
Albert Camus

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Happy Release Day! Giveaway: The Looking Glass by Jessica Arnold


Find the diary, break the curse, step through The Looking Glass!

Fifteen-year-old Alice Montgomery wakes up in the lobby of the B&B where she has been vacationing with her family to a startling discovery: no one can see or hear her. 

The cheap desk lights have been replaced with gas lamps and the linoleum floor with hardwood and rich Oriental carpeting. Someone has replaced the artwork with eerie paintings of Elizabeth Blackwell, the insane actress and rumored witch who killed herself at the hotel in the 1880s. 

Alice watches from behind the looking glass where she is haunted by Elizabeth Blackwell. Trapped in the 19th-century version of the hotel, Alice must figure out a way to break Elizabeth’s curse—with the help of Elizabeth’s old diary and Tony, the son of a ghost hunter who is investigating the haunted B&B—before she becomes the inn’s next victim.

About the author:

Jessica Arnold writes YA, codes ebooks, and is currently a graduate student in publishing at Emerson College in Boston. She spends most of her time in class or work or slogging through the homework swamp. If she has a spare moment, she’s always up for a round of Boggle. Given the opportunity, Jessica will pontificate at length on the virtues of the serial comma, when and where to use an en dash, and why the semicolon is the best punctuation mark pretty much ever.

Author's Giveaway:
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Catalina Mihaela said...

Interesant subiectul cartii. Imi plac cartile in care sunt implicate fantome

Roxi. said...

Imi place foarte mult.Coperta e de-a dreptul superba.

Unknown said...

I look forward to reading your book. Thanks for the opportunity to do so. I do have a lot of catching up to do.

Kai said...

I'm curious about this book. I would love to read it to see how it compare to Alice in Wonderland. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

this book looks like a book i would really like!! thank u

Anonymous said...

thanks for the giveaway! :D

Karla S said...

Thanks very much for the giveaway :)
(Karla Sceviour)

collenga said...

Beautiful cover! Thanks for sharing