
Albert Camus

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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Leap Into Books Giveaway Hop International

Click HERE to see the list of blogs participating to this hop!

You can choose any book you want, up to 18$

MYTHICAL BOOKS' Giveaway is INTERNATIONAL as long as The Book Depository ships to you for free OR you want ebooks from Smashwords or Amazon 
The winner will be announced here, on Mythical Books
Good luck!
The winner will have 7 days to claim the prize!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Jane said...

I'll go with both.

salena said...

The books are always better than the movie, due to the fact the books always have more details. Thanks so much for sharing & Happy Reading! :)

Unknown said...

Book. Always.

Cali W. said...

Books! Thanks for the giveaway!

Mystica said...

Book please

Bube said...

Book :D

Courtney said...

Book--ALWAYS! :)

Jewel said...

I would pick Book, because the book is always better than the movie.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Books!!! Always and forever xD

Mervi said...

Book. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Unknown said...

Book,of course.

Clarissa (Bookadicea) said...

I will always go for the book then movies. ;)
-Riz B.

miki said...

the book without hesitation, thanks for the giveaway

Unknown said...

Books! thanks for the giveaway

Rima said...

Book is always better than the movie. :)

Amy said...


Anonymous said...

Always books!

Arien said...

Books definitely!

oriana said...

Movie, book, better both

Ashley E said...

No contest. Book.

Stephanie @ Bookfever said...

Book. No question about that. =)

Thanks for the giveaway!

Jessica Polanco said...

Book! :D

Unknown said...

Definitely books. There is the rare occasion when the movie is good as in The Hunger Games movies. They are just amazing. :)

Amanda D said...

Books!! They are always better than the movie.

susan1215 said...


Unknown said...


Emily @ Falling For YA said...

Book! Although, I've seen some pretty good book to movie adaptations lately.

Unknown said...


Kai said...


Heather B said...

Book when I have the time! With 3 little ones though finding time to read is rare lately so the movies win lately

books4me said...

Book! I love to read and would prefer to spend the time reading a book than watching the movie!


Gaby G said...

Book is always better, but I love movies too!

Unknown said...

Books are better almost always, but some movies can be just as great as the books. :)

Anonymous said...

Books, definitely, but there's also nothing like being able to see a story play out visually.

Thank you so much for the giveaway! Fingers crossed. :-)

Megan R said...

I enjoy both. But books are always better than movies!

magic5905 said...


pippirose said...

Definitely book.

Stephanie T. said...

Books forever. :)

fhms97 said...

definitely books!

fhms97 said...

definitely books!

Unknown said...

Books all the way.

Unknown said...

Always book :)

Sayomay said...

Def book!!!!!! :D
Mary G Loki

Jaime Lester said...

Definitely, 100% books! BUT I do love movies, too. If I had to choose though, I will always go with my books!

Unknown said...

Book, always. :)

Unknown said...

Book, always. :)

Unknown said...

Book, always. :)

Ashfa said...


Kirsten! said...

Books are almost always better than their movies. There are a couple exceptions, but not many.

Enchanting Accents said...

Book!!! Definitely!!!

elin said...

Book :D

Unknown said...

Probably... Book! :) thanks for this awesome giveaway! :D

Nara said...

I think it depends on the story :)
e.g. Harry Potter the books are better, LOTR the movies are better

Kristia said...

Book book book boook!! :)
Thank you for the giveaway!

Megan said...

definitely book!

Dovile said...

Book, but movies are sometimes OK too.

Unknown said...

The books are always better than the movies. Always more details and better scenes in the books.

GeorgiaBeckman said...

Definitely books.

Krista said...

I love books!

Anonymous said...

I say definitely book, but I'd like to watch the movie after my reading the book. :D

Unknown said...

I definitely prefer books to movies! Thanks for the giveaway! :D

Jillyn said...

Book, for sure.

Unknown said...

I usually always prefer the books to the movie but there have been some great book-to-movie adaptations. Thank you for the chance!

LAWonder said...

It is rare a movie is better than te book so I prefer the book.

Bewitched reader said...

If I had to chose one I would say Book!!

alena said...

Books, they are more magical

Anita H. said...

book definitely!

mk said...

Books when I'm in it for the story and movies when I just want to kill time. And if I have to choose between book or movie based on the main story than I prefer to read the books first and then watch the movie to fill in some blanks.
Thanks for the great giveaway!

Unknown said...

Book, I prefer to use my own imagination.

Catalina Mihaela said...

