
Albert Camus

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Random Acts of Kindness Giveaway Hop International

 Click here to see the list of blogs participating to this hop.

Because we talk about "Random Acts of Kindness", just choose the book you want most (up to 10 E~13.4US)!
The Giveaway is INTERNATIONAL as long as The Book Depository ships to you for free OR you want ebooks from Smashwords or Amazon


Crina|| booktwist_ said...

Atmosfera, e foarte placuta si daca apare si cate un concurs sau o recenzie frumoasa e si mai bine. :)

Ştefana Alexandra said...

Îmi plac recenziile voastre, nu prea comentez pentru că nu-mi stă în fire, dar faceţi recenzii la cărţi destul de interesante.

Anonymous said...

Imi place cum e organizat blogul si mai ales ca organizati un numar mare de concursuri/giveaways. Ce mi-ar placea sa fiti pe wordpress, asa imi e un pic mai greu de comentat :(

Alice M said...

Hi Love your blog, and anything mythical, especially books!! Thanks for throwing giveaway!!!


meduza said...

O sa fiu sincera :D Cel mai mult pe blogul vostru, imi plac concursurile :) Oferiti tuturor sanse de a castiga carti frumoase :) Si felicitari pentru cei 1000 de followeri <3

miki said...

i love the fact that you use two languages on your blog even if don't speak the second one ( like i do on mine^^;;) and the fact that you do international giveaway ( thank you once again for that)

Andreea said...

Totul.Concursurile(hai sa nu fim ipocriti) ,noutatile,recenzile si poate cel mai mult melodiile,deoarece descopar unele pe care nu le stiam,dar sunt superbe.

Kristia said...

I like your reviews, the books you read are different from what I'm usually reading and I like to get recommendations. And the giveaways of course :)

Anonymous said...

I like this blog because it's so vivid, and because it deals with books. :D

Naga said...

The constant changing header :)

Eva @ All Books Considered said...

I love your background and layout!

Maria Malaveci said...

I love all the reviews, and I also love that you have two different languages on the blog!

Unknown said...

I love your mysterious background ;p
thanks for the giveaway...

Unknown said...

I love your reviews :)

blueroses said...

I love books and anything related to them, your blog included here.
I'm a bit fed up with all the pinks and baby-blues on other blogs, so the background is rather interesting and so ... Poe.
And I love your international giveaways, I like to read in English, so the prize of any of these contests is always welcomed :)

Andreeea said...

I love everything on your blog. I love your giveaways and your posts.

alexa ioana said...

imi place totul: backgroundul, recenziile, pozele, cartile pe care le prezentati, concursurile
faceti o treaba super si sper sa continuati multa vreme asa:)

kara said...

I like your reviews the most! Thanks for this giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Imi place atmosfera de pe blog, imi plac recenziile si concursurile voastre

Unknown said...

I like the reviews very much.

mariska said...

I really like the reviews on your blog.
Thanks for a chance to win this great giveaway.


Unknown said...

Concursurile și faptul că ne arătați ce cărți primiți :D , aveți recenzii bine puse la punct . :)

Swordlily said...

I love that you also write in English even it's no your native tongue, it's so nice to meet bloggers coming from Europe :) And of course international giveaway are cool :D
thank you!
Karina V

Stephanie @ Bookfever said...

The reviews! :)

Unknown said...

I love the layout and the background it is amazing! Thank you for this giveaway!

Unknown said...

Imi place misterul acestui blog, iar cartile sunt toate magnifice!!!! Marturisesc ca m-am reapucat de citit mai intens datorita acestui blog :)

Anonymous said...

Imi plac foarte mult recnziile so cartile deosebite pe care le gasesc pe aici. Activitatea si atmosfera te face sa te afunzi in mister. De asemenea aveti si foarte multe giveaway-uri.

Cali W. said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I like how your picture changes up top every time I go on your Blog!

BLHmistress said...

I love the type of books you feature on your blog, just what I love to read.

Rafflecopter Name; Dawna Newman

Andreea Florentina said...

Totul! Recenziile, recomandarile, calitatea postarilor, si desigur concursurile.

ThePixieSprinkles said...

I love your pages backgroud! Very cool! =)

CK said...

Not gonna lie: the giveaways! :)

Meghan said...

I like the background. Unfortunately, I can't read most of it because I only speak english but the background is creepy and beautiful.

mestith at gmail dot com

Rima said...

