18+ From Goodreads: "Heather Lyons has done it again. The Hidden Library is a heart pounding, gut wrenching, beautifully unique story. The Collector's Society (TCS) series is quickly becoming my favorite.
Heather has such a way with words. She can make me laugh with her subtle humor and two pages later leave me crying from heartbreak."
Sometimes, the rabbit hole is deeper than expected . . .
Alice Reeve and Finn Van Brunt have tumbled into a life of secrets. Some secrets they share, such as their employment by the clandestine organization known as The Collectors’ Society. Other secrets they carry within them, fighting to keep buried the things that could change everything they think they know.
On the hunt for an elusive villain who is hell-bent on destroying legacies, Alice, Finn, and the rest of the Society are desperate to unravel the mysteries surrounding them. But the farther they spiral down this rabbit hole, the deeper they fall into secrets that will test their loyalties and pit them against enemies both new and old.
Secrets, they come to find, can reveal the deadliest of truths.
We are about to open the conference room door and enter the hallway when he stops. He turns to me, his lovely eyes achingly sincere.
“I want to take you on a date when all of this craziness is over. A real one. We’ve kind of gone about this all backwards, haven’t we?”
One corner of my mouth lifts up. “Are you saying you’d like to court me?”
There is no playfulness to his face, no quirk to his own lips. My heart flutters at his seriousness. “Yes.”

About Heather Lyons: Heather Lyons writes epic, heartfelt love stories and has always had a thing for words. In addition to writing, she’s also been an archaeologist and a teacher. She and her husband and children live in sunny Southern California and are currently working their way through every cupcakery she can find.
Author's Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I haven't read any of your books yet but after reading this excerpt I see that will have to change. You are a new to me author I've just discovered so I would love to have a chance to read your books. I would love to see a retelling of Briar Rose.
Oh man, I'd love to see a retelling of LM Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables series. A childhood classic :) Love when a retelling hits on something nostalgic for me!
(also, mythical books, just want to say how much I love entering your giveaways! My info is always in the rafflecopters, so I don't have to keep typing out user names. Doesn't seem to work that nicely on other blogs. Kudos!)
I don't have much in mind now but any books will do as long as it's a good story :)
if myth counts, then that's it!!!
Honestly, I've never really cared for retelling a story, although I have found a few recently that I liked quite a bit. A good example is Beastly by Alex Flinn, however, I just can't think of a story I'd like to see retold.....
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