
Albert Camus

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Young Adult Paranormal Giveaway Hop International

Featuring Young Adult Books with Paranormal elements
Click here to see the list of blogs participating to this hop.  

The winner can choose one of these books:

The Giveaway is INTERNATIONAL as long as The Book Depository ships to you for free OR you want ebooks from Smashwords or Amazon
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

My favorite genre is fantasy, and a bit of horror, too :)


Nara said...

My favourite genre is probably fantasy :) I especially love high fantasy! Thanks for the giveaway!

Crina|| booktwist_ said...

My favorite genre is contemporary but I can't say no to a good horror book or a thriller.

Sallie Mazzur said...

I'd have to say my favorite genre, right now, is science fiction. I can read almost any YA novel, but I go through phases. I think I read through the entire YA contemporary section of my library when I was in high school, haha. :)

Thanks for this giveaway, I LOVE the background on your blog. I feel like I could write a story about it with all the imagery going on! :)

Bewitched reader said...

I prefer to read YA Urban Fantasy (vamps, withces, faeries, etc.), Fantasy, some Sci-Fi, and my new love is Dystopian!! I will not read a book that's about ghosts. I just can't get into those kinds and plus I get nightmares! lol Thank you for a chance to win and for being a part of this fun and awesome blog hop!!

Anonymous said...

My favourite genre is mystery and thriller.

Unknown said...

I love historical romance and harlequins.

Unknown said...

I don't have a favorite genre.I read all kind of books I have.

miki said...

mostly i prefer paranormal romance and urban fantasy...but i'm not reducted to that i also love ya, fantasy etc just no dark horrors, or lgtb)

Anonymous said...

Definitely Young Adult!

Oana H. said...

My favorite genre is Dystopia

meduza said...

My favourite genre is science fiction fantasy, YA fantasy, but I also read contemporan books :D Thank you for the giveaway <3

deea s said...

fantasy and love:D

Unknown said...

Young Adult and all it contains; )..paranormal. .contemporary. .historical fiction:)
Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

YA, Paranormal, Dystopian...

Unknown said...

Paranormal, Dystopian

Allie said...

My favourite genre is fantasy, mystery.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

My favourite genre is Mystery,Action and Adventure,Fantasy,Romance,Humour.

Unknown said...

My favourite genre is definetely FANTASY.

Cosimina said...

Fantasy , horror and romance

Naga said...

Sincera sa fiu, depinde de stearea in care sunt :) Ador cartile distopice, paranormale, romantice..

JustLaugh said...

Fantasy and YA :X

BookStacksOnDeck said...

I love almost everything! YA, contemporary, dystopian, survival/post-apocalyptic, paranormal! Thanks for the great giveaway! <3

Law said...

fantasy and romance :D

Bonnie Ithil said...

Cred ca prefer Paranormal.

Texas Book Lover said...

I like anything with romance in it!

Andreea said...

Nu pot alege.Ador cartile romantice dar si cele fantasy.

Cristinab said...

my favorite genre is fantasy!

thx for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I like the books dealing with fantasy & romance. :)

Andreea Ilie said...

Imi plac foarte mult cartile de dragoste,fantasy si mystery.Le ador!!

Catalina Mihaela said...

I love YA,fantasy,romance,dystopian/post-apocaliptic,drama,mystery genres.

alexa ioana said...

fantasy and thriller

Karen said...

Historical fiction is my favorite.

Geo. said...

Definitely fantasy, but I have a thing on real life subjects too. Actually, I think I like those much more than I like fantasy, but when both are mixed... it's even better.

Andreea Florentina said...

My favourite genre is Fantasy, and Horror.

Kristia said...

Paranormal romance! Thank you for the giveaway :)

Unknown said...

Totally a YA paranormal romance fan first...

Alina P said...

I love romance in general, be it PNR, historicals, UF...

Sophia Rose said...

My favorite genre is Romance and that includes: historical, contemporary, suspense, paranormal, fantasy and sci-fi.

Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

Lynn K. said...

Mainly fantasy. But I also enjoy paranormal, UF, historical and contemporary.

Lynn K. said...

Mainly fantasy. But I also enjoy paranormal, UF, historical and contemporary.

Unknown said...

I read a lot of books so I don't have a favorite genre. I just enjoy a good read. Thank you for the giveaway!

TayteH said...

Hmm.....YA Contemporary or Paranormal. one of the two. :D actually, maybe dystopian. I like YA period. :D

Chantelle said...

Contemporary romance :)

Unknown said...

I read a lot of books so I don't have a favorite genre.

nurmawati djuhawan said...

i kike YA and HR :)
thx u

Unknown said...

YA paranormal fantasy and dystopian!

Melanie Williams said...

My favorite genre is YA paranormal!

Leituras & Fofuras said...

My favorites are: Dystopian, YA, New Adult, Comtemporary, Paranormal and Post-apocaliptic.

Chenise Jones said...

My favourite is dystopian!

vese said...

My favorite genre id romance. :)

Anonymous said...

Fantasy & SciFi & Horror. In special data toate aceste trei genuri sunt combinate, atunci inseamna ca citesc o carte incredibila!

bufnita pufoasa said...

my favorite genre is fantasy urban fantasy and romance

Anonymous said...

YA Fantasty

bashashhazbaz said...


magic5905 said...

YA paranormal and Adult historical romance.

Anonymous said...

I would have to say Mystery, Romance, Humor, YA, NA

tammy216 said...

I really like dystopia and paranormal.

RIN said...

I tend to like YA Science Fiction and/or fantasy.

Amanda D said...

My current favorite is dystopian.

Jennifer G W said...

YA and Paranormal! Thanks for the giveaway

Jillyn said...

Fantasy. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jillyn said...

