
Albert Camus

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Misadventures of a Reluctant Traveller by Dean MacAllister

"Tag was such a great character, as were his side-kicks that would drop everything to help him out. I'm sure so many people can relate to these insomniacs." - Hayley, Goodreads


Published: September 30th 2018

“Imagine not being able to sleep without worrying about which country you will wake up in…”

Tagden Fitts has a problem, besides his name. His sleepwalking self is a traveler; a past-time he would rather avoid and his travels are beginning to take over his life. Destroying any chance of a real relationship or career, he spends his time chasing after his own body, dreading the night when he will finally wake up in a situation too deep to handle.

"Tag is a wonderful character and the tone of the book is great. It combined my favorite things: a unique plot, fabulous characters and unusual adventure. A surprisingly good read!" - Rachel, Goodreads
From the Author:
"I wrote this story trying to imagine a character completely different from myself. Someone who hates travel, but is thrust into it without choice."

About the author:
Dean MacAllister runs a writer’s group in Melbourne, Australia. He writes novels and short fiction about the strange and unusual.

He loves to travel, scuba-diving, whiskey and once ate a tarantula. For more of his work visit Deanmacallister.com

Author's Giveaway

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