18++ "Ok...trying to type through the tears right now...wooo...that was rough, beautifully written, just rips your heart out cuts it up and then pours that acid spit from Alien on it. No, really, emotionally you get hit by a train and it just doesn't stop. But honestly I have to say that #2 is better than the first one. She set a bar with how amazing part one was and just knocked it out of the stratosphere this time." - Goodreads
Release Day: January 26th, 2015
Jonas and Sarah’s addictive love story picks up right where the first book left off, hurtling to a heart-stopping conclusion that will leave readers breathless and screaming for the unforgettable final installment of The Club Trilogy.
Sarah: “My entire life has spiraled into chaos—and yet, all I can think about is my raging, thumping, insatiable addiction to Jonas’ magical touch. He’s unleashed an all-consuming hunger inside me that can only be satisfied when Jonas finally surrenders to me the same way I’ve surrendered to him—mind, body and soul.”
This book was an emotional roller coaster ride. I cried, laughed and was heartbroken sometimes all in one chapter. Ms. Rowe has done it again and hit this one out if the ballpark. I love Jonas and Sarah, they have great chemistry. The secondary characters Kat (Sarah's best friend) and Josh (Jonas' brother) keep you laughing too. This book also has it's share of steamy scenes and mystery. Don't miss out on this series, when you hear others talking about it, you'll wish you had read it, you won't be disappointed. - Goodreads
I’ve never felt so adored and safe and free to be me in my whole life as I am with Jonas. It’s like I’m a big ol’ vat of mustard—just yellow mustard and nothing else—and up ‘til now I’ve lived my whole life worrying the guys I’m attracted to, the guys who say they really, really like mustard, might actually crave a little ketchup or relish or mayo to go along with their mustard, at least occasionally—and who could blame them? And then, all of a sudden, through dumb luck in the most unexpected way, I’ve stumbled upon the hottest guy in the universe who happens to have a bizarre mustard fetish, an insatiable appetite for frickin’ mustard to the exclusion of all other condiments! It’s like I can’t lose, no matter what I say or do or think because I’m goddamned mustard, bitches. It’s blowing my mind and wreaking havoc on my body to be adored like this, to be seen and understood and accepted so completely. Not to mention fucked so brilliantly. Jonas fucked me so well in Belize, a howler monkey outside our tree house lit a cigarette.
It’s like I’ve been bottled up my whole life and this beautiful man has uncorked me. Yes, that’s it—I’m frickin’ uncorked, baby. Pop! And now that I am, all I keep thinking about is giving my sweet Jonas, my Hottie McHottie of a boyfriend—my baby, my love, my manly man with sad eyes and luscious lips—pleasure and excitement and thrills and chills and orgasms and assurances and safety and adoration and understanding and acceptance and good old fashioned fuckery like nothing he’s experienced before—“untethering” him the way he’s so profoundly untethered me.

It’s like I’ve been bottled up my whole life and this beautiful man has uncorked me. Yes, that’s it—I’m frickin’ uncorked, baby. Pop! And now that I am, all I keep thinking about is giving my sweet Jonas, my Hottie McHottie of a boyfriend—my baby, my love, my manly man with sad eyes and luscious lips—pleasure and excitement and thrills and chills and orgasms and assurances and safety and adoration and understanding and acceptance and good old fashioned fuckery like nothing he’s experienced before—“untethering” him the way he’s so profoundly untethered me.
About the author:
Lauren Rowe is the pen name of an author and singer-songwriter who decided to use an alter ego in writing THE CLUB TRILOGY to ensure she didn't hold back in writing the story. (And she didn't.) Lauren lives in San Diego, California where she performs with her band, writes, and hangs out with her family and friends.
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I think I am going to like Jonas.
I think Jonas is quite interesting.
havent met Jonas yet!
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