Published: February 22nd, 2016
Ash Hunter knows what it is to run. A SEAL gravely injured in Afghanistan, he’s gone AWOL from the military hospital. Physically and mentally scarred, he returns home to his grandmother’s isolated cottage—and finds a beautiful, haunted stranger inside.
Lia Stewart’s in hiding from the cartel she barely escaped alive, holed up in this small Rocky Mountain town. Surviving, but only just. Helping the wounded warrior on her doorstep is the right thing to do…it’s loving him that might get them both killed.
Soon, Ash realizes he’s not the only one tormented by the past. Pushing the limits of his broken body, testing the boundaries of her shattered soul, he’ll protect Lia until his last breath.
Why Wounded Warriors Make Awesome Romance Heroes
I’m a sucker for the strong, silent type, for heroes who are skilled, brainy, brave and strong in addition to sexy and dreamy. I also like heroes whose strengths are balanced by real vulnerabilities and whose characters were forged in the heat of life’s most pitched battles. I like the contrast between heroes who fight not just against their enemies, but also against their demons, heroes who rise above their weaknesses and defy their greatest fears for the sake of a higher cause, such as loyalty, friendship and especially, sweet, sexy, passionate love.
You might think that heroes like that don’t exist in real life. But I know better. I’ve lived among them. During my years as a Navy wife, I met these heroes, men and women who inspired the stories I tell. They were my neighbors, friends and peers. It’s no wonder that as a debut romance author, I’ve devoted an entire series featuring strong, self-reliant heroines struggling to find their place in the world and the brave, sexy, kickass military heroes who challenge their limits to protect the women they love.
The first novel of my Wounded Warrior series, The Asset, introduces two heroes just like that. The Asset is the story of Lia Stuart, a brave woman desperate to escape the powerful drug lord who has terrorized her past and Ash Hunter, a Navy SEAL recovering from his wounds, a skilled warrior willing to lay down his life to protect the only woman in the world capable of healing his heart. Together, Lia and Ash have to defeat the evil that threatens to destroy their lives as they struggle to heal, not only Ash’s broken body but Lia’s shattered soul.
The beauty of The Asset and, indeed, of all of the novels of the Wounded Warrior series, is that they’re stories about hope, resilience, redemption, and above all, about love’s extraordinary healing power. They mirror the journeys of our country’s greatest heroes, the wounded warriors who have given so much to protect us and who teach us every day the true meaning of courage, determination, honor and love. Every day, I thank them for their service.
So why do I think that wounded warriors make awesome romance heroes?
Because wounded warriors are:
1. Strong, forged in life’s greatest battles.
2. Skilled, brainy and accomplished by training, occupation and choice.
3. Compassionate. They’ve felt pain, loneliness and regret. They understand suffering and that makes them sensitive to others’ pain.
4. Loyal and brave: They’ve put their lives on the line to protect their country and their loved ones.
5. Resilient and focused. They fight hard to get better and in my stories, they do.
6. Loving, passionate and sexy. They’ve stared death in the face. They’re willing to seize life by the throat. This time around, they’re going to give love their all.
Now let me ask you: Why do you think wounded warriors make awesome romance heroes?
Chapter One
My finger
twitched on the trigger as I stared down the barrel of my shotgun. A stranger
stood on my stoop. The mere sight of him shoved my heart into my throat and
sent my brain into default. I widened my stance, tightened my grip on the gun
and aimed at the stranger’s chest. No way. He wasn’t going to take me alive.
A sharp bark
startled me. The largest, darkest, most handsome German shepherd I’d ever seen
stood next to the stranger, head tilted, ears forward, nose quivering in the
air. It uttered a quiet whimper and padded over to me without a trace of
aggression, circling me once before it leaned against my legs.
I kept my
shotgun leveled, but I spared another glance at the stunning dog. The plea in
his eyes tempered the adrenaline jolting through my body, reined in my runaway
heart and gave me pause to consider the stranger before me.
