Did you love the childhood tales? What about the ones from Far East? I cannot believe you didn’t, and I’m sure that the Asian ones have caught you at least due to the mystical and exotic that surrounded them.
Camille Picott succeeds in her novel The Warrior & The Flower to make you dream again as you once did. Do not haste, it is not a story for kindergarten children, but a Young Adult one. But we all like to dream whatever age we are, and sometimes all of us yearn after the lost paradise of childhood.
It is a novel that starts tragic (how many fairy tales have you seen that begin in laughter?) and this coordinate will be the spark and also the engine of the main characters’ actions. A delicate, but strong story, a sad, but full of promises story of two crushed and scattered souls that come together by a happy conjunction of fate. A destiny, that at first glance seemed that in no way can bring together a battle-hardened warrior and a girl with an unhappy childhood, will make the two of them to find a new purpose for living and to rebuild their lives together.

The book is pleasantly written, full of sensitivity and power. It is a novel that is full of action with a lot of well-described fight scenes, with plenty of unexpected twists, with moments of tenderness and sometimes sprinkled with a bit of humour. The style and the set are the ones of a Chinese fairytale and definitely will carry you in a plenteous fantasy world of mystery.
Happy Reading!
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LOVE the cover art on this one! Very cool! I am definitely interested in the storyline itself, as well. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!
So glad you enjoyed this one too! Thanks so much for hosting a tour stop and sharing your thoughts. Beautiful review!
Terrific art... definitely amazing choice.
Great review and this definitely does have a great cover.
This is a perfect book to read for Chinese New Year. Thanks for the giveaway.
I want to read this book. Nice cover!
Thank you so much for your review!
Love the cover. Looks like a lion/dragon hybrid with antlers!
thank you for the great giveaway!
sounds like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway.
rounder9834 @yahoo.com
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