Published: November 10th, 2013
Abbii can’t remember a time when Shadows weren’t chasing her.
Everywhere she goes they are there, hunting her down.
Since discovering the magical powers in her grasp, she has fought against members of the Forgotten- those pulled into Darkness willingly- and her friends have fallen into danger. Innocent people have lost their lives and the Shadows have spread. Abbii’s friends have fought to remain by her side, but something inside of her has changed.
She is filled with regret and pain of losing her best friend Jake, though she keeps it hidden well- not even Nate can see the damage. Her lack of emotion pushes him to leave and he is thrown into his own spiralling destiny.
Abbii has a choice- to stay by her friends’ sides and fight to protect their home, or leave the realm she knows and search for those that she has lost. Her heart is broken but her friends cannot help her. She has to choose between searching for Jake in the Dark, or whether to return to Nate’s side and keep the Light burning brightly.
The question is, will Light be able to save her from the Darkness within?
Associated songs or soundtracks
I used to be able to write listening to whatever music took my fancy that day, but recently I find it hard even to have orchestral music playing in the background. I think it’s due to the fact that my story has grown so complex and deep, I have to have to my full concentration; plus I’m only a good 50 pages away from completing this series- it’s almost as if my brain is struggling to comprehend how close the ending is!
Most of the fight scenes were written whilst I was listening to fast tempo-ed songs, such as Nickelback and 30 Seconds to Mars, whereas the slow emotive scenes were usually written whilst love songs or slow melodies were playing. I love Enya’s song ‘Now We Are Free’ which features on the film ‘Gladiator’.
I also love listening to the songs of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and games such as ‘Final Fantasy’ (there’s a gamer in me ;)) Everyone has the perfect idea of what soundtrack they’d like for each of their books- I guess I’m no different. A few fast paced tracks, several slow melodies, and a mixture of acoustic songs would be perfect for any of my books, especially The Star and its sequels.
For my first set of books The Sacred Prophecies, , I felt very close to one of my characters. I wanted to make a theme tune just for her. She travels through such hard times and has to make difficult decisions- I feel as if she deserves her own. One day, I will team up with a song artist and design the perfect tune for her. It needs to be slow and steady, but with an added beat every so often. After all, she has a light in her that will never go out!

Abbii had been afraid of the dark for four long years. She hated the eerie silence that filled the night.
She would often try to forget by closing her eyes at night, but she would always be met by dreams of Shadows that would attack her, dragging her into the Darkness. Most nights, she would simply lie there with her bedding wrapped tightly around her, hoping that she would drift off into a dreamless sleep.
Ever since that day four years ago, the dark had frightened her; she had thought it would be a curse throughout the whole of her life, but something changed when she met him.
The dark seemed to lose its power and the moon’s light brightened.
Her dreams didn’t stop; nightmares still stole her sleep, but there was always a figure of Light that would save her and allow her to wake.
He said the same thing every night in her dreams. Keep fighting, Abbii.
She thought that he was part of her imagination, someone that she had created to save herself, until she met him and was drawn into his bright hazel eyes.
His name was Nate.
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About the author:
Clemy was born in the UK in 1991 where she still lives, growing up alongside one younger and three older brothers.
Books and writing was an interest that she began to develop from the first years of secondary school, and on her thirteenth birthday, she began to plan and design the idea to write a fantasy novel. She finished secondary school with high GCSE's and then went on into further education to study English and all aspects of art and design. After six years of writing, planning and overall editing of the book, it was successfully completed, containing over 82,000 words, and self published in the first week of 2011.
With high expectations in herself, she immediately began to write a second novel in the series, while keeping her art and design a part of the process. The achievement of completing the first novel 'Purest Light,' allowed the ideas of the second to flow much easier and it was completed by early 2012. As she was writing the third and final book, New Beginnings, at the same time, the series was finished by its publication in 2013.
Writing is now a part of her everyday and she has now started her newest project, The Mirage, which is book two of three.
This book seems amazing :)
Sounds good. And the subject it's ok.
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