Framed by the
Rocky Mountains and the lake, the man at the threshold blocked the morning’s
gray light and cast a huge shadow over my little porch. Raindrops tapped on his
leather jacket, dripped from the rim of his cap and ran like tears down the
sides of his face. Despite the exhaustion etched on his features, his glacial
blue eyes narrowed on my gun.
“That’s a pretty
old Remington,” he rumbled. “With the damn safety off, no less. Who the hell
are you expecting, Jack the Ripper?”
“Stay back.” I
forced the words out. “I’ll shoot if you come any closer.”
“Damn it, girl,”
he said. “If you want us to leave, just say so.”
The scowl on his
face contributed to his dangerous appearance. So did the scruffy beard and the
shaggy hair sticking out from under his baseball cap. If he hadn’t come all the
way out here to get to me—and that was still a big “if”—what on earth was he
doing here?
I couldn’t see
any weapons on him. Was he a drifter? He didn’t look dirty, but a metallic
scent wafted from him, an odd, ripe trace I couldn’t place.
He must have
seen my nose wrinkle. His whole body stiffened. He drew taller than six feet by
several inches, but it was the outrage I spotted in his eyes that reinforced my
“Aren’t you a
spitfire?” He pulled out a rumpled piece of paper from his pocket, balled it
and dropped it at my feet. “Secluded, cheap and quiet, that’s what the ad said.
But I don’t think you want to rent out a room, at least not to me. Come on,
Neil,” he said to the dog. “Let’s leave this little hellcat to count her
bullets.” He touched the rim of his baseball cap. “And a good day to you,
He braced on a
pair of sturdy crutches and hopped down from the stoop. Crutches? I should’ve
noticed those before. The sable shepherd looked up at me, then nuzzled my hip
and trotted off after his owner. The rubber bottoms of the man’s crutches
stabbed the ground as he shuffled to the black truck parked in my driveway, a
supercharged Ram 3500 that matched its owner’s brawn.
I exhaled the
breath I’d been holding. Bad guys didn’t knock at your door. They didn’t back
down, attack while on crutches or hobble away after they came for you. They
didn’t call you ma’am, either. I picked up the crumpled paper and flattened it
against the stair’s wobbly baluster. It was indeed the one flyer I’d dared to
post at Kailyn’s convenience store, printed on pink paper, complete with the
ten tear-off rectangles that listed my cell phone number.
The ad. My brain
came on line. He was here about the ad?
Crap. Terror had
a sure way of wiping reason from my mind. The ad talked about a stone cottage
but didn’t include the address. True, mine was the only stone cottage around.
Still, my stomach churned.
I stared at the
paper in my hands. He’d taken down the ad. Now I had exactly zero chance to
rent out the room, which also meant that, since I’d have no money to make the
rent, I was going to lose my little stone cottage. I was going to be homeless
and I’d have to move on. Again.
But I liked it
here. The place suited me well. People in this secluded valley were nice and
I’d managed to build a semblance of a life hidden out here. And what about my
little friends out back? Who’d take care of them if I wasn’t around?
The pound,
that’s who.
I took a deep
breath and looked down on my flannel pajama pants and my extra-large sweater.
With my hair up in a messy tail, I was pretty sure I looked like a gun-toting,
gray-eyed witch, brimming with hostility. I’d just scared away my first and
only customer.
A top-notch
German shepherd like that couldn’t belong to a crook. It was obvious that the
owner took excellent care of his dog. If that wasn’t enough, the man got around
on crutches. He couldn’t hurt me and, if he tried, I wouldn’t need a shotgun to
defend myself. I’d just have to trip him.
God, the things
I thought about. Was I going to live in fear forever?
Yes, I would,
but living in fear was better than not living at all.
I considered the
paper in my hand. My rent was due next week.
“Wait!” I jammed
my feet into my weathered rubber boots, gripped the gun in one hand and the
umbrella in the other, and rushed out into the rain. I caught up with him as he
slammed the door of his truck shut.
“Hey!” I waved
the flyer in the air. “I didn’t know that you came for this.” I tapped on the
window. “Could you please, like, talk to me…please?”
