
Albert Camus

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Rain, Rain, Go Away! - GIVEAWAY HOP (INTL)


a $10 Amazon Gift Card

MYTHICAL BOOKS' Giveaway is INTERNATIONAL as long as you can receive Amazon.com gift cards
The winner will be announced here, on Mythical Books
The winner has 3 days to claim the prize by sending an email with: his/her name, Amazon email address 
Good luck!

Welcome to the Rain Rain, Go Away! Giveaway Hop.
Please visit each blog listed below for a chance to win fun prizes. 
Don't forget to come back daily for bonus entries. 

1. Host - The Kids Did It  30. Freesocial2011 - US  
2. Host - The Mommy Island - $112 Winning Moves Package 2 Winners - US  31. Life Within The Pages - WW  
3. (VIP) Still Blonde after all these YEARS -$130 Custom Door Covers - US  32. Angie's Angle - US  
4. (VIP) Sybrina's Book Blog - $25 Unicorn Reader (or Writer) Tee Shirt - US  33. Mocha Girls Read - US  
5. (VIP) Comeback Momma - $25 Amazon Gift Card - US/CAN  34. A Petite Mama - US  
6. (VIP) Un-Ordinary Me-h! - $100 PayPal Cash - WW  35. Susie's Reviews - WW  
7. (VIP) Beauty Info Zone - $40 Sephora Gift Card - US/CAN  36. Hooks and Books - US  
8. Rita Reviews - WW  37. Books Cooks Looks - US  
9. Wickedly Romance - WW  38. Mythical Books - WW  
10. Reading Reality - WW  39. Sugar, Spice and Family Life - US/CAN  
11. Angel's Guilty Pleasures - WW  40. How Was Your Day? - WW  
12. Miss Molly Says - US  41. icefairy's Treasure Chest - US  
13. Nanny to Mommy - US/CAN  42. Says Me Says Mom - US  
14. Homeschool on the Range - US  43. Style on Main - WW  
15. Christy's Cozy Corners - US/CAN  44. Luv Saving Money - US  
16. Silver Dagger Book Tours - WW  45. Babushka's Baile - US  
17. Sharing Life's Moments - US  46. It's Free At Last - WW  
18. JeanBookNerd - WW  47. Woman of Many Roles - US  
19. Simply Sherryl - WW  48. Karma Readz - US/CAN  
20. Andersons Angels - US  49. Cortermoon - US  
21. Pausitive Living - CAN  50. Roadside Travels - US/CAN  
22. Tammie's Take - US  51. Dashing Bling Read - US  
23. Candid Mama - US  52. Versatileer - US  
24. Confessions of a Frugal Mind - WW  53. Karma Bus Driver - US/CAN  
25. The Frugal Grandmom - US  54. Three Boys and An Old Lady - US  
26. Author Ana Jolene - US  55. Mommy's Block Party - WW  
27. Drop The Spotlight - US  56. Celebrate Woman Today - US  
28. Savings in Seconds - US  57. Rockin' Book Reviews - US/CAN  
29. Mom Does Reviews - US  

(Linkup closed)


Rita Wray said...

If I like the sound of a book I'll leave a comment.

kim hansen said...

The excerpt and the cover of a book.

Carl Scott said...

Great question.
I don't like it if a comment is required in order to enter a giveaway, I almost never enter Silver Dagger promotions for that reason.
I also think it's a cop out to ask "What do you think of the book or its cover, do you have any questions for the author?". It just seems like a way to harvest meaningless answers.
If someone asks me to answer a real question (like this one) I enjoy coming up with a thoughtful answer.

Mary Kirkland said...

if the subject matter is something that I find interesting.

Cali W. said...

The excerpt of the book usually; thanks for the giveaway. :)

AuntySuzany said...

The covers & excerpts if they are On a subject matter I like.
I understand that marketing and reader feedback are important.
Thanks for sharing this giveaway with us!

Calvin F. said...

A cool promo like this, or a thought provoking question.

Dale Wilken said...

If the book sound good I will leave a comment.

Nancy P said...

Depends on how much trouble it is. Your comment section makes it easy.

Debra Branigan said...

I hate to say it, but really I only make comments because they are required or a contest entry.

Amber said...

A thoughtful interview and an intriguing book in a genre I enjoy will make me stop and leave a comment.

A. B. said...

Interesting question! ...Actually, that is one thing that will inspire/motivate me to comment on a blog post. If I am prompted with something generic, such as "Leave your thoughts!", I will be much less likely to comment.
--Ann B.

Kari Lorraine said...

It would need to be a topic I'm very interested in.

the Teeny tiny à Tout Faire said...

What makes me leave a comment is the interest I have in a particular post and what prevents me to do so is the lack of time and my bad memory, as I always say 'I'll leave a comment later when I finish work' and it constantly slips my mind.

Happishopr said...

I leave a comment if I find something interesting or compelling.
Laura G

Lizzie M said...

I jump to the comments if a post asks the audience to answer a question -- engagement requests are always something I love to fulfill!

A. B. said...

I like to comment when there is an interesting or unique sort of author bio (as opposed to something “generic”).

Mood Reader said...

The content of the post or interesting questions/debates! Polls too! :)

tatertot374 said...

Def the content

susan1215 said...

It would need to be a topic that I'm interested in or a requirement for a contest.

Subscription Box Girl said...

I like leaving comments when the topic is interesting to me.

Judy Thomas said...

I usually leave a comment if its an interesting subject or question.

tatertot374 said...

The content or good recipes

Edye Nicole said...

If I found something interesting in the post.


tatertot374 said...

Great content

Debbie P said...

Excerpts and covers.

Jeanna Massman said...

I leave comments if the book’s cover attract my attention.

Mama Blamer said...

I leave comments on post i liked reading.

AuntySuzany said...

Of the cover and excerpt synopsis grand me!
Thanks for sharing with us!

Deb PelletierC said...

If the book or an item sounds or looks interesting.

Jodi Hunter said...

If the book sounds interesting or the cover.

johnthuku0 said...

When I come across a book that I like, I usually leave a comment. This is to show my appreciation to the author

slehan said...

I'll post if I get credit for a giveaway. I'll post if something about a post grabs my attention and I have something to say.
Thanks for the contest.

Yipperbear said...

I am a stroke victim. Answering questions is hard. Do to give me something to do.

Anonymous said...

I generally only comment as a method of entering a contest or sweepstakes. Occasionally I will comment on a blog if the subject is something I have some insight into (like from personal experience) that others might not have or something I have a particular interest in

Bay City Amber said...

If it's something I'm interested in and I have an opinion, I always comment.

slehan said...

I'll post if I have something to say about the post.

Bextol said...

Currently Latvia faces various issues, including a shift to service industries around 1990-2000, low quality drinking water, low hazardous waste management system, air pollution.