
Albert Camus

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Thursday, October 1, 2015

will she lose everything? - Open Gates (P.J. Stone Gates Trilogy #3) by D.T. Dyllin

The rollercoaster ride of my emotions, combined with the burst of fire magic left me feeling drained and dizzy. My eyes slid shut against their will. Khol lifted me up, placing me back on my bed, and covered me with my comforter. His heated lips skimmed my forehead briefly just as sleep pulled me under.

Publication date: September 28th, 2015

P.J. Stone gets the answers to all her questions, but will she be able to handle the truth?

Bryn is gone, Jenna isn’t herself, and the world has been taken over by the alien Riders. The only constant in P.J.’s life is Khol, but even he might not be able to help pick up the shattered pieces of her existence. Will P.J. be strong enough to face her destiny when the time comes? Or will she lose everything, herself included?


“I’m not Bryn,” Khol added, causing white-hot anger to race through my veins. 

“I know that!” I screamed, pulling away from him. “What the hell is that even supposed to mean? As if I could forget and confuse the two of you?” 

Khol’s illuminated eyes met mine steadily. “Because he left you. I won’t.” He continued to stare into my eyes. “I’ll never leave you, no matter what I say. Bryn left you even though he said he never would.” 

“Shut up!” I screeched. “You have no right to say such things!” 

“You mean the truth? I’ve never spoken anything but the truth to you, regardless of whether or not you choose to believe it.” 

My fire magic erupted from my hands, coursing up my arms. “Stay back!” I yelled instinctively. 

Khol pulled me into his arms without fear, my flames causing no more harm to him than they did to me. “You can’t burn me. And even if you could, I would walk through the flames of hell just to hold you.” 

His words doused my flames and the anger that caused them. “I hate you,” I said without any real emotion, sagging into him. 

“And even if that were true, I still wouldn’t leave you, my little queen.” 

The rollercoaster ride of my emotions, combined with the burst of fire magic left me feeling drained and dizzy. My eyes slid shut against their will. Khol lifted me up, placing me back on my bed, and covered me with my comforter. His heated lips skimmed my forehead briefly just as sleep pulled me under.

About the author:
D.T. Dyllin is a bestselling author who writes both paranormal and contemporary romance. Anything with a love story is her kryptonite. Her obsession with affairs-of-the-heart is what first drove her to begin twisting her own tales of scorching romance. 

D.T. was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Black & Gold for life, baby!) She now lives in Little Rock, Arkansas with her husband and two spoiled German Shepherds.

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