Published: September 26th, 2018
Lenora was changing...not in any frightening way. At least, not at first. There was the intense ability to shield herself from abuse that was very empowering. But her other senses had become heightened as well, and that’s when she’d begun seeing scenes from the past, and smoky mists inside her home.
Meeting Frankie in the midst of all this had been a wonderful treat—there weren’t many men who could stir her emotions as he was prone to do. Still, there was something strange about him, something she couldn’t put her finger on. Ah, well, desirable men with the air of mystery were compelling and fun. Weren’t they?
And what about Rex? She wasn’t sure. He was part of a fearsome family, making her wonder if such tales of werewolves and monsters were true. Just how did she fit in? And why would she even want to?
All she kept hearing, however, was that there were only a precious three months before a full change. Time was awastin’.
A Paranormal Mystery in Three Months to Change
Something that came to me very easily (for the most part!) when I wrote my newest and “bestest” novel, Three Months to Change is that having a background in ghost hunting and other paranormal concepts, those pieces fell easily into place and made sense in the book. The reality of it mixed so well with the fiction, that no one questioned the premise.
When I first began writing nonfiction ghost books many years back for varied areas around the Mid-Atlantic US, I learned from the bottom up through a very specialized group, the Chester County Paranormal Research Society in Pennsylvania (Mark, Carol, Kat, and the rest of the team at that time!). I was mentored through the entire process—participating in investigations (some very high profile), using equipment, learning concepts and research theories, and generally becoming a staunch investigator. Working as an editor at a paranormal publishing company, I’d felt that if I was going to be able to be seriously effective in advising paranormal authors, I needed to understand every single obstacle they might be faced with when they were writing their books. I was so right. I needed to know. Not only were they asking writing technique and publishing questions, but they had questions about how to present their topics in a way that everyone reading would benefit from—and believe—their experiences. And having under gone most of what the authors were writing about, I was afforded the ability to help them with practical solutions when “things” happened. And in the paranormal world, trust me, “things happened.” (I’ve got stories.) I also was able to amass a huge list of contacts and associates while working with these professionals who were able to help me whenever I had a question about any aspect of the paranormal or mind/body/spirit world that I was struggling with.
I had no idea then, that when I was writing now that these methods of accumulating information and experience would become so important to me. There are a lot of paranormal aspects in Three Months to Change, and two of these were not crystal clear to me. Though I definitely knew about them, my involvement was limited. I needed help. I needed clarity. I needed to become an “expert” fast. I whipped out my trusty list of specialized people and made some calls. The only hint I’ll give you as to what these two researched items are (I can’t give the story away!) is that the two of my ghosty contacts were Paul Eno and Jack Kenna. (You can certainly look them up for more hints.) I bow to them for their assistance and training. They made Lenora (my heroine) much stronger—and that’s what you want to read in a romance novel! To hear more about this process drop by Ben Enos Beyond the Paranormal Internet radio show on December 9th to hear our interview!
All that to say, Three Months to Change brings some very controversial topics to the forefront –topics that both make sense in the scheme of things and are incredibly satisfying for the romantic in all of us. I hope you’ll join me in the research I ingested…and enjoy a happily ever after in Three Months to Change.
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About the author:
Dinah Roseberry has been an author of both nonfiction and fiction in the paranormal field for over thirty years. She is a paranormal investigator, certified hypnotist for past-life regression and alien abduction, and has studied and taught animal communications. A Tarot card and oracle reader for over twenty years, she has also created card decks and guidebooks that reflect her paranormal and mind/ body/spirit interests. Visit her website for more information about her titles and events
Other paranormal nonfiction titles by Dinah Roseberry
Ghosts of Valley Forge and Phoenixville
Cape May Haunts: Elaine’s Haunted Mansion and Other Eerie Beach Tales
Spooky York, Pennsylvania
Spooky Creepy Baltimore County
The Ghost Hunters’ Tool Kit
Psychic Pets: Solving Paranormal Mysteries
Animals Impacting the World
First Light Tarot
Ufo & Alien Management: A Guide to Discovering, Evaluating, and Directing Sightings, Abductions, and Contactee Experiences
Thank you for hosting me for Three Months to Change! I hope your readers have questions because I just might have answers! Dinah
Three Months to Change sounds like a good read. Thank you
I enjoyed the guest post. Sounds like a great read. Cover is beautiful.
Hi Linda and Becky and thanks for stopping by! I know you'll enjoy my book if you like the paranormal! Follow along the tour to read the post that I wrote about my beautiful cover model, Angela Tallent! She's my daughter and I could not be prouder of how this cover turned out!
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