Cover Design: Regina Wamba at Mae I Design Photography & Emma Michaels
Fifteen-year-old Sabella Grimes has never been normal, unless every teenage girl has recurring dreams of magic and goddesses. Unfortunately, devastation strikes Sabella when she loses both of her parents in a freak plane crash on her birthday. Suddenly, the word ‘normal’ takes on a whole new meaning.
A world she never knew existed is opened up to her. A life where Spellcasting 101, Mastering the Art of Hexes, and AP Potions replaces English, Geometry, and Biology at Sabella’s new school ─Crossroads Prep School.
Seventeen-year-old Cain Mera knew what he was and what he had to do ... he, like his father before him, was a witch hunter. His life’s mission was to rid the world of those abominations. However, when he meets the feisty, blonde-haired teen he