The last thing eighteen-year-old Ann Leigh remembers is running from her boyfriend in a thick Nebraska cornfield. This morning she’s staring down a cool Italian sunrise, an entire continent from the life she once knew. The events of the eighteen months in between have inexplicably gone missing from her memory.
All at once she’s living with Tommy, an attractive, young foreigner asking for her continued love. Though he’s vaguely familiar, she recalls a boy named Shane in America who she reluctantly agreed to marry. Juggling a new world while her old one is still M.I.A is difficult enough without the terrifying movie scenes spinning a dizzy loop in her mind: glimpses of a devastating house fire, a romance gone wrong, an unplanned pregnancy, and a fractured family – each claiming to be part of who she once was – a girl and a past somehow discarded.
Ann Leigh must collect the pieces of herself to become whole again, but she doesn’t know who to trust especially when Tommy’s lies become too obvious to ignore. And above all, her heart aches to discover what became of the child she may or may not have given birth to.
The Making of Nebraska Brown tells the story of one girl’s coming apart from the inside and the great lengths she’ll go to reclaim herself and find her way home.
Ana Lisa Carcossi’s DNA. Because that’s who I was. At least that’s what Tommy said. My breathing steadied. I kept my eyes shut. A strumming started, like the plucking of a fiddle chord. The same chord, over and over. And then I was gone.
Five Things All Writers Should Know
About six years ago, this girl I know, I’ll call her Naïve Girl – NG for short – decided to write a book. A dear friend of hers wished her well and handed her a dog-eared copy of The Writer’s Book of Hope by Ralph Keyes. NG smiled, sure that SHE wouldn’t need to refer to that at all. Surely SHE would have a blessed and easy journey. NOT. And, yes. I’ll admit it. I am NG. Correction: I was once. Now I am Writer Girl. WG’s goal is to shake the sense and reality into NG. As such, I’m here to divulge the straight dope. No hold-barred. It’s like that Band-Aid. Yank it off quickly. Here goes:
You will be rejected. Many times. It will hurt. You will quit writing. You will take up golf/knitting/floral arrangements/yoga. You will fight the urge to get back at it. Don’t bother. Which brings me to my second truth –
Reading is mandatory. Do not think for half a second of writing more than a birthday card without reading at least ten novels first. By doing so you will recognize the rhythm every story must have to be properly constructed. Pay attention to this ebb and flow and learn from it.
Don’t quit your day job. Unless you happen to happen upon that ginormous advance, which is first cousin of that infamous needle in the haystack.
Practice patience. Time moves at the speed of sloth in the publishing world. Good things can and do occur, but if you don’t like waiting, you may not be fit for this game.
NG is far behind me now, and thankfully I’m none the worse for wear. I hope these tips don’t discourage the WGs out there. A healthy dose of fact among the fiction is all I’m after. Now carry on and keep the faith – and a couple bottles of aspirin might help, too.
About the author:

Louise devotes a portion of each day to honing her skills. She has several other novels currently in various stages of development. A confirmed bibliophile, Louise enjoys reading outdoors on a warm spring day and watching her pup chase leaves on a breeze. She looks forward to meeting others who share her love of the written word and invites you to visit her blog, her website and follow her on Twitter and Facebook.
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I'm intrigued to learn whether this novel will be a basic amnesia tale, or if the author will dive into the emotional potential of the book blurb and drag us into the MC's heart and soul. I can see what this book "could be," and I sincerely hope that it is!
I'm intrigued by the memory loss of the character and how that might have happened, it sounds really good! :)
I have to say, after reading the blurb and the Amazon reviews, I was hoping for an extended excerpt: all the information availabe about this book is so damn vague! I *had* to put The Making of Nebraska Brown on my TBR as I can't stand a locked door :)
ilookfamous at yahoo dot com
Thank you so much for featuring my novel here today! For those who may want an extended look, here is the link to Chapter One on Wattpad:
Also, I would be happy to offer a complimentary review copy to someone who might be interested in sharing their thoughts with other readers :)Just comment here or visit my website to contact me directly. Hope you all have a GREAT weekend.
i like the book's blurbs..
thx u for hosting ^^
Wow!!! This book sounds amazing! The description and the cover both intrigue me!
This book is NOT just another amnesia tale <3 One of the reasons I love it is because of it's honest emotional complexity. These characters became real people to me <3 Louise has a beautiful writing style and captures characters so well. I read this book three times and still I miss them every time I finish reading <3
The book sounds rather different from what I've been reading recently so it would be nice to have a change
I like that it has to do with amnesia and seeing what happens.
Thanks for the chance to win!
The cover intrigues me.
It's the storyline that 18 months is missing from her memory. I want to know what happen and how she ended in Italy.
I'm always intrigued by books about memory loss!
I love that its a story about finding yourself. Although its interesting that means different things to different people, I feel like I can relate on some level.
Wow, this sounds like an amazing book that one would not want to put down. Lots of mystery and suspense. The reader will feel intrigued by the questions surrounding the main character's amnesia and former life. Seems to have a somewhat of a V.C. Andrews feel to it yet still having its own unique style. Thanks for sharing
the cover
I'm intrigued by the memory loss of the character.
This book seems interesting.I'd like to read it
The description and the cover both intrigue me
Ti be honest the book cover attracted me to the book looks so awesome.
The mystery. It sounds really great. Plus the cover is intriguin!
the main character intrigues me
The past of Ann and her pregnancy intrigue me.
Would love to discover what happened with her.
This sounds very emotional, something I love reading :)
Such awesome comments! I've provided a couple of review copies and still have two more available to anyone wiling to share their thoughts about the story. Just wave if you would like a free copy. Thanks :)
Lori, I was careful to expose as much of Ann's heart and emotions as I could. I love it when I am reading a book and I can peek right into a character's soul.
Congrats to Louise Caiola on the release of The Making of Nebraska Brown.
I found the cover most intriguing. So much so, I had to enlarge it for a better view.
Thanks for hosting the giveaway. Fingers crossed to win.
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