Betrayal explores the possibility of what people might do if they discovered a bestseller written by a relative/friend is based on their life.
Two books in one (Kinda Sorta). Something Different. Essays from Dysfunctional Families is a fictional book which contains essays from ten different American residents.
The book is written by fictional writer Dean K Brent. The book Literary Betrayal is a fiction written by Casey Bell, which tells the story of the aftermath of Dean writing the book Essays.
Betrayal explores the possibility of what people might do if they discovered a bestseller written by a relative/friend is based on their life.
Allison K.
Village of Shorewood, Wisconsin
When I was seven years old, I was adopted by a gay couple. I really didn’t understand the concept, but a part of me was happy to be living in a home and not at an adoption agency. They were really nice to me and treated me very well. I never wanted for anything. I guess you can say I was spoiled. However, there was always a part of me that wondered where my real parents were. I would ask on occasions, but neither one of my dads would answer me. After being ignored I began to become that loud wheel. You know the one that gets the most attention. I would ask about my parents more frequently and would ask if we could go to the adoption agency and figure out where they are. Finally, after much reservation my dads finally caved in and took me to the agency. To my surprise my parents lived not so far from me, but signed papers stating they didn’t want to see me; that hurt. However, through much research I found both my grandparents and without my dads’ knowledge sought them out. Both sets of my grandparents were happy to meet me. It was by them that I found out the truth about my parents. It was truth that I did not want to know. Both my parents did not want a child at the time…the condom broke. I never in my life felt so unwanted and angry.
the book will be $0.99.
Proud Uncle Casey Bell has authored two Young Adult books, three General Fiction, three Non-Fiction, two Short-Stories, one Horror, one book of Poetries, five Children books, one book of collection of Art, and has produced four Word Search books. Twenty-two books in total, but has no intentions of slowing down. He enjoys sharing stories, ideas, and art that cause people to think beyond the box. Not only a writer, but also a playwright, graphic designer, fine artist, and fashion designer.
Author's Giveaway
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Hello, My name is Casey Bell, Author of, "Essays From Dysfunctional Families: Literary Betrayal." First, I'd like to thank Goddess Fish for setting up this book tour. Secondly, thank you to Mystical Books for hosting. To the followers and readers of this blog thank you for viewing this page. If you should have any questions, please add it in the comment section and I will answer them. For more information about me and this book you can visit: authorcaseybell.com. Thank you all once again. Have an awesome 2020
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