The reviews are great! :)

nurmawati djuhawan said...

i love the color and the pics...

Law said...

De la infatisare pana la faptul ca postati des :D

Unknown said...

The spooky background. :)

Chantelle said...

I love the background :) Unfortunately I can't read your blog due to language issues, but I'm thankful for your generous giveaways :)

magic5905 said...

I like the medusa picture on the home page.

RIN said...


Nara said...

I quite like the layout of your blog, and the background :)

LisaILJ said...

I like the background

Unknown said...

i like the colour and your riview...thanks for the giveaway ^^

pippirose said...

I love the background graphics on your blog.

Unknown said...

I like the giveaways and the fact that you are a non-english book blog, even if I as an english speaker have to use google translate to read your blog :D

Isa said...

I like the design of your blog and there are film reviews on your site. Thank you. :)

Lynn K. said...

The extra content like Music Time and those picture posts makes it special! Plus you feature manga too!

elin said...

The background design :D

Unknown said...

Recenziile cartilor

Kamla L. said...

I like your reviews for both books and movies.

Unknown said...

Your cool blog name and giveaways!!

Unknown said...

Mai este necesar sa o spun si eu?!
Totul, oameni buni!Totul! Nu am comentat foarte mult, dar v-am urmarit intotdeauna- si una dintre caracteristicile pe care le ador la blogul vostru, pe langa recenzii, postari, background, concursuri etc.- este fotografiile cu cartile voastre- dap, poate ca par dusa din aceasta cauza, dar ADOR aspectul acesta, in plus ma ajuta in a ma decide ce carte urmeaza sa achizitionez :)
Mult succes in continuare!

Unknown said...

I like how you have multiple languages on your website! Thanks for the giveaway :)

ELF said...

I love that your blog is international! Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I love the background and images. It makes this blog so unique every time I visit.

Pabkins said...

I love the background!

Sarah Sar said...

i love reading the Romanian language and trying to guess what it says :D

sarah sar
texan_michael AT yahoo DOT com

wanda f said...

I love your reviews .Have a fantastic week

Melisa said...

I like your background.

Anonymous said...

I love your reviews because I get to know new authors :)


Bewitched reader said...

Definitely your reviews! And I do LOVE your blog background. It is so gorgeous!! Thank you for a chance to win and for being a part of this fun and awesome blog hop!!

Unknown said...

noutatile,concursurile internationale....

Anonymous said...

your review and the giveaway

Filia Oktarina said...

Background and the colour this blog. And of course the review and giveaway :)

Dovile said...

That you're taking part in blog hops.

CindyWindy2003 said...

i like the giveaways the most, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com

Naznin said...

I love the background the best!

Kirsten! said...

I like your taste in books, and i love how your site is bilingual :)

Unknown said...

I love the books that you've reviewed and I love the background!

oriana said...

the reviews of course, the giveaways and the all design of the blog!

Aline Tobing said...

The giveaways and bilingual blog :D

Suz said...

I love your giveaways! Thanks for this amazing one - I would love to win!

Suz Reads

Anonymous said...

Recenziile care sunt foarte bune si nu in ultimul rand, concursurile la care incerc sa ma inscriu cu regularitate.

teddy said...

I love your reviews

Mimi Smith said...

The reviews, giveaways...

jen7waters said...

I love the background! and the giveaways :)

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Your banner is SERIOUSLY cool! As goes for the background.


raffle name: Nikki O

Unknown said...

Creepy background image, great content and giveaways! Thanks!

Sherry said...

I love your background and giveaways.

Mona said...

I love that you review/giveaway movies too b/c I love both movies and books.

Thanks :)

*Jam* said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Cassandra! :D said...

You're banner is pretty awesome :)

Darlene said...

Firstly, I love your blog design! Also, the books that you feature in your blog posts are ones that interest me!

Thanks for the giveaway!

deasuluna said...

I love the background design of the blog and the name of your blog!

Holly said...

I love your blog, especially the background design. It's so cool!

VampedChik said...

You have lots of great giveaways! Thank you! :)

Eli Yanti said...

your blog design and international giveaway

Unknown said...

your blog design!

Ruth said...

I enjoy your contests most of all. Thanks!

Sam Stamp said...

I enjoy your reviews, the background is super cool and the giveaways are great too!

lgothard said...

I like the cool background
Lorayne Gothard

Kim Reid said...

I love the cool background, thanks!

kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com