
Albert Camus

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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cover Reveal Ascending the Veil: Piercing the Fold, Book 3 by Venessa Kimball

Expected publication: November 5th, 2013


The invasion and evolution of our world is upon us. When Sondian Sam Crest opened the wormhole during the galactic intersection, he pierced a thin veil separating our universe from another. With the veil parted beings from that universe are now hiding among us, waiting to invade. Intensifying the situation, Sam took two people in Jesca’s life with him beyond the veil; Nate and Ezra. Jesca and the guardians must find a way to get Nate and Ezra back while protecting our world and race from extinction. 

Ascending the Veil: Piercing the Fold, Book 3 takes you beyond our world and universe and back through the eyes of the characters in this series. Tragedies and blessings involving Jesca, Ezra, Nate, and Xander will be revealed, our favorite guardians of the Dobrian and Sondian fellowships will forge their paths in this universe and in another for the salvation of our world and each other, and heart-wrenching events will unfold when Jesca ascends the veil.

About the author:
In 2010, Venessa Kimball was struck by an idea, a story, that needed telling. Having always been passionate about the written word, Venessa embarked on writing what would become her debut novel, Piercing the Fold: Book 1; a mature young adult/ adult crossover, paranormal, science fiction series. July 2, 2012, Venessa Kimball independently published the first book in the Piercing the Fold series. Book 2, Surfacing the Rim, released March 14, 2013. 

In August of 2013, Venessa joined the publishing house, Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly. The Piercing the Fold series will be re-published with them beginning with Piercing the Fold: Book 1 on September 3, 2013. Surfacing the Rim: Book 2 will be re-published on September 24. 2013 and Ascending the Veil: Book 3 will be released for the first time on October 18, 2013. The final book in the series, Book 4 (Title TBD) will release in 2014. 

As for the future, Venessa is already filling her Work-In-Progress folder. Two of her future projects are contemporary fiction and will reflect her diversity as a writer in other genres. When Venessa is not writing, she is keeping active with her husband and three children, chauffeuring said children to extracurricular activities, participating in charitable 5k and 10k races (crazy...but she loves to run), catching a movie with her hubby, and staying up way too late reading.

Cover Reveal organized by Around the Universe Book Tours

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