Welcome to the Goddess Fish Promotions Tenth Anniversary Month Long Celebration!
Who is Goddess Fish Promotions? And what do we do? We're glad you asked!

Roses are Red.
Violets are Blue.
I'm awful at poetry.
We can edit your book
find things you didn't see
It will be fun to look
at the changes from me.
Yeah, for some reason, Judy won!
Even better, her poem is correct. We DO offer editing as one of our options. Here are a couple of testimonials from clients:
I worked with Marianne on a complete edit and was very happy with the results. Her feedback was clear, easy to follow, and she probed on things I hadn’t thought of. She was also responsive whenever I had questions and helped me work through a few issues. Her feedback and guidance improved the quality of my manuscript, all at a very fair price. I’m working on my next book and plan to use their services again. -J B Glazer, author, In Search of Mr. Anonymous
Choosing the right editor for a project is incredibly important to an author. Let’s face it, we want the best for our books. When I was considering editors for my first indie-published book, Regenerate, I naturally thought of Goddess Fish Promotions–and I’m so glad I did.
Marianne Arkins and Judy Thomas are incredibly attentive and professional during the entire editing process. Their input was invaluable and the story is much stronger because they cared enough to help unsnarl plot points and find order in the chaos..
I can’t wait to work with them again. Truly, a top-notch editorial team! – Sarita Leone, award-winning author of Regenerate
We also offer Virtual Book Tours, Graphic Design, Social Media Promotion and more. You can see more testimonials here.
We hope you enjoyed getting to know us a little (more information is below) and we'd like to do the same. We'd LOVE to see a little poem that tells us a bit about you in the comments. We'll be awarding random book giveaways and $5 Amazon GCs to some of the best poetry we find. It might not be at every stop, but when something really makes us smile, we'll reward it! Come on, be daring...
If you were ever stranded on a deserted island what would you miss and which three books would you take along?
Judy: I would miss the Internet. All our kids live at a distance and it’s been wonderful watching the grandkids grow from a distance. My granddaughter and I had a tea party together a few months ago via Skype. She’s in North Carolina, I’m in Georgia. It was great fun! As far as books: The Complete Works of Shakespeare; The Complete Works of Diane Gabladon (I’m assuming here that all the Outlander books will be in one volume by that time); The Complete Works of CS Lewis (see what I did there?)
Marianne: Assuming I’m stranded alone, I’d miss my family and Judy (and a couple other friends)! :-D My circle of people who truly matter to me is small, but they’re all really important to me. I’d miss pizza. And the internet, of course, but probably less than the rest. Books? How about “Boat Building for Dummies” or “How to Survive on a Desert Island” or “Fun Things to do without Electricity.”
Your life story is being made into a film, who would you cast to play you?
Judy: I did some of those celebrity lookalike things and none of those ring true to me. She doesn’t look like me (except for the blonde part) but maybe Renée Zellweger.
Marianne: If she were still alive (and frozen in time), Natalie Wood. Though she might be too sweet to play me (I am not particularly sweet). How about Scarlett Johansen (with dark hair and in her “Black Widow” persona) or Sandra Bullock?
If you were a superhero, what would your name be? What costume would you wear?
Judy: I wrote about a superhero once...wow… 2006. I forget how it started, but wrote close to 40 “episodes” on my blog before I ran out of steam.. It was fun. She was The Green Sister, wore a chainmail cape, drove a magnetic bike, had a hedgehog named Clarence, and was the world’s biggest klutz. So much fun!
Marianne: OCD Woman! Able to organize kitchens in a single bound! Capable of weeding gardens in a hot second. Suited for alphabetizing your CDs by title, genre and artist with her eyes closed!
If you could invent a new flavour of ice cream, what would it be?
Judy: It would have to have chocolate and nuts - no coconut. Pieces of fudge and peanut butter.. Very similar to Moose Tracks. Actually, it has probably already been invented.
Marianne: My favorite flavor of ice cream is no longer available, but it was called Forbidden Chocolate Explosion (from Friendly's). I don’t remember exactly what was in it, except it was ALL chocolate. Chocolate ice cream with brownie chunks, chocolate chips, hot fudge … OMG… ::: swoons ::: …
And now, more about us:
About Goddess Fish Promotions
Goddess Fish Promotions was established October 14, 2008. Why? Well, when Marianne became a published author and got her the first taste of trying to promote a book on a budget, there was only one other virtual book tour company in place at the time, and their fees were simply too high for a small press author. After coordinating and running her own tour, she knew other authors could use the same service for a reasonable price. Thus, Goddess Fish Promotions was born.
Because both Judy and Marianne were authors and editors prior to running Goddess Fish Promotions, they approach the business with a unique point of view, and treat their clients how they would expect to be treated.
Judy Thomas
Judy has a college degree in English and she’s worked in retail, education, at her local library as well as an editor for a small press and for the now defunct ShadowKeep Ezine. She’s also a published author so can see things from both sides of the fence. In 2013, she “retired” and now spends her days helping authors make their dream come true—as well as working as much as she can with her local theater group.
Marianne Arkins
Grammar freak and coffee lover, Marianne wrote her first novel at ten years old, built her first commercial website in 2000, and published for the first time in 2006. She worked as a professional editor for just over a year, and knows what it’s like to write, edit and promote a book on a budget.
Author's Giveaway
for anybody :)
for authors
Thank you for hosting us today! What would your readers take with them on a desert island? We'd love to find out.
Happy Anniversary!
Cheers to 10 more years ladies! :)
Thanks, Rita and Victoria!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! Your help with Indie Authors over the last ten years has been inspirational. I'm honored to be working with you.
Cheers to the next ten years!
Happy Anniversary! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!
@PD Alleva, thank you! We're having a great time :-)
Happy 10th Anniversary I enjoyed the post it's great to get to know you both.
Thanks, Shirley Ann!
Thank you, Terri!
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