Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs
Sin Pointe front man Stefan Calderon is playing a very dangerous game and his mom’s live-in caretaker, Dani Foster, just landed right smack in the middle of it.
Practically strangers when Stefan rolls into his small hometown looking to patch things up with Mom, his and Dani’s worlds collide with a hot and intense hook up. He knows right away this woman will make the perfect partner for his two weeks in town. But when she realizes whose son he is, and what he’s there to do, sexy times come to an abrupt halt.
That is until they come up with a solution. Rules. Every game needs them. The question isn’t if they’ll break them, but when and how hard.
It’s a wickedly delicious game, one neither of them intends to lose.
What's Hotter Than Porn
Every time hubby sweetly brags (usually just to me and our cat) that his wife writes hot porn and that all of her male characters are based on him (sometimes to other people!), I try to stifle my belly-rolling laughter and then remind him that I’m a romance writer. And then inevitably, I go into the mini-lecture about the difference between romance and erotic romance which still isn’t porn. This is when he sort of pouts and to make him happy again, I concede and tell him he’s right on all accounts. I’m a porn writer. Everyone I write is based on him. Yada yada yada.

Like I said, that was before Wicked Flower, which is the fifth book in my rock star romance series, The Sin Pointe Novels.
The first line I wrote of this story was the following: “Have you ever had a girl do down on you while you were driving?”
Not only did I know it was going to be the hottest story I’d ever written, but I finally understood the true difference between Mainstream Romance and Erotic Romance. I’d had it explained before, long ago when I was taking online romance writing classes and studying my favorite writers. My two hands down favorite authors are Sherrilyn Kenyon who I feel writes extremely hot, non-erotic romance and Megan Hart who does erotic romance proud.

It was kind of cool when that hit me. I was ready. When I sent the manuscript in, I once again mentioned that I’d written a pretty hot story, but this time I didn’t just say it was possibly erotic. I knew it was and this time, I was right!
And guess what? This girl finally made it into the Evernight Heat Level 3 club!
Hubby was very proud of me when I told him. Although I don’t even want to know what he’s bragging about these days. I mean after all, what’s hotter than the “porn” I’ve already been writing? (wink, wink)
So now I’d love to know, what’s your preference and who are your favorites in romance and erotic romance? What is it about their writing in those genres that you feel they do best? And a big giant thank you to Mythical Books for hosting my blog tour stop today and posing the question.
Love stories rock!
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About the author:

She feels honored to be a member of Washington DC Romance Writers (WRWDC) and The Waterworld Mermaids. Carlene currently lives in the San Diego area where she can often be found listening to live music and looking up at the sky on clear nights.
If she could touch someone’s heart with her writing the way others have done for her, she’d say truly there never lived a luckier girl.
Author's Giveaway
Hello there! I cannot tell you how cool it is to be here at Mythical Books and to do it in the month of October! My countdown to Halloween is officially starting here. Awesome website, thank you so much for having me. :)
Hi Carlene, I thought Stefan's book was HAWT!
Music to my ears! Thank you for stopping by, Lynne. The fact you think his book is hawt is HAWT!
Oh that Stefan!! Love him!! Now I need to go back and read the others, but for now I am stuck on Stefan.
Hi Liz! That is awesome my dear!
HOT cover!
Hiya Kimberly,
Stefan is glad you like ;-)
Thanks for stopping by!
I had my DH reading a book by a famous author of erotic romance where the sub woman was instructed to have three other men dominate her by her dom. They all were respectful, thanked her before and after, but in between had kind of rough frat boy sex with her. My DH was like: why isn't this rape? I know it's not supposed to be, but....
I explained it was consensual, they were respectful, there were rules and they followed them. What there wasn't a lot of was romance and plot.
And I realized that's what really does it for me --if the author has created an amazing inventive reason for doing almost anything -- and the sex they're having kindles the spirit of romance between the two, and deepens it, I'm down with it whether they're having sex and eating donuts, or totally encased in dripping wax.
--I forgot to add that I find stranger sex hard as a reader for this reason. Some people can carry off an amazing zipless F*** but it's a talent.
Madeline, you are kind of sort of my hero and I may have a wee little crush on you. ;-)
Enjoyed the post. Thanks for the giveaway.
Love the cover cool
Hi there!! I am new to your books, but they sounds good, thank you for the giveaway
Wow, this looks amazing! ^_^;
Hi Jana! Thanks so much. Sorry it took me a bit to get back here and say hi. Very happy you liked that post. It was a fun one to write. :)
Hi Joe! Cover love makes me a happy girl. Glad you like it! :) Thanks so much for stopping by.
Hi Cyndi! Glad to have you and you're most welcome. I discover new to me authors all the time so I'm happy to have "met" you here at Mythical Books today. :) Have a great week!
Hi Selenity :) Thanks! That's a huge compliment I'll happily take. :)
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