From Romantic Book of the Year winner Kendall Talbot comes an adrenaline-fuelled new series introducing sassy sexy characters, exotic locations, and action-packed adventure.
From Romantic Book of the Year winner Kendall Talbot comes an adrenaline-fuelled new series introducing sassy sexy characters, exotic locations, and action-packed adventure.
Some secrets should remain hidden forever…
The last place Rosalina expected the clue to a 700-year-old mystery to lead her was back into the arms of Archer, the man who broke her heart. When neither can solve the puzzle without the other, they set off on a new adventure. They’re forced to ignore the sparks that still fly unhindered between them as their search for the golden riches weaves from Tuscany’s underbelly to Archer’s luxurious yacht in the Greek Islands.
Archer desperately wants to salvage his shattered relationship with Rosalina but fighting for her love soon takes a back seat to fighting for their lives. Ruthless competition is hot on their heels and will do anything to get his hands on the treasure. With evil close on their trail, and Archer wrestling with the remnants of a childhood tragedy, Rosalina begins to wonder if some secrets were never meant to be revealed.

This recipe collection includes simple breakfasts, main meals, sweets, deserts, preserves and a few other delicious extra's to jazz up any meal. You don't need to be an expert chef to cook any of these simple meals.
In addition to the recipes you'll enjoy snippets from Treasured Secrets and Treasured Lies and several photos the Kendall took in Tuscany and the Greek Islands.
Thank you, Mrs.Kendall Talbot
1) What a romantic suspense story should have and how a captivating story is created?Romantic suspense is a fine balance between edge-of-your seat action and a truly wonderful love story. I’m an adrenaline junkie. So white water rafting, hang gliding, snow skiing, scuba diving are some of my adrenalin-rush drugs of choice. I write action adventure stories with the ‘set your heart racing’ scenes where exciting, danger fuelled journey’s take my characters from one cliff hanger moment to another. But I’m also a hopeless romantic, I met my very own hero when I was 16. That was 29 years ago and I love him more and more every day. So combining romance and suspense is the perfect choice for me. When I’m planning a new story, I take a little time planning out where my story is going on palm cards that I place on a corkboard. But this is a very lose plan because I like to let the story take me on a journey as I’m writing. I often re-visit those palm cards because I’ve deviated way too far off track.
2) How important was the research for Treasured Secrets?
It’s important for me to write about and draw from actual experiences, so I take my research very seriously. Although several scenes in my books are pure fabrication, and thank goodness too as some of my characters go to hell and back. The treasure in my book was stolen from a Florence church during the Black Plague that roared through Europe in the 13th century. I was fortunate to visit the Church of St Apostoli that features in my book in 2011, and I fell in love with it’s spellbinding simplicity. But I had to do much research into the 13th century era and in particular what type of jewels and precious pieces would be contained in the missing treasure.
The scuba diving in my story comes from a diving holiday we did at the Solomon Islands were the underwater world was simply magical. The shark scenes come from scuba diving at Christmas Island. There are several scenes in Treasured Secrets that were inspired by the Underground Tour we did in Seattle, USA and the helicopter scenes come from my holiday to the Grand Canyon. I love revisiting places I’ve visited and sharing experiences I’ve had in my books.

The very definition of romance is that there is a Happy Ever After. So of course it’s extremely important for me to give my readers an emotional journey that ends with a completely beautiful love story between my two complex yet amazing characters. Rosalina and Archer went through an emotional rollercoaster before they could commit to true unconditional love. I hope that after reading Treasured Secrets you will know that love, true love, is worth fighting for. I was about three quarters of the way through writing Treasured Secrets when I knew how the book was going to end. Once I knew this, I couldn’t type fast enough.
I guess the only negative to the guaranteed Happy Ever After in romance, is that the reader has no doubt that despite inexplicable odds the heroine and hero will get together at the end. That’s why writing romance is tricky business. Romance authors have the difficult job of delivering the same results as every other romance novel, but we have to deliver it in a fresh, unique way. I love the challenge of writing a beautiful emotional love story.
4) Rosalinda is a chef, so what she and you believe about “love goes through man's stomach”?
Treasured Secrets is as much a treasure hunt as it is a culinary adventure. Rosalina, my Italian heroine in Treasured Secrets is a talented chef, so food and flavours abound as much as the treasure hunt action. Rosalina grew up in a 700 year old villa in Tuscany and her Nonna raised her in what she called, ‘Her kitchen of life’. She believes food solves everything. I guess I do too. My perfect night out is dinner with family and friends at a fabulous restaurant with a couple of bottles of wine. I don’t know that love goes through a man’s stomach, but there’s nothing more magical than sharing an amazing meal with the person you love.
I love food. I love to cook it, love to eat it, and love to write about it too. One of the fun things I did while writing this book, was to cook all the meals that Rosalina makes in Treasured Secrets and book two in this series, Treasured Lies. So now, Rosalina’s recipes debut in their own cookbook ‘Rosalina’s Treasured Treats’. Maybe you can cook along as you read the book. You can purchase Rosalina’s Treasured Treats from my website.

Kendall collects junky jewellery and expensive perfume, her favourite night out is with great friends and a fabulous bottle of wine or two, and she rarely watches TV. She lives in Brisbane with her hubby, her two grown boys and her little dog, Josie McLuvin.
Her debut novel Lost in Kakadu (Escape Publishing, 2013) has received a clutch of award nominations and most notably won the exclusive Romantic Book of the Year.
Author's Giveaway
Thank you so much for hosting a tour stop and doing the interview! I loved this book because I got to visit so many parts of the world and there was a great mystery to unveil. The characters were excellent as well!
Thank you so much for having me. You asked some really interesting and different questions. Cheers from Australia.
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