Lots of exciting scenarios, with several twists/turns & a great set of unique characters to keep track of. " - Tony, Goodreads
Welcome to the Apocalypse - Pandora
The Apocalypse Games is a state of the art virtual game designed to entertain doomsday preppers, gamers, and cosplayers. But not everyone who enters is there to play the game the way the creators intended. Some players don't belong at all and some enter the game to escape reality.
Whatever the reason, over 100 people hook up to the mainframe computer with one goal: survive twenty-four hours of an apocalypse. Instead of game over at the end, they're plugged straight into a new game. Then another. It's clear to the players the computer has malfunctioned. What isn't clear is why.
Getting out of the game used to be all that mattered. Now all that matters is getting back in.
THEN... The Apocalypse Games is a state of the art virtual game designed to entertain doomsday preppers, gamers, and cosplayers. But not everyone who entered was there to play the game the way the creators intended. Some players didn't belong at all and some entered the game to escape reality. Whatever the reason, over 100 people were hooked up to the mainframe computer with one goal: survive twenty-four hours of an apocalypse. Instead of game over at the end, they were plugged straight into a new game. Then another. It was clear to the players the computer has malfunctioned. What wasn't clear was why.
NOW...the players find themselves in an offsite facility far from their original location, unsure why or how CyberNexis moved them. Getting out of the game used to be all that mattered. But not anymore. The world has changed and CyberNexis is keeping a secret that needs to be exposed.
It used to be: “if you were stranded on a deserted island who would you be with and what would you take and why?”. But I’m going to ask myself, “If I was stranded in an apocalypse, who would I want on my team, what would I take with me, and why?”
1. If I could only have ONE PERSON on my team, who would I choose?
There's a funny "Supernatural" meme going around that if you ever want to be saved, take Sam Winchester with you because Dean will always find him. But if I could only have one person it would be my husband. He's pretty handy at building fires and finding his way through the bush. Me, I get lost in a parking lot.
2. If I could only have ONE BOOK in my backpack, what would it be?
That's tough. It' have to be a book I could read over and over and protect with my life from being burned. But I'd choose a book that I enjoyed reading as a child and as an adult. "The Hobbit" by J R R Tolkien. It's also a great tale of triumph at great odds.
3. What is the ONE PERSONAL ITEM I could not live without?
Tissues. My nose runs a lot. In summer, winter, spring - especially spring. I sneeze when I dust, my nose runs when I jog, certain flowers set me off, smoke gets into my sinuses. I never used to be constantly plagued with sinus troubles, but it's something that I live with now. I have tissues on hand at all times. I would probably have spare tissues, because one of my absolute pet hates is people with runny noses who constantly 'sniff'. Use a tissue!!
4. If zombies were chasing me out of the house and I had to grab ONE PHOTO off the wall, which photo would I take?
There is a lovely photo of me, my husband, and our beloved dog, Teeka on our wall. We're out on our kayak on the lake and we're both looking at the camera and she is off looking at the shore at all the animals. There's often kangaroos and cows on the hills. Teeka is the love of our life. I know that if I could look at this photo every day that I could survive the end of the world.
5. What is the ONE WEAPON I would choose to defend myself with?
I want to say gun because it's probably the fastest at taking the enemy down. But I'd also have to carry a lot of bullets because I'd probably be too scared to run out that I wouldn't shoot at anything. I would choose a knife because it has multiple uses, not all for killing. I'd also try to rely on my wit to hide and stay out of sight.
There you have it. My top 5 things I'd pack into my backpack to survive the end of the world. What person, book, personal item, photo, and weapon would you choose to slip into your backpack? I'd love to hear your answers in the comment section. Welcome to the apocalypse.
About the author:
D L Richardson likes many things. Reality isn't one of them. D L Richardson is the creator of 'Welcome to the Apocalypse' series as well as the author of YA fantasy and horror novellas which can be likened to 'Goosebumps for adults'.
The author's world is her dog, her husband, coffee, and her writing. Not always in that order. You won't find the usual tropes in D L Richardson's books. You will find unique stories, engaging characters, and thought-provoking situations.
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The books sound great.
Thanks for stopping by, Rita.
I've always been a big fan and student of literature of the apocalypse...during the Cold War there were tons of novels about the aftermath of a nuclear war, now we have different breeds of apocalypse reflecting our anxieties.
Yes I actually like post apocalyptic books and movies/shows. Always exciting and makes you think what if.
Hi Richard
You're right that we have so many different anxieties to draw on for apocalyptic fiction. Scary and exciting at the same time.
Thanks for dropping by
D L Richardson
Hi Cindy
I'm a huge fan of the 'what if' scenario in books and movies too.
Thanks for stopping by.
D L Richardson
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