they prevent World War III or will evil's plan triumph? Presenting the Marriage of Kelli Anne and Gerri Denemer: A Horror Story, is a tour de force thriller of dark fiction, romance, and horror in an epic battle between good and evil.
Love has been a central artistic theme throughout time. Every great song centers on the concepts of love and literature certainly focuses on this primary emotion. From Dracula to The Hunchback of Notre Dame and beyond, love and relationships are what drive most great art. Would marriage exist without love? Probably not, for what would be the point and what would keep the marriage together when the chips are down and one partner trifles through darkness and adversity? Without love there would be no reason to continue to endure.
Personally I believe the divorce rate in today’s world is insane. Society has come to the point where people enter marriage with the notion that if it doesn’t go the way they expect they can always divorce. Starting a marriage with this thought tucked in the back of the mind is like dooming the relationship before it’s even begun. Not to say that marriage isn’t tough but so is life. We choose to enter marriage and we choose to love our spouse unconditionally and we choose to go through the darkness with them, the pain and suffering, the trials and tribulations, even though we absolutely don’t have to, it’s a choice.
Falling in love is always the easy part, everyone loves a romance, but marriage is about enduring love. When we have children, we love them unconditionally because they are ours, our blood and a piece of ourselves, but marriage doesn’t come with this unconditional love. Loving someone not blood related, not born from your DNA but a stranger who becomes a best friend, a best friend who becomes a lover and a lover who life would be meaningless without, now that is true love.
One thing about marriage is communication. When we don’t communicate we build up a wall, locking out our partner. Any strong marriage consists of open communication. In the story, Presenting the Marriage, Kelli and Gerri have ceased communicating. Gerri is trifled in depression and alcohol, and Kelli feels lost in the relationship. People are not mind readers (although I sometimes have to question this notion when my wife knows what I’m thinking before she walks through the door), and when situations are left to interpretation, misunderstandings occur. This misunderstanding concept is central to the story. Gerri has endured financial hardship, his failing career and swallowing his pride, but what he can’t or refuses to endure is the possibility of losing Kelli. When we don’t communicate everything is left to interpretation, and misinterpretation can lead to our worst fears coming true, as Gerri discovers throughout the novel.
There’s so many stories revolving around falling in love, but I wanted to write a story about enduring love in the face of severe adversity. Marriage is like a fight for love through the many twist and turns life throws at us. Love is the connection of all things good in the world and the strongest emotion that can deliver us from the darkness into the light. My goal when writing the story was to pay homage to this enduring nature of love and marriage. Some things we have to fight alone, but having someone in your corner helping to guide us in the right direction, to stay on the path of salvation, and fighting through the pain is a gift and a privilege that should be held sacred. There are no perfect people in the world but there are perfect people for each other.
About the author:
P.D. Alleva is an author, psychotherapist and hypnotherapist specializing in trauma, addiction and mental health. He is the author of several books, including fiction novels, Indifference and A Billion Tiny Moments In Time…, Seriously Twisted; These Gods of Darkness (Poetry), Let Your Soul Evolve (1st and 2nd ed), and Spiritual Growth Therapy: Philosophy, Practices and Mindfulness Workbook (non-fiction). He has developed behavioral protocols for addiction and mental health and teaches mindfulness, Buddhist meditations and manifestation techniques to his patients as a means and alternative to using pharmaceuticals. Go to spiritualgrowththerapy.com to learn more. Mr. Alleva offers a special discount on his video tutorials for his readers, so please use Promo Code 7474 for a special 90% discount. He is currently in private practice with his wife, Lisa. He lives with his wife and children in Boca Raton, Florida.
Thank you for hosting today!
what a cool cover
what a cool cover
Thank you for hosting and thank you for the kind comments. Hope all is well with everyone. Feel free to ask any questions and leave any comments, I'll be checking in throughout the day. Of course, don't forget to sign up for the Giveaway. Enjoy your day everyone.
Thank you Rita.
I love the cover, and this book sounds really intriguing.
Thanks for hosting the book. The premise is intriguing and the cover is great. Good luck with your novel.
Thank you Betul and Debra for the support. The book is an incredible love story. Enjoy it.
thanks the book sounds great
Thanks for the giveaway; I like the excerpt. :)
Thank you Wendy and Cali. Good luck on the giveaway
How did you come up for the idea of the cover of the book. Congrats on the release. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com
The scene on the cover is an important part of the story. Gerri enters an alternate dimension in the woods in his backyard where his past fears wait for him. I thought it was important to put this scene on display. Plus, I think it looks really cool. Thank you for asking, Bernie.
Sounds like my kind of book, thanks for sharing :)
Sounds really great.
Thank you, Thank you
Looks relevant, also very deep! Nicely written.
What inspired you to write it?
Very deep it is. Inspiration was a mix of personal trials and tribulations, seeing life through spiritual and philosophical eyes and wanting to send an inspirational message into the world.
I love the cover and synopsis! This sounds like an excellent read. Thank you so much for the guest post and giveaway!
Thank you Bea. Enjoy the book and good luck on the giveaway
Who is your favorite character in your book? Congrats on the release. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com
The Chaperone, Gerri's guide through the woods and his past. He's harsh yet caring, aggressive but gentle. Ty for the support Joseph
The guest post has some sound ideas about issues with marriage. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Debra. Happy you enjoyed the post.
I really like the book description. I think that I will like this story and the characters. It sounds unique and mysterious.
Awesome, thank you Dan. If you'd like, connect with me on Facebook. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the book. Happy Reading!
This book sounds like an awesome read. Cool cover.
Thank you for the kind words Debbie. Enjoy the book. Connect with me on Facebook if you'd like. I'm always interested in hearing reader feedback. Have an awesome day!
Intriguing cover
Thank you Nancy.
The book description sounds great! I think that I will like the main characters in this mysterious fantasy.
Perfect. Ty Dan. Please connect with me on Facebook. Reader feedback is like gold to an indie author.
My question for the author is: Did becoming a therapist in any way alter your perceptions of or relationships with people, in everyday life?
Hello Amy, hope all is well. To answer your question the answer is yes. Becoming a therapist has brought out an acute observance of people's behavior, including their intentions. I'm more aware of a persons surrounding energy. As far as relationships, I like to believe being a therapist has made me less judgmental, especially when considering personal spiritual beliefs that have resulted from my journey as a therapist. Although, as an after effect, I'm less apt to engage in personal relationships and allow people into my personal circle. I've specialized in trauma/PTSD in my career, which has opened my eyes to the animalistic behavior human beings inflict upon each other, most specifically on the innocent. The real horror in life lies behind closed doors in people's homes, which can only be described as true and pure evil. However, I've also witnessed incredible change, spiritual awareness and the flowering of hope, most often right in front of my eyes. So, at the most basic level, being therapist has developed into a more positive outlook during personal journeys. Hope this answers your question.
The book cover makes the book look mysterious.
Thank you Wanda. The mystery is in the question, "Why?". Why is this all happening and why is Gerri at the center of the evil plot.
Good luck with the novel.
Thank you Debra.
Thanks for the giveaway chance.
Glad to do it. Good luck Debra
@PD Alleva
It was a pleasure to read both of your GPs and I hope I'll read also the books very soon :)
Thank you for being so active and attentive with your readers.
I hope I'll "see" you soon.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Thank you for the kind words Cremona. Enjoy the book. Happy Reading.
Thank you Debra. Good luck on the giveaway
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