
Albert Camus

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Cover Reveal and Giveaway Liar, Liar (BFFs #1) by Dawn Pendleton

Release day: September 17th, 2013


Hazel is a freshman at Coastal Carolina and looking forward to making new friends. When she meets Roman, she’s head over heels for him. There’s one problem, though: he’s still hung up on Hazel’s roommate, Cheyanne. But Cheyanne has a secret, one that has the potential to ruin her life in college. When Hazel learns the secret, she’s determined to use it against Cheyanne to win over Roman. She never imagines her plan could backfire, leaving her as a pariah among her new circle of friends.

The BFF series follows the lives of new adults, Hazel, Miranda, Cheyanne, Destiny, Audric, Nolan, Andre, and Roman. Follow their stories as the first season of novellas are released once a week from September to March.

Author's Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Cover Reveal organized by GCRPromotions


Kristia said...

Love the cover! The pose of the girls, the colors, it's very original :)

Unknown said...

The cover is okay.

Anonymous said...

It's pretty!

Chaotic Karma said...

I love the cover! :)

~Veronica Vasquez~

Catalina Mihaela said...

I like it.I think it fits the book's subject.

Unknown said...

Thanks :D

Unknown said...

Love thecover!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Love the cover

Unknown said...

Formulaic but beautiful, but I think the best-friend-forever tag could be prettier using other font match the title

Unknown said...

the cover looks cute,the colors fit it perfectly