
Albert Camus

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Gargoyle Addiction (Otherworlds Summons #1) by Livia Olteano

Publication Date:  July 15th, 2013


Summonari don’t trust. Under their command, they summon any number of creatures from the Otherwolds—but never trust them outside of the summoning.
Gargoyles don’t love. Fierce descendants of dragons, they function on power and fear—never love.

Karla isn’t the happily-ever-after type of girl. No territory-hungry guy is going to stick flags all over her unclaimed grounds.
Kann’s world is death and betrayal. As Dar Primus of Haus Varis, he’s expected to follow tradition but he’s not your regular gargoyle. In fact, he’s anything but.

One fateful Friday night, Otherworlds collide. Stuck together in one world or another, Karla and Kann face everything from Awakenings and turbulent love to Festnavals and bloodthirsty scorned suitors.
If there’s one thing they can’t escape, it’s the addiction to each other. And they’ve got it bad.

 About the author:

Livia lives in Europe where she listens to obscene amounts of music and devours every reading material in sight. When she’s not doing either of the two, she fiddles with anything remotely customizable within reach.

Author's Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

My addictions are definitelly coke and books

CCAM said...

@Kristall - welcome in my world! Yep, coke and books;

Unknown said...

Buna,ai o nominalizare de la mine aici:http://me-my-books-and-i.blogspot.ro/2013/07/shine-on-award.html

Stormy Vixen said...

Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway. I am looking forward to reading this series.

Unknown said...

My addictions? Book and internet (currently specify to book giveaway and youtube video)

Thanks for the giveaway ;p

Deathnote said...

Flowers, tea and books. Not in that order, though :P

Alexandra. said...

Beautiful things as flowers, jewellery and books!

Susan T. said...

My addictions are purses and lipgloss!

Unknown said...

Books are my addiction. I have a Kindle, but I still collect real, printed books. I love the feel, the smell and the look of printed books. I love to read; I love it more than breathing, I think. Thanks for the giveaway. michelle_willms@yahoo.com.

deea s said...

My addiction are books

Unknown said...

chocolates :D