
Albert Camus

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Every sacrifice has consequences - Fragile Reign (Mortal Enchantment #3) by Stacey O'Neale

Happy Release Day!


It’s been a week since all hell broke loose…

Rumors of King Taron’s weakened powers have left the air court vulnerable. Kalin is desperate to awaken her akasha powers, except she doesn’t know how. Tension within the court is at an all-time high. Pressure is mounting for her to ascend to the throne, but a halfling has never ruled over any court. To solidify her position, the council has advised her to marry Sebastian—a high ranking air elemental she’s never met and her betrothed. 

Will Kalin sacrifice her relationship with Rowan to strengthen her court?

Rowan and Marcus return to a fire court in turmoil. Liana’s death has fueled the fire elementals’ distrust against the air and woodland courts. The unbalanced elements have set off natural disasters all over the mortal world. Rowan takes the throne to restore balance, promising to unite the fire court. But not all elementals are happy with his leadership. Many are secretly loyal to Valac, which means Rowan needs to find allies for his cause.

Can Rowan unify the court of fire before the elements destroy the world?



After Marcus left, the lack of sleep and overuse of my power had finally caught up to me. My lids were heavy, making it hard to keep my eyes open. I laid down on the nearest bed, sinking into the softness of the vanilla scented pillows. I could rest here until tomorrow, and then meet Kalin on the beach at sundown. As I closed my eyes, I imagined her in that sexy sundress with the ocean breeze wafting through her red curls. My lips tingled remembering the raspberry taste of her kisses. With all this craziness going on, she was the one thing that made sense. The only person who could make me forget about everything for a little while.

Kalin was the one I wanted. The only one I needed. I shook my head. What was wrong with me? It was too soon to be thinking about this stuff, right? It had only been a few weeks. And what did I know about real feelings, anyway? Had it not been for Marcus, I would never even know what it felt like to care for someone. Love was never part of my life. My mother thought love was a weakness—a totally worthless emotion compared to power and control.

But that still didn’t explain how I was feeling. Why everything seemed better when Kalin was around. Why my fingers ached to touch her. Why her pain shattered me to the core. I put my hands over my face. Or, maybe the lack of sleep was making me delusional. With a smirk, I gave in to the darkness that was overwhelming me and fell asleep.

#5 Kalin

Being betrothed totally sucked. Having powers I couldn’t control sucked. Not being able to help my ailing father sucked. Pretty much everything about my life right now sucked on an epic level of suckage. I forced a smile as I stood beneath the stone archway next to the council members, pretending to be excited to meet Sebastian. The same way I pretended not to notice my decisions were being made for me. Like everything in my life wasn’t out of control and falling to pieces right in front of me.

The mountain wind caught hold of the bottom trim of my yellow full-length gown. I pushed it back down with my gloved hands. The council insisted that our first meeting was to be a formal affair, so I had to dress like I was going to a prom. Ariel, of course, tried to make the best of it. She thought a princess makeover might improve my mood. Unfortunately, all of her efforts— combined with the way-too-tight bodice on this gown—just added to my overall disdain.

After speaking with Dad, we decided it was best for him to keep Mom away from all of this. At the moment, I had to go along with the engagement. I was hoping I could gain my akasha powers and never have to tell her about this whole disaster. Although I understood Dad’s motives, I was still pissed that he never told me about the betrothal. There should have been a discussion between us. Lots and lots of them until he saw my side and then changed his mind. An overwhelming sense of despair lingered in the pit of my stomach. If I couldn’t ignite my akasha powers, would I really have to follow through with this and marry a stranger?

Book#1 is FREE for limited time
About the author:
Stacey O'Neale lives in Annapolis, Maryland. When she's not writing, she spends her time fangirling over books, blogging, watching fantasy television shows, cheering for the Baltimore Ravens, and hanging out with her husband and daughter.

Her career in publishing started as a blogger-turned-publicist for two successful small publishers. Stacey writes young adult paranormal romance and adult science fiction romance. Her books always include swoon-worthy heroes, snarky heroines, and lots of kissing.

Stacey loves hearing from readers. Follow her on Twitter, look for her on Facebook, Pinterest, and GoodReads. You can also visit her:


collenga said...

The Loch Ness Monster. I remember being a kid and always wanting to know the secret behind it. To this day, it intrigues me.

Unknown said...

Zombies :D <3 Thanks for the chance to win.

Spg Chlomo said...

Sounds interesting and I love vampires :)

Jen Barnard said...

My favourite paranornal creatures are shape shifters, because they are the ones I read about.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

Ally Swanson said...

My favorite paranormal creature would be vampires because I loved the Twilight series and the fact that they usually live for hundreds or even thousands of years.

johnthuku0 said...

I would have to say zombies. Lol. Thanks for hosting.

Rhianna said...

Vampires, they're just classically good.

Bube said...

Shifters,especially werewolf - strong,loyal :)

Unknown said...

I'd have to say vampires. They are strong, immortal, and compelling.

Diane Elizabeth said...

Witches and Wizards are my favorite. Magical beings have always fascinated me.

Anonymous said...

Werewolves. I'm not sure why. Maybe because they're the first paranormal creature I read about or maybe because I like animals and they're part animal. Thanks for the chance to win:)

justwin4once said...

I like witches, because of the power they have.

CCAM said...

hmm - vampire - immortal, powerful, untouchable, beautiful ; in the "original" folklore they are not only some beast, but have discernment..