Published: February 5th, 2014
She walks in the darkness—it is all she has ever known.
Arrow walks with death. It is bitter and black, and covers every step she takes. Trained from the crib to be nothing more than a death-bringer she knows she was born without a soul. The darkness is where she’s comfortable and she carries the weight of her duty notched on bow—ready to fly straight and true in to her enemy’s hearts.
He has known love and loss—and then he finds her in the darkness.
Adam knows his calling. Protect and serve. As a member of Trident Corporation he has found the perfect place to meet his obligations. Then he sees a woman with eyes of amber and he is taken under by her darkness. He touches her heart and knows he has no choice—share his light with a killer or lose his soul to her.
Darkness and light. Two sides of one coin. Retribution draws them together but before all is said and done they will learn love can either break you or make you stronger.
She was born to love then taught to kill. She has become everything but is no one.
Known only as Bullet she was long ago forced to shed the name her parents gave her. Changed, molded and trained to kill with sharp-shooting efficiency she is one of The Collective’s most valuable assets. In a cadre of killers, Bullet is death waiting but her time for vengeance has come.
He was loved and then he lost. He has become a hunter in search of revenge.
Everything was taken from Rand the day a bullet ended the lives of his beloved wife and daughter. He has searched for their killer seven long years and may have her in his hands. Rand has suffered but now the time has come to make The Collective pay or die trying.
Joy and sorrow are two sides of the same coin. Vengeance draws them together but before all is said and done they will learn love can either break you or make you stronger.
Thank You, Mrs. Lea Griffith
“Science fiction, paranormal and contemporary romance, oh my! Nothing is off-limits when it comes to” you. Do your books need only your imagination or for you to do a proper research?
Only my imagination. I honestly believe that nothing is outside the realm of possibility. I think opening myself to that allows me to write beyond my frame of reference. I also think the impossible is a limitation humans place on themselves. I do like to research though simply because I like getting things like ballistics/weaponry correct. So while a lot of things may be my imagination—it is all based in knowledge available to everyone right now at the click of a button.
How important is for the romance a solid and accurate backgroud?
For love to be believable you must have a solid framework. Love can grow from any emotion, even the most virulent hatred. It is about understanding yourself and others—accepting what you can’t change and learning to love not only the other person, but yourself as well. So it is incredibly important for a romance to have a solid foundation—whether it’s lust, mutual respect, friendship—whatever draws two people together must be firm and believable.
From the descriptions of the series and the books, I can presume the style is an important part of your writing. Do you think (and why) that our day entertainment literature still needs figures of speech?

What (real) love means for you and for your characters from No Mercy series?
Real love is about acceptance. For the women of No Mercy it is about overcoming incredible obstacles, self-discovery, and realizing they have the ability to feel such an overwhelming emotion. Real love consumes but doesn’t spit you back out. It is selfless and kind, understanding and demanding. It is about giving up the biggest piece of yourself with the realization that it is a risk.
“Darkness and light. Two sides of one coin.” What about the shades of grey? And from what is made that coin? I think my women move in the shadows cast between the darkness and light. Those shades of grey are where they live—it’s all they’ve known. But inside of the women of No Mercy is an unbearable lightness that can pierce any dark. The coin is one of retribution...revenge. It is the payment by which they will either succeed or fail in their mission to destroy the man who honed them into killers.
„romance with heat that doesn’t stop and love that won’t quit,” How do you decide which is the best proportion of „heat” for your readers to don’t get burn?
Wow—great question. Each woman in this series is a unique individual. The stories tell themselves how they will. I will be honest though and say that if someone is uncomfortable with a higher level of heat, they should skim over those parts of the book. The books focus on the romance, suspense and action, but the „heat” is most definitely HOTNESS. It is undeniable the intensity of emotion between the women and men of No Mercy. It is unescapable and I’ve done my best to bring those scenes to life for the reader.
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About the author:

Lea lives with her husband and three teenage daughters in rural Georgia. Two dogs, a cat, and a Betta fish named Coddy George complete a family always in motion. When not working at the EDJ, she’s usually at her keyboard, using every spare second to write. Science fiction, paranormal and contemporary romance, oh my! Nothing is off-limits when it comes to her writing.
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