He rolled his
eyes, but the window whirled down. “What now? You want to sue me for stinking
up your stoop?”
“Oh, no.” I
blushed all the way down to my toes. “I just wanted to say—I’m sorry.
I’m…um…skittish, you know? Living out here in the boonies all by myself…”
“I get it.” The
man’s glare didn’t waver. “Lots of folks don’t like dogs. Or vets. Sorry I
scared you.”
“You didn’t
scare me,” I lied. “I love dogs. I was just…being careful, that’s all.”
“Careful?” His
mouth twisted into that terrible scowl. “Is that why you’re still toting that
thing around, cocked and loaded no less?”
My eyes shifted
to the shotgun, still clutched in my hand, and then back to the stranger
glaring at me. “Oh.”
“That’s what I
thought.” He turned the key on the ignition.
On impulse, I
stuck my hand through the window and placed it over his on the wheel. He
flinched. I cringed. He was hot, and I mean scalding hot, to my touch. The look
he fired in my direction burned just as bad.
“I…I…” I
swallowed the lump in my throat. “I think you should come back inside.”
“No way,” he
said. “I hate the wrong end of the barrel.”
“It didn’t
register,” I said. “I didn’t realize that you were a vet.”
He growled like
a cranky bear. “I don’t want your damn pity.”
It was a good
thing I recognized pride, fury and defiance when I saw it. Otherwise, I might
have forgotten the whole thing and fled back to the cottage with my tail
between my legs. Instead, I steeled my nerves and stuck out my chin.
“I’m not
offering you any pity,” I said. “But I do need to rent out a room. So let’s
start over. Okay? I’m Lia.”
“Lia?” He lifted
his cap and scratched his head. His eyebrows drew close together in a frown
that deepened the two little vertical lines above his nose. “Have we met
“Not in this
He let out an
exasperated sigh. “I don’t think I’m the kind of tenant you were looking for.”
“You might be
right about that,” I said. “You’re grouchy and we didn’t exactly get off to a
good start. But right now, I’m offering you a cup of coffee. So follow me. If
your references check, if you’re not a serial killer or wanted by the FBI, then
we’ll talk.”
The dog barked
and, stepping over his owner, stuck his huge muzzle out the window and licked
my face.
“Come on, boy.”
I opened the door. The German shepherd bounced out of the truck, running around
me in an explosion of energy. I petted him as he loped beside me on the way to
the cottage.
“Neil!” the man
shouted. “You traitor. Come back right this minute!”
Neil sat on his
hind legs halfway between the house and the truck and woofed.
“See?” I said.
“Even your dog wants you to come in.”
The man slapped
the wheel and cursed some more. Oh, Lord. He was stubborn. All that anger
stiffened my shoulders and churned up my belly. Did I really want a bundle of
rage as a tenant?
But Neil wasn’t
moving either. This was a war of wills if I’d ever seen one. The umbrella
sprang a leak so I got out of the rain, set it on the porch to dry and wiped my
feet on the mat. I brought the shotgun into the kitchen and settled it on the
counter for easy access. Better safe than sorry. I prayed that my instincts
were right on this one.
The German
shepherd trotted into the foyer, ears forward, mouth agape and long tongue
lolling. He pawed at me, licked my hand and yapped in a way that sounded a lot
like commiseration.
“That’s a surly
owner you’ve got there.” I scratched him behind the ears. “He’s lucky to have
you, yes, he is. I would have shot him without batting an eyelash, but you? No
way. You’re too gorgeous.”
I went into the
kitchen, grabbed an old towel and laid it on the floor next to the stove. Neil
shook his coat and settled on the towel. I set up the coffeepot as the man
shuffled with his crutches into the foyer and hesitated at the threshold. I
kept my face blank but my senses on alert.
“You look
goddamn comfortable,” he said to the dog, before his gaze zeroed in on me
again. “He’s never done this before. Go with a stranger? Never.”
“Don’t take it
personally.” I set out a pair of mugs. “Animals like me. I like them too.
They’re better than people any day.”