Fantasy. Thanks for the giveaway!

Justine said...

Dystopian! :) I like a little creativity.

Meghan said...

My favorite genre is any kind of romance, including paranormal.
I love YA Paranormal books. Thinking back on my favorites, I would have to go with "Poison Study" and "Cinder." In "Poison Study," there is an unexpected romance with real, deep character development. I love the character of Valek. He appears to be inhuman only to be one of the very human characters in the story. In "Cinder," I appreciate how closely the author followed the fairytale of 'Cinderella' without being confined by it. There was still a lot of freedom in Marissa Meyer's universe and I kept find myself wondering how is she going to fit that into this story?
Thanks for the giveaway!

mestith at gmail dot com

Dorothy Reading said...

Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Historical, I love it all!

Unknown said...

My favourite genre is all types of fantasy. But i also love reading sci-fi and crime books. Thanks for the giveaway!

Cean said...

Paranormal romance!

elin said...


Anonymous said...

Paranormal romance! :D

Sofija Kapranova said...

Urban Fantasy is my favorite.

Unknown said...

I like paranormal, mystery and horror. :)

Suz said...

YA of any kind is my favorite! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

Suz Reads

Elena said...

I love paranormal, fantasy, dystopian :) thanks!! :)

Tanja said...

Fantasy :)

Ashley E said...

Fantasy, but I'll read just about anything.

Anonymous said...

My favorite genre is fantasy!
~Lesley D

Unknown said...

I love YA Fantasy. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Grace T. Lindo said...


Unknown said...

My favorite would be Contemporary, Paranormal and Dystopia!

CK said...

YA paranormal, definitely! :)

_Sandra_ said...

I don't have one genre that I love more than the other. At the moment I'm sucked in dystopia, but it basically depends on the mood I'm in.
Thanks for a giveaway! :)

Erin said...

Fantasy & crime fiction

Dovile said...

Science fiction and YA

Miha Mihaella said...

I think my favorite genre is ya and distopyan .

Filia Oktarina said...

My favorite genre was PAranormal Romance!!

Eva @ All Books Considered said...

probably NA contemporary

ThePixieSprinkles said...

Paranormal and YA are my favourite genres! =)

Unknown said...

YA, paranormal, fantasy and romance.

Unknown said...

I love almost every genre.
Because every book has something that I find hard to resist- so,sorry, no favorite genre from my part :)

oriana said...

YA fantasy.
thanks for making this international!

*Jam* said...

Fantasy is my favorite genre.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

paranormal romance

Nuzaifa @ Word Contessa said...

Dystopian and Contemporary. :)

Denise Z said...

I enjoy most, but my favorite is Urban Fantasy. Thank you for your generosity.

Ashfa said...

YA Fantasy.

Kamla L. said...

I read both YA and Adult mostly in the Fantasy, SciFi, Paranormal and Romance genres including all their sub-genres.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Books Glorious Books said...

I love Horror and Urban Fantasy

Denisa C said...


mk said...

I enjoy reading both Adult and YA books in the Fantasy genre. I also enjoy reading a lot of dystopian. I've never been good at figuring the genres so I just read the summary and if I like it I'm most likely read the book no matter what genre it is. Thanks for the great giveaway!

The Cover Contessa said...

paranormal or dystopian

A.J. said...

I'm really getting into urban fantasy. I love YA contemporary from Australia!

Melissa @thereaderandthechef said...

I love fantasy!

javalotta said...

My favorite genre is YA paranormal. Thanks for having the giveaway.:)

Unknown said...

Science fiction and paranormal. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Unknown said...

I love YA paranormal romance!

deasuluna said...

Paranormal and Dystopians!!

VampedChik said...

Pretty much anything paranormal.

LisaILJ said...

I like all YA books, Contemporary, paranormal, dystopian, fantasy. Just depends on my mood.

Makaela said...

I enjoy young adult historical fiction. Thanks for the giveaway!

cafebiblioart said...

My favorite genre is paranormal romance.

Rima said...

My favourite genre within YA is contemporary, but in adult, I love horror! :)

Aline Tobing said...

Historical and contemporary :)

jen7waters said...

Fantasy :)

Unknown said...

Contemporary YA.

Toni Porter said...

I mostly read paranormal and fantasy (both "high", classic fantasy and urban), though I read some historical and steampunk, too.

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Crime mystery, romance, fantasy, dystpian!


raffle name: Nikki O

Maji Bookshelf said...

My favorite genre would have to by dystopian!! but I honestly read from every genre, historical, fantasy, sci-fi, contemporary and paranormal!

thanks for this awesome giveaway,
- Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

Isa said...

My favourite genre is contemporary. Thank you for the giveaway. :)

Unknown said...

Horror Mystery. :)

Unknown said...

Fantasy, horror, sci-fi, paranormal, steampunk, gothic, dystopia.
Thanks! :)

Amy delong said...

ya paranormal

Unknown said...


Emily Genther said...

My favorite genre is fantasy.

Lis Carcamo said...


Sarah Perry said...

Definitey horror :)
oddball2003 at hotmail dot com

DoingDewey said...

My favorite genre is probably fantasy :)

BrittanyUtley said...


Unknown said...

Fantasy, but I'm leaning towards dystopian as well :D
Penny Pe

Steph said...

I don't have just one favorite genre! I like a lot of different ones - YA, paranormal, mystery, horror, thriller, dystopian, fantasy, literary fiction, etc.

Caroline said...

I really like any young adult, but dystopians are a favorite!

Unknown said...

Dystopian with a hint of romance:)

Jolene and Family said...

Paranormal and YA

Jaime Lester said...

Pretty much anything YA. Paranormal, contemporary, dystopian, horror..... Yep, I'm easy!