In 1847 Wales Methodist Minister Richard Kenyon converts to Mormonism.
Richard’s newfound faith is put to the test when he faces the anger of
his former congregation, his wife’s indecisiveness, his brother’s
betrayal, and the murderous intentions of misinformed villagers.
My Review
All That Was Promised is categorized as Lds (LDS is the common name for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as the Mormon Church). Just because there is such a category (at least on the books websites) makes me think that all these books are part of a "missionary program" and incline me to be a bit reluctant to them. I have nothing against missionaries in general, but usually I keep in sight also its negative side proven by history. However, I believe that we should not divide people by their religion, but by their deeds.
Nevertheless, and given that I have not encountered a book that I didn’t like it in the book tours organized by Kathy, I said to myself that I could make a try. All That Was Promised, aside from the slight propaganda tinge - assumed at the book choice, but which doesn’t bother, it's a pleasant reading.
The writer helps the reader to feel the atmosphere in the mid 1800s Wales by introducing several names, heritages and traditions. I liked it how the author shows us how the ancient rites of a religion allegedly lost survive in the life and faith of the society hidden in customs. These details show that the author has documented and so the book gain a greater persuasion (not a religious one, as I said you’ll not find any "callous" message), but the story itself.
Against some aspects that I couldn’t ignore, such as the ease with which the Methodist minister Richard chooses to change his religion (the given reason was not convincing for me) I became curious about what will happen. Although focused on Richard and his family, the book does not neglect the other characters. With a background and a different social status they come together and are united by the promoting of a new religion. Everyone has a story and each will have choices to make. The author manages to coordinate and develop these individual stories, to form a consistent whole, but sometimes I thought that she could have give more, but refrained herself. Regardless of her reasons I could only think that is a loss.
I appreciated the fact that at one point, Vickie Hall had the "courage" to show (even if she considered another issue) that regardless of religion you’ll remain the same person.
“I mean, I’m not what I used to be,” she explained softly. “The Church changed me. Repentin’ changed me, and lettin’ the Lord change my heart made me a different person too.”The action grows gradually on the background of a violent and incapable of accepting diversity society. Its reactions are often manipulated from the dark by mean individual interests. Each character will face a dramatic end. The denouement is a worth it one, not necessarily predictable, and I cannot help myself (despite the fact that I accepted this promotion) to say that it’s one relied too much on the idea that faith will solve everything.
“But that doesn’t make you someone else, really.”
Am I curious about volume two? The answer is yes. However, I would like that Vickie Hall to give everything she can and, within the genre’s limits, to not remain anchored only in a "missionary literature”.
I received the book for review as part of Book Tour - Thank you

Acestea fiind spuse, şi având în vedere că nu am întâlnit o carte care să nu-mi placă în tururile organizate de Kathy, mi-am zis că aş putea face încercare. All that Was Promised, lăsând la o parte uşoara tentă propagandistică – asumată la alegerea cărții, dar care nu deranjează, este o lectură plăcută.
Scriitoarea ajută cititorul să simtă atmosfera Țării Galilor la jumătatea anilor 1800 prin introducerea mai multor denumiri, obiceiuri şi tradiții. Aceste amănunte arată că autoarea s-a documentat, şi astfel cartea capătă o mai mare putere de convingere (nu religioasă, aşa cum am spus nu vei găsi un mesaj „dur”), ci a poveştii în sine.
Împotriva unor aspecte pe care nu am putut să le ignor, cum ar fi uşurința cu care preotul metodist Richard alege să-şi schimbe religia (motivația oferită nu a fost convingătoare pentru mine) am devenit curioasă cu privire la ce va urma. Deşi axată pe Richard şi familia lui, cartea nu neglijează celelalte personaje. Cu un trecut şi un statut social diferit ele ajung împreună şi sunt unite de promovarea noii religii. Fiecare are o poveste şi fiecare va avea alegeri de făcut. Autoarea reuşeşte să coordoneze şi să dezvolte aceste poveşti individuale, să formeze un tot unitar consistent, dar uneori am avut impresia că ar fi putut mai mult, dar s-a abținut. Indiferent de motivele sale nu mă pot gândi că nu e păcat.
Am apreciat faptul că la un moment dat, Vickie Hall a avut „curajul” de a arăta (chiar dacă a avut în vedere un alt aspect) că indiferent de religie vei fi aceeaşi persoană.
“I mean, I’m not what I used to be,” she explained softly. “The Church changed me. Repentin’ changed me, and lettin’ the Lord change my heart made me a different person too.”Acțiunea se dezvoltă gradual pe fundalul unei societăți violente şi incapabile de accepta diversitatea. Reacțiile ei sunt de cele mai multe ori manipulate din umbră de interese individuale meschine. Fiecare personaj va avea de înfruntat un final dramatic. Deznodământul este unul meritat, nu neapărat previzibil, şi nu mă pot abține (în ciuda faptului că am acceptat în prealabil certitudinea acestei promovări) unul bazat prea mult pe ideea că credința va rezolva totul.
“But that doesn’t make you someone else, really.”
Dacă sunt curioasă cu privire la volumul doi? Răspunsul este da. Aş vrea însă ca Vickie Hall să dea tot ce poate şi, în limita genului, să nu rămână ancorată doar într-un misionarism literar.
Book #2
When converts Richard and Leah Kenyon leave Wales and heed the call to Zion, they are unprepared for the toll exacted by the journey. To face the incredible odds mounted against them they call upon the Lord's tender mercies to see them through and strengthen their love for one another. Their story will remind you where to turn during your trials.
Author Vickie Hall Vickie is a native of Utah, but growing up, lived in the states of Colorado, Idaho, Montana, and Nebraska. When she's not writing, she's composing music, or shopping with her sister. She loves animals of all kinds and camping with her family. Her favorite pastime is watching old movies on TCM, and unashamedly has a crush on Cary Grant.
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