“Amen to that,”
he muttered, his glare leaving no doubt that I belonged in his despicable human
race category.
“Take a seat.” I
gestured toward the kitchen table and placed the clipboard at one end. “Fill
that out. Coffee will be ready in a moment.”
He set his jaw
at a stubborn angle. Yikes. The guy was nothing if not ornery. Neil got up and
pressed his body against his owner’s legs. Bluster aside, the man couldn’t
resist the plea in the dog’s eyes. He scratched Neil’s head with unmistakable
affection. I took that as a good sign, but even as I went about the kitchen, I
kept my eye on the man and the shotgun within reach.
“You’re a pain
in the ass, Neil,” the guy said as he took off his leather coat and hung it on
the rack. “You’re trained a lot better than that. We’ll give this a try, but
I’m telling you, this isn’t going to end well. That gun-toting madwoman is not
right in the head.”
“I heard that.”
I poured some cream into a dish and stuck it in the microwave, “I’m not right
in the head? What about you, Mr. Sourpuss who talks to dogs?”
“Neil isn’t just
any dog.” He set the crutches against the wall and winced as he lowered himself
into the chair. “He’s got brains. He deserves to be talked to. As to the rest,
I’m not the one going about in my pajamas aiming loaded shotguns at people.”
“Sorry,” I said,
duly contrite. “I’ve only been up for a bit. I’m a waitress, so I work late.
But a girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do—”
“Jesus Christ.”
He stared at the clipboard with open alarm. “How many applicants were you
expecting? You do know that the nearest town is Copperhill, population two
thousand? You’ve got like ten applications here and each one is five pages
“Maybe it was
wishful thinking on my part, but I’m like the Boy Scouts, always prepared.”
“I can see
that.” He glanced at the shotgun before returning his attention to the
Hackles down,
girl. I forced myself to breathe. He was only making a point. Still, the
permanent knot of fear that churned at the center of my being tightened, an
irrational impulse I couldn’t always control. It may have won out, if the
ancient microwave hadn’t begun to clatter and rattle like my discombobulated,
panic-prone brain.
“Come on.” I
pounded on the thing. “Please, don’t break down now.”
“Wow.” The man
shook his head. “You also talk to microwaves.”
“If it makes any
difference, I only beat naughty appliances that want to quit on me.” I pounded
some more until the microwave rattled back to life. “Yay.” I kissed the old
He rolled his
eyes, leaving no doubt that he considered me foolish, eccentric, or both. I
watched him from the corner of my eye as I finished fixing the coffee. He
pulled out his driver’s license and began to write down his information with a
shaky hand. After only a few pen strokes, he stopped midline and dug his fist
into his thigh.
The lines on his
face set with grim determination. He grumbled something under his breath and
jotted down a few more lines. I poured a cup of coffee and parked it in front
of him. He squinted, clutching the pen with a white-knuckled grip.
“Are you okay?”
I said.
“Fine,” he
“Are you sure?”
I said. “You don’t look fine to me.”
The pen snapped
between his fingers.
“Christ.” He
stared at the pieces in his hand. “This was a stupid idea.” He pushed away from
the table. “I…I need to go.”
He faltered as
he tried to get up. I moved quickly. I tucked my shoulder beneath his arm to
steady him, but he was heavy and I stumbled under his weight.
“Easy, now.” I
helped him to sit down again. Ooof. All that heat coming from his body. It enveloped
me like a wave of steam. Neil whimpered. The man tried to stand up again, but
he couldn’t.
“Give me a sec.”
He slumped on the chair. “I’ll go in a moment.”
This man was
sick and in a lot of pain, pain he concealed behind a mask of rage and gruff. He
sat there, shivering like a penguin stranded on an iceberg, swaying dangerously
in the chair. Who was he and why was he so ill?
I picked up the
clipboard and read through the application. He’d only gotten far enough to fill
out the top part, but the shaky script spelled a familiar name. I straightened.
Holy cow. Could it be? I scanned the driver’s license on the table for
“Ash?” I studied
the man sweating all over my kitchen table. “Are you really Ashton Hunter?”
