Melissa Klein
When tragedy upends her life, Mia Jones must fight to regain her lost memories and win the man she loves.

Published: July 5th, 2017
When tragedy upends her life, Mia Jones must fight to regain her lost memories and win the man she loves.
After a brutal attack leaves Mia Jones with a traumatic brain injury, she learns the key to discovering her attacker’s identity lies within her damaged brain. As she battles to recover from her injuries, she finds it’s not her fiancé by her side but her foster brother, Hank.
When navy pilot, Hank Taggart ditches his plane in the sea, he thinks the worst has happened—until he returns home to learn Mia, the closest thing he’s ever had to family, is in ICU. While struggling to accept the end of a career that defines him and battling his own medical diagnosis, he must also suppress his newfound feelings for Mia.
With Hank rejecting her love at every turn and the bad guys upping the stakes, Mia wonders which fate is worse: falling into the hands of her enemy or losing the man she loves.
Out of Uniform not Out of Trouble
While many authors of military fiction place their heroes in physical danger, I explore what the armed services refer to as, “reentry issues.” The characters in my books suffer from the same repercussions to war as the men and women I know.
For instances, B.S. from Her Hometown Hero, comes home to Georgia believing he’s anything but a hero. Even as a double amputee, all he wants is to return to active duty. Unfortunately, PTSD plunges him into battle at times he’d rather not face that fateful day.

Next in Out of Sight, Hank Taggart misses a trap and ditches his Super Hornet in the drink. At the time, he thinks the worst has happened—that is until he returns to North Carolina and discovers the woman he considers family has suffered a traumatic brain injury. As he fights to keep Mia from learning the reason for the end of his naval career, he also has to suppress his new found attraction to her. Throw in an attacker who’s determined to finish what he started, and Hank faces trouble on every page.
Finally, Sebastian “Bash” Baron takes on Hollywood in Out of Time. On the surface, it seems he’s made the most successful transition to civilian life having his military thriller novels turned into movies. However, he learns the hard way the paparazzi can be just as dangerous as insurgents over the no-fly zone.
Though the characters in my books have stored their ACUs and dress uniforms at the back of the closet, their lives are forever altered by their experiences in their branch of the armed services. Whether they’re flying commercial jets, teaching at a military college, or writing a script for the next blockbuster movie, they may be out of uniform, but they’re not out of danger.
Mia wrinkled up her nose. “Hate. That. Word. Rehab. Sound. Like. Detox.” She fiddled with her hospital bracelet. “Discharge. A couple weeks.”
Don’t go. It could be hours before Tripp and his family visited. The thoughts of returning to an empty room made Mia consider begging Hank to stay. More than easing her loneliness, his presence centered her. She couldn’t get enough of his reluctant smiles or quick wit. Even before the attack, his infrequent visits outshone Christmas and her birthday.
Mia woke as Hank lifted her from the sofa. “I can walk,” she muttered, more asleep than awake. “I know you can, angel.” Humor colored the deep timbre of his voice. Mia nestled into his embrace, letting him carry her to bed. She’d pick something less enjoyable to assert her independence over. “Sleep tight.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead.
Once his unconscious mind had control of the yolk, all G-rated plans were quickly shoved in the corner for Hank’s better half to ponder later. For now, his less heroic side had control.
Available now for $4.99 only. Grab your copy today.
About the author:
Melissa Klein writes contemporary romance about everyday heroes fighting extraordinary battles. Whether facing the demands of caring for a child with special needs or the struggles of a soldier returning home, her characters take on the challenges life throws at them with perseverance, courage, and humor. Melissa won Georgia Romance Writers Unpublished Maggie award in 2013 and Rose City Romance Writers Golden Rose award in 2012. She lives in Atlanta with her family.
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