Returning home from Verona on cloud nine, Ava Hart is ready to share her secret with the world. She feels that nothing and no one can stand in the way of her happiness with Gabriel Edwards, that is until tragedy strikes again, bringing with it an unexpected visitor.
Release Date: June 20th, 2015
Returning home from Verona on cloud nine, Ava Hart is ready to share her secret with the world. She feels that nothing and no one can stand in the way of her happiness with Gabriel Edwards, that is until tragedy strikes again, bringing with it an unexpected visitor. Once more Ava is thrown into emotional turmoil, not helped by Gabriel having to move back to London. And with everyone seemingly intent on trying to tear them apart, Ava will need to search deep within her soul to discover what it is her heart truly desires.
“Ava, men are attracted to you like moths to a flame. A beautiful, hypnotic flame. They willingly throw themselves onto the fire, hoping to get nearer, beating themselves up in the process…”

“I have watched you Ava. You are strong, don’t ever doubt that. And although right now you are at your lowest point and you feel that there is no way out, believe an old man when he says, no matter what your situation, life has a wonderful habit of turning out good in the end. Look at Bridget and me. Who would have guessed it? But, if right now it is not good and your heart still aches, then my dear sweet girl, it is not quite the end. Life goes on. The world doesn’t stop turning. You have to continue to live your life. Don’t give up, keep trying and believe in yourself.” He kissed my cheek and let me go. I didn’t know what to say. “Keep smiling beautiful girl." Tears ran down my cheeks.
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About the author:
K French is married with two small children and lives in Hertfordshire, England. She grew up in the North of England where Muse and Desire are set.
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