I’d never met
Ashton Hunter, but I’d heard an awful lot about the town’s very own golden boy.
I would have never recognized him from the pictures, but looking closely,
seeing beyond the nearly healed scar that split his left eyebrow and all that
facial hair…yes…I supposed it could be him. Wynona Hunter’s grandson in the
flesh, right there before me, sick as a dog and, judging by his terrible
pallor, about to throw up.
I got the pail
just in time.
He vomited—such
a violent explosion. I almost threw up myself. I did okay with animals, but
people? I wasn’t so sure.
Man up, girl,
this is Wynona Hunter’s grandson getting sick in your kitchen.
Wynona was the
reason I had the cottage in the first place, the one person who’d gone all out
for me and possibly the only reason why I’d survived on the lam this long. She
was also the closest thing to a grandma—or a friend—I’d ever had.
Losing her had
torn me to pieces. Her death had deprived me the opportunity to return her
incomparable kindnesses. Which was why now, holding on to her beloved Ash as he
puked out his liver, the universe was giving me a second chance to pay her back
for everything she’d done for me.
To think I’d
confused Ashton Hunter for a drifter. Well, at least he was a local, which
explained how he knew where to find my cottage. What was he doing here? Why was
he looking to rent a room from a stranger so far away from town? And why was he
“Christ,” he
mumbled. “This is embarrassing.”
“Don’t worry
about it.” I got a paper towel and wiped his mouth. “Are you really Wynona’s
“I am.” He
shuddered like a wet dog. “Ash.”
“What’s wrong
with you?”
“I’m fine,” he
said before he heaved again.
“Hold on.” I
groped for my cell. “I’ll call the ambulance. It’ll take a little time to get
out here, but they’ll come.”
“No ambulance.”
He snatched my hand and tightened his fingers around my wrist.
I jumped back,
but I couldn’t shake his hold. God, he was strong. Even as he shuddered with
fever, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t free my arm.
“Let go.”
I choked on a
wave of panic fueled by the perverse memories that ruled my subconscious. My
heart rate sped into triple digits. My fight response kicked in and I threw my
best punch. With the reflexes of a baseball player, he caught my fist in his
other hand.
“Stop it,” I
said. “Let me go!”
His stare was
cold, unfocused and remote, his face blank. He snarled some harsh words I
couldn’t understand. Nothing that I said registered in his expression, that is,
until Neil barked, a set of sharp, loud yaps.
Neil’s barks
returned Ash to his senses. As if waking up from a dream, his eyes focused
first on the dog, then on his hands, gripping my wrists, and finally on my
face, surely frozen in a grimace of terror.
“Christ.” He
released his hold on me. “Did I hurt you? Jesus, I’m sorry.”
I thrust myself
away from him, against the wall. My knees shook like babies’ rattles. My wrists
throbbed with the memory of his grip. Steady. Breathe. Cope. I rubbed my wrists
and stared at the man before me, trying to squelch the dread churning in my
belly. He was really sick, I reminded myself. He couldn’t harm me, not if he
was truly Wynona’s grandson, the boy she’d raised, the man she adored.
“I didn’t mean
to lose my cool.” He braced his hands on the table and tried to get up but his
legs wouldn’t hold him, so he sat down again. “I’m not like that, I swear. I
just need my meds.”
It took all I
had to rally my wits and reclaim my courage—that, and the tremendous pain I
spotted in Ash’s eyes, plus the memory of Wynona Hunter opening her world to
“This medicine
of yours,” I said, cautiously. “Where is it? Is it in the truck?”
“Duffel bag,” he
muttered. “Front seat.”
“Sit tight,” I
said. “I’ll be right back.”
“Don’t call the
ambulance. Don’t call anybody. I’m not ready, not like this.”
“Okay,” I
mumbled, but I wasn’t sure.
Part of me
understood what he meant. Wynona had told me that he was super smart, an
extraordinary athlete and an officer in the United States Marine Corps. His
family had been prominent in the area for several generations. I sensed he didn’t
want to be seen weakened and sick by the folks who’d watched him grow up.