I prefer books :)

F. Juni Ismarianto said...

Both. But, if choosing is a must, I choose book.

Christie said...

The book is always more detailed so I prefer the book.

Betul E. said...


NenaTH said...

Depends on my mood, sometimes I just want to sit down and read a good book, and other times I just want to watch movies all day and night long haha.

Tiffany Holme said...

Book. Hands down book every single time!!

Unknown said...

I'll go with both but there are only a few movies I like more than the book :)

Majer Gabriella said...

but book first

Stephanie Shipley said...

I prefer books over movies. It's a more fun and personable experience to read a book which not only includes more but also leaves certain things to your imagination which I really enjoy.

Unknown said...

I would choose the book.

Lisa Mandina said...

Books are always better. But it is fun to see books brought to life in movies.

Unknown said...

I am a big fan of both!

Unknown said...

Usually the book however there are some movies that were made from books that I prefer to not read the books for....

Kathleen said...

The BOOK! It is ALWAYS better than the movie! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Cayce said...

Book :)

Unknown said...

Books of course. I do go and see the movies though.

Unknown said...

I do enjoy a good movie but in my opinion books are always better.

Anonymous said...

Always would choose the book!

Christy Maurer said...

Books are always better because movies have to cut too much out.

Unknown said...


Becca said...

Book....but I love seeing books come to life on screen!

Unknown said...

Books of course!

Sol y Luna said...

both , but when the book have a movie i love more the book

J Whitus said...

Book! You always no more about a character's motivations when you read a book.

vonze said...

It depends, a lot of time the book is better, but I have seen movies that improve on a book's storyline or cut to the chase if it's slow in places.

Unknown said...

Book please! :)

M. Scott said...

I do both, but usually like reading the book *before* seeing the movie.

Isa said...

It depends, I tend to love them both but usually I'd enjoy the book more. Thank you for the giveaway, enjoy your day! :)

Unknown said...

I am from Brazil, can I enter the giveaway?? Thanks ^^

Mona said...

Usually the book b/c the movie can only depict so much.
Thanks :)

Unknown said...

Books are always better then the movie

Unknown said...

Boook! ^~^

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Books are always better than the movies! But some aren't bad movies either.

Filia Oktarina said...

Book, please :)

Unknown said...

I prefer the book, but my eyes are getting older and I can see the movie for longer periods of time.

Tinkie said...

I love movies but books will always be better in my opinion :)

Unknown said...

Definitely, book!! No contest:)
Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Books, mostly. If Chris Hemsworth's involved it could go either way, really :D

Unknown said...

I really enjoy movies but I definitely prefer books

Liene Sun said...

books all the way

Psyche said...


The Romanceaholic said...

Honestly I always would have said "Book, then movie", but after seeing Ender's Game without knowing the story, I'm not sure that's always the best policy lol So now I say that if I'm not already aware of the book by the time the movie comes out, then movie first, then book. ;)

The Romanceaholic said...

Honestly I always would have said "Book, then movie", but after seeing Ender's Game without knowing the story, I'm not sure that's always the best policy lol So now I say that if I'm not already aware of the book by the time the movie comes out, then movie first, then book. ;)

Dominique said...

I prefer books myself.

(Nikki Marie on rafflecopter)

Cindi said...

I would choose a book if I won:)

Sky Evans said...

I'd get a book.

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

Both! Sometimes the book is more intense and goes on your imagination. Movie great because you can see special effects and character chemistry!

Stacey Smith said...

Books Always!

Unknown said...

I prefer reading the book first then watching the movie. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :D

Lynn K. said...

Er...both? For movies I mean movies in general, not adaptions...

Lynn K. said...

Er...both? For movies I mean movies in general, not adaptions...

Cheryl said...


Unknown said...

I like books and movies it all depends. Books usually give more information.

Andrea Amy said...

books are always better than the movie :)

Andrea Amy said...

books are always better than the movie :)

Kiku said...

Books. I have no interest in TV or movies.

Eva @ All Books Considered said...


Eva @ All Books Considered said...


Enchanting Reviews said...

Definitely a book!

_Sandra_ said...

Love both, but definitely book first. :)
Thanks for a giveaway! :)

Kamla L. said...

I much rather a good book first. However, I am also a big movie buff.

AEKZ2 said...

I like both!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Tara W said...

Tara Woods

Maria Behar said...

I would definitely prefer a book -- either "Cruel Beauty", or "Alienated". Thank you SO much for the AWESOME giveaway!!!!! : )