
Albert Camus

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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Hot Autumn Nights Blog Hop Giveaway International

Click HERE see the list of blogs participating to this hop!

This hop is about autumn Nights and is geared toward the romance genre! 
So, you must answer to the this question: “What’s your idea of a hot autumn night?” 
(keep it PG13+)

sponsored by Caris Roane, H.D. Thomson, Bella Media Management
In addition to the giveaway at each blog, one comment from the tour will win at least a $80 gift card to Barnes & Noble.

is a romance book (any sub-genre) up to 17$

Good luck! 
MYTHICAL BOOKS' Giveaway is INTERNATIONAL as long as The Book Depository ships to you for free OR you want ebooks from Smashwords or Amazon 
The winner will be announced here, on Mythical Books
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

My hot autumn night would be gazing full moon and the stars at cottage terrace on the beach with my special someone. With mugs of marshmallow hot chocolate ;p

Bube said...
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Lynn K. said...

Lots of cool fruit juices and a book? :)

Bube said...

My hot autumn night would be sit in front of crackling fire and snuggling with my special one and drinking hot chocolate :)

love to read said...

Fire, hot chocolate and a good romance book, unless by next Autumn there is someone special in my life and in which case I'll switch the romance book for a live romance

jc said...

Hot coffee, PJs and my doggie.

Iriel said...

I don't know... A cup of hot chocolate and a nice book next to the fireplace. That's the hottest I'm gonna get anytime soon lol

Unknown said...

to be honest in my country there is no autumn, but if I could experience autumn, maybe that comes to my mind is I sat looking at the leaves that fall in the garden while enjoying the warm milk :)

Unknown said...

Nice cup of good coffee, a book while siting on the beach/forest/garden....

Unknown said...

a hot autumn night is usally near my birthday and would enjoy time at the beach or heated pool or just reading in peace


Celeste said...

My hot autumn night would be near a warm fire with a good book and good company

Unknown said...

Definitely a walk in the forest, during fool moon, chasing each other and having ome hot chocolate after we're too tired.
Lia Oxanne

bufnita pufoasa said...

A cup of tea, a book and some music.

Cherry said...

My favourites change from time to time... for now, my idea of a hot read on an autumn night is Anne Bishop's The Others series book! :)

miki said...

i would love it in a forest , near a firecuddled to my soulmate sharing stories and memories while drinking a glass of wine

Anonymous said...

A cup of hot broth and a good fire!! XD

Texas Book Lover said...

Any night in autumn is hot in Texas all you have to do is add in your sweetheart and it gets extra steamy!

andra lavander said...

fire, love, frindship, when your heart beats fast everything is hot and beautiful even in a autumn night

Aik said...

A romantic dinner with my boyfriend.

Krista said...

Reading a steamy book. Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

A warm cup of tea and my heater blasting.

Ashley E said...

A mug of cider and a hot romance novel. ;)

Unknown said...

Drinking tea in front of a fire and reading a hot book :)))))

Alina P said...

A hot bath with a great book :)

Unknown said...

A cold night, a hot guy & an exceptional bottle of scotch!

Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway.Happy Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

Standing under the rain

Anonymous said...

Some hot chocolate and a good book

jessie2247 said...

My idea of a hot autumn night is cuddling up with my boyfriend while watching a movie

Ann said...

Fire, hot chocolate and a good romance book

Unknown said...

My idea of a hot autumn night is cuddling with my husband. Thanks for the giveaway! Rafflecopter name: April B.

aprilnu2003 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said...

Sitting under the stars with my hubby, a blanket and a hot cup of cocoa.

Michelle said...

My hot autumn night would be cuddling with that special someone underneath the blankets in front of a fire place or fire pit.
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Dovile said...

Cosying up in front of a fire is definitely one of my ideas for a hot autumn night:)

spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

Jenne said...

My hot autumn night is lighting candles and reading a hot book!

Angela Rose said...

Hot autumn night would involve my hubby, an early blizzard and a log cabin in the woods! Definitely, snuggling under the covers with the sounds of a crackling fire in the background :)

Irene Jackson said...

A comfy chair , warm fluffy blanket , hot chocolate and a hot book!

Perava said...

Hot chocolate and a hot book!

Unknown said...

A nice, hot autumn night includes hot chocolate, a snuggly blanket, and a really good book. I'm going for calm - not wild. michelle_willms at yahoo dot com

magic5905 said...

It doesn't get very cold here in Florida, so nothing special. I love watching my favorite tv show and reading.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

mareb said...

A warm bath, a mug of hot cocoa, and then a good book or movie in bed.

Anita H. said...

A hot cup of tea, wrapped in my warm blanket and reading a good book.

Ada said...

A fabulous book with a mug of hot chocolate (whipped cream and marshmallows too!) are my perfect hot autumn night.

Wendy said...

My idea of a hot autumn night would be a bonfire on the beach under a full moon with the waves crashing against our feet. A blanket with some music. Maybe a couple of glasses of wine and some dancing. Laughter and great conversation. That would be my idea of a great hot autumn night.

Unknown said...

In my bed with a cup of tea, a good book and my cat next to me.

Stormy Vixen said...

Snuggled up with a good book. Thanks for sharing the hop and your giveaway. Wishing everyone a wonderful and magical holiday season! evamillien at gmail dot com

Tallulah A. Scribbles said...

A cup of hot tea and a good book!

Unknown said...

Hot cocoa (maybe spiked) and either my sweetie or a good book - or both!
ghwasd at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

A hot autumn night will definitely include snuggling in bed.

caroaz [at] ymail [dot] com

Lauren B said...

Snuggled up with a good book :0)

Unknown said...

Snuggled up in a comfy chair with a good book and a hot cocoa (maybe a cookie too) :)

Anonymous said...

A cup of tea, a book and some music. :)

Unknown said...

Cuddling up with my Fiance', sipping on a coffee and Kahlua, and whispering spicy thoughts into his ear.

kbinmich AT yahoo DOT com

Spav said...

Reading a book in my comfy chair with the heater nearby.


Shadow said...

Hi! I love autumn. My favorite thing to do is curl up with a good book, drink some yummy hot coco with whip cream. So good and very relaxing! Thank you all for the fantastic hop! Its a blast! Im having a great time! Thank you! Happy holidays!

Juana said...

My perfect hot Autumn night is reading a good paranormal book in bed.

jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Standing under the rain.RIU Discounts