Still, the other part of me worried.
My best guess
was that Ash had been wounded while serving in the military. It made sense.
Other than a curt statement from his unit’s commanding officer notifying us
that he’d been “out of reach and on assignment” at the time of Wynona’s death
four months ago, no one had heard a word from him.
I’d resented him
for missing the funeral. Ash had been Wynona’s last living relative. She’d
raised him. He’d been the center of her existence. He should have been there.
Instead, he was here, now, four months late, in my house, sick and refusing to
go to the hospital where he obviously belonged.
What would
Wynona do if she was in my shoes?
I put on my coat,
slipped on my boots and ran out to the truck. I grabbed the blue bag sporting
the Marine Corps seal from the front seat. Neil waited by his owner when I came
back, resting his chin on Ash’s lap. Ash sat slumped over the table, forehead
leaning on his crossed arms.
I plopped the
bag down on the table and rushed to unzip it. My jaw dropped. A jumble of
prescription medicines filled the duffel. There must have been twenty different
bottles of pills, liquids and injectables in there, all labeled and marked with
I forced myself
to get over the shock. “Which one do you need?”
He lifted his
head painfully and groped through the bag, squinting at a bottle. “No, not this
one. It liquefies my gut.” He chucked it aside and picked up another bottle. “This
one makes me drowsy. This one makes me stupid. This one, I think.”
I twisted off
the cap and handed him the two pills indicated on the label.
He washed down
the pills with a gulp of coffee and then picked out a pack containing a loaded
syringe. “I’m supposed to have this one too. At least that’s what I think they
He fumbled with
his belt. For a sick guy, he moved swiftly. Leaning to one side and then the
other, he dropped his pants, ripped the syringe out of the sterile pack and
without so much as a word, stabbed it into his thigh and pushed down on the
A hiss escaped
between his clenched teeth. “Motherfucker burns.”
I stared in
horror as the veins in his neck bulged. My eyes shifted between the wicked
syringe, dispensing its load of liquid fire, his muscular thighs, thick as tree
trunks, and the bandage wrapped around his left calf. The ripe smell I’d
detected earlier came from that bandage. Mother of God. I was no doctor, but
Wynona’s grandson was clearly sick with a full-fledged infection.
He dropped the
empty syringe in the bag and pushed himself to his feet. “Let’s go, Neil.”
“You can’t
“Why not?” He
wavered on his feet but managed to pull up his pants and buckle his belt.
“You can’t drive
like this.”
“Sure I can,” he
said. “And I did.”
He slung the bag
over his shoulder, gripped his crutches and, with Neil at his heels, shuffled
to the coat stand. How long had he been running around like this?
“But…” I didn’t
know what to say. “What about the room?”
He grabbed his
jacket and sneered. “You don’t want to rent me a room any more than you want me
to puke all over your damn kitchen again.”
“Well…” I
gulped. “I’d prefer it if you kept your breakfast to yourself, but…um…you did
say you were looking for peace and quiet. So if you want the room, you can have
His blue eyes
lasered through my brain, his gaze dulled with pain but alert all the same.
This guy wouldn’t accept help from me, from anybody. He would get in that
truck, pass out from the fever and kill himself—and his dog—in the process.
He more or less
growled. “Why the hell would you want to rent me a room when that upturned nose
of yours finds my stink so offensive?”
I fingered my
nose, a little self-conscious. “I knew your grandmother. Wynona.”
“You knew her?”
He frowned, a familiar gesture now. “How?”
helped me when I first arrived in Copperhill.” I measured my words carefully.
“She took me under her wing, found me this place to live and helped me get a
job. She was the kindest, most loving person I’ve ever met.”
He closed his
eyes and leaned his head against the wall. “That she was.”
I had a moment
of hope that he would reason with me, but then the grim expression reclaimed
his face and he clutched the crutches with new resolve.
“Nona is dead.”
His eyes darkened to indigo. “I don’t need help from you or from anyone else.
Neil and I, we can take care of ourselves. So get the hell out of my way.”
I had to make a
conscious effort to overcome my fears and differentiate violence from
desperation, pain from danger. Helping Ash was a bad idea, but could I really
let him leave in this condition, knowing that he had no place to go to and no
family to take care of him?
“Your grandma
and I were good friends,” I said, against my best judgment. “She told me lots
of stories about you. And she gave me this.”
I pulled out the
chain buried beneath my sweater and showed him the pendant I wore around my
neck. I flinched when he reached out, but I got hold of my fear before he
noticed. His square-tipped fingers closed over the pendant, a highly polished
obsidian crystal mounted on a silver frame. His eyes narrowed on the stylized
frog skeleton carved in the center of the stone. It had the look of an ancient
fossil, but it was actually one of Wynona’s edgiest designs.
“Damn.” His
broken eyebrow rose in surprise. “She gave this to you?”
I nodded, all
too aware of his proximity as he leaned in closer to examine the pendant. A
wave of intense, metallic-scented heat radiated from him. His pain-sharpened
breaths came out in blustery bursts.
“Courage,” I
“What?” he said.
“Wynona told me
that obsidian was the stone of courage.” I rallied. “She told me it would
balance and restore, calm and soothe.”
“Lia.” His eyes
narrowed. “Now I remember. Nona emailed me. About you. You took care of her
when she broke her hip last year.”
“It was the
least I could do.”
He took off his
cap and raked his hair with his fingers. “Damn meds. They muddle my brain. But
I know who you are now.”
“Will you stay?”
His brows
clashed over his nose. “I don’t need you to feel sorry for me.”
“I don’t, but I
think your grandmother would have liked it if you stayed, and I need to pay my
That last bit
was the type of rationale I could sell to the proud and the stubborn.
The meds were
kicking in. Ash’s eyelids drooped and his legs wobbled. His gaunt complexion
matched his nickname. He looked like one of those giant lodgepole pines
infected with beetles, colorless and brittle, swaying in the wind and about to
topple over.
His words came
out slow and slurred. “The house burned down.”
I swallowed
hard. “I remember.”
“She was in
I shivered
“I was in
goddamn Afghanistan.”
I reached out
and squeezed his shoulder. “There was nothing you could’ve done.”
He tensed
beneath my touch like a feral cat, but he didn’t pull back. He stared at my
hand with an odd expression on his face, as if he expected me to recoil in
horror, as if he hadn’t been touched with kindness in a long time.
“I think Wynona
would’ve really liked it if you stayed with me,” I said. “Let’s do this, for
her, at least while you get your act together?”
He fingered the
pendant once again. “I don’t know.”
“You must have
had a really good reason to come back, even if you don’t feel so good.”
“The property,”
he mumbled, thumbing the stone. “I have to deal with that. This place is close.
It’s nice here. Not so many people around. Besides…” His stare drifted out the
window. “I grew up on that lake. I like looking at it.”
“I do too,” I
said. “It’s peaceful and beautiful. Wynona told me that the two of you loved to
hike around it.”
“She did?”
I nodded and
held my breath. Maybe he would go along with my suggestion. Or maybe I was out
of my freaking mind. His presence spelled only trouble for me. My life didn’t
have room for complications or mistakes. If he stayed, I’d have to worry about
his safety on top of mine.
If all of that
wasn’t enough, he came across as proud, stubborn and bitter. He scared me,
especially when he got angry. It would be so much easier if he just moved
along. If I was smart, I’d let him leave in his fancy truck and be done with
it. But how could I let Wynona’s grandson walk out when he needed help?
It was a bad
idea. It was a dangerous idea, and reckless. I opened my mouth to send him on
his way, but what came out of my lips had nothing to do with my impeccable
“What’s it going
to be?”
Ash hesitated
for moment, then he squinted down at me. “You still want me to fill out that
“That won’t be
“What the hell,”
he said. “I do need a place to crash. No one wants dogs. Or screwed-up vets.”
Way to go. I’d
just persuaded Ashton Hunter to barge into my carefully conceived, little farce
of a life. To my astonishment, he pulled out his wallet from his pocket, and,
after counting out a few crisp, hundred-dollar bills, pressed them into my
“First, last and
deposit,” he said.
It was already
spent, but it was more money than I’d seen all month.
Was I doing the
right thing? I hoped so. Damage aside, I was basically a decent human being.
But kindness was at the heart of catastrophe and evil thrived on good
intentions. The danger in my life was very real. If I was going to come through
unscathed, I needed to heal him quickly and then send him on his way. But first
I had to think of a way of getting him up the stairs.
“Would you like
to check out the room?” I said.
“Damn it.” He
looked at the steps. “It’s up that way, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” I said.
“I don’t know if you can make it.”
Even in his
drug-induced stupor, he wasn’t one to pass up a challenge. He tucked the
crutches under one arm and, gripping the balustrade, tackled the staircase.
Neil whimpered.
“I know,” I
mumbled. “This isn’t going to be easy.”
Ash nearly
fainted on the landing, then regained his senses long enough to get his arm
over my shoulder and make it to the bathroom at the top of the stairs, where he
did faint. I managed to get him gently to the floor. He came to as I filled up
the bathtub.
“What the hell?”
“Two choices.” I
knelt on the tiles next to him. “Either I take you to the hospital or we get
your fever down the old-fashion way.”
He lifted his
head from the floor and contemplated the old claw-foot bathtub with
trepidation. “No hospital.”
“Okay, then.”
He groaned when
I took off his boots. I bit down on my lips and suppressed the grimace that
tried to overtake my face. Ouch. His left foot was riddled with scars and
swollen like a rotten gourd. He unbuckled his belt and, between the two of us,
we managed to lower his pants. The swelling in his foot connected with his
lower leg, which was also flushed and inflamed. I helped him to take off his
shirt. I tried to keep my eyes averted from the other scars on his body, but
they were many and most of them were still raw and red. My God. He’d been
seriously injured.
He hunched over
his arms, hugging himself, shaking uncontrollably, glowering at me through
lidded eyes. He snapped when I tried to loosen the bandage around his calf.
“Forget this.”
He heaved
himself from the floor to the toilet and from the toilet to the tub and,
perching his calf on the ledge, slid into the bath, groaning as he immersed the
bulk of his body in the tub, shivering nonstop. A tide of displaced water
swelled and spilled over the edges, splashing on the floor and drenching my
feet. Within moments, his teeth began to chatter.
“Are you sure
you don’t want me to call the ambulance?”
“Sure as shit.”
“I could drive
you to the hospital or call the sheriff for help.”
He snarled.
A tiger trapped
in my bathtub might have been a safer bet. A swipe of his paw could take my
head off.
Perhaps this was
about more than embarrassment. “Ash,” I said. “Why don’t you want me to take
you to the hospital or call the sheriff? Are you in trouble?”
“Yeah,” he
mumbled. “I’m in trouble all right.”
“With the law?”
I said, fearing his enemies as much as mine.
“No, not with
the law,” he muttered before he closed his eyes. “With someone a lot more
dangerous than the law.”
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Anna del Mar writes hot, smart romances that soothe the soul, challenge the mind, and satisfy the heart. Her stories focus on strong heroines struggling to find their place in the world and the brave, sexy, kickass, military heroes who defy the limits of their broken bodies to protect the women they love. She is the author of The Asset (Carina Press), the first novel of her Wounded Warrior series and three other novels scheduled for release during 2016.
A Georgetown University graduate, Anna enjoys traveling, hiking, skiing, and the sea. Writing is her addiction, her drug of choice, and what she wants to do all the time. The extraordinary men and women she met during her years as a Navy wife inspire the fabulous heroes and heroines at the center of her stories. When she stays put—which doesn’t happen very often—she lives in Florida with her indulgent husband and two very opinionated cats.
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You are so right, teena3940! I just wanted to stop by and thank you for inviting me to be a guest in your blog. I enjoyed writing this post for your readers and I really appreciate you featuring The Asset on Mythical Books.
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