She won’t be tamed.
A fiery, unconventional Scot, Adaira Ferguson wears breeches, swears, and has no more desire to marry than she does to follow society’s dictates of appropriate behavior. She trusts no man with the secret she desperately protects.
He can’t forget.
Haunted by his past, Roark, The Earl of Clarendon, rigidly adheres to propriety, holding himself and those around him to the highest standards, no matter the cost. Betrayed once, he’s guarded and leery of all women.
Another beautiful gift from Collette Cameron 5 stars
Collette Cameron has done it again with her new novel The Earl’s Enticement, which is now my favorites of her series. It’s the perfect blend of romance and adventure! This is the third story in The Castle Brides Series. I really had to read this story, the fact that her heroine Adaira was no ordinary woman, made this story more appealing to me. She was a fiery Scottish lass who loved to wear breeches and feel free! Some scenes are filled with humour, charm and finesse. - Nicole (Goodreads)
Stable Scene
Fionn stretched his neck over his stall door and showing his teeth in a horsey grin, whinnied a welcome. Adaira chuckled. “Missed me, have you?”
She propped the parasol against the wall, then hurried to him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she whispered, “I’ve missed you too. Forgive me for neglecting you. I’ve made a muddled mess of things, my friend.”
To her right another horse blew a hefty expanse of air before poking its head over the stall in greeting. Adaira ran a practiced eye over the beast. Not one of hers.
“Well, hello. Who are you, my lovely?” She smoothed a hand over the big mare’s satiny neck, coming to an abrupt halt and gasping when her fingers encountered a hardened scar. Adaira peered around the horse’s head. Even in the muted light she could see the rope-like scar encircling the mare’s neck.
“My God, you poor thing!”
Fionn, nuzzled the mare. Was she coming into season?
“You became a father again mere weeks ago. Behave yourself. She’s not part of your harem, you rogue.” She caressed his silky neck, then kissed his muzzle. “I’m going to miss you.”
Tears threatened. He shifted restlessly. “I know. You want to gallop across the moors. I wish we could. I’m not permitted to ride you at present.”
She laid her head against his. “Everything has changed. I have to wear gowns now, even when I ride.”
Tears spilled over the rims of her eyes, streaming down her cheeks. “And, I have to use a sidesaddle. You’ll not like it, I’m afraid. I won’t either.”
Contemptible tears. She wiped at her eyes with her fingers. She’d no handkerchief with her. It was still on the floor in her bedchamber. “We’ll never race across the meadows, ventre a terre, belly to ground, again. It’s unladylike.”
She gave up trying to stifle her tears. Clinging to Fionn, she gave way to the grief ripping at her heart. “Nothing will ever be the same,” she sobbed. “I’ve made a powerful enemy, and he’s determined to destroy me.”
Strong arms turned her into a masculine embrace. “Not destroy—subdue a trifle.”
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Great excerpt! I shared.
Great excerpt! I shared.
Man talking to you is no minor feat. First, Facebook didn't want to let me read this blog at all. They declared it potentially abusive, but naturally I asked to see it, because if you were being abused, I'd have to save you. As far as I can tell you have a very lovely blog here. So Facebook is off the mark yet again. Then I struggled to find the post a comment link. It took me 20 minutes. And now all I've done is complain. Sorry. Your book sounds really good, which is why I've already bought it. Now I just have to get time to read it. I will, even if I have to stay up all night long.
Thank you Ella!
Liza, I know I can count on you to save me! Shame on FB for saying this site is abusive. Look at all the wonderful guests they have hosted.
I think FB is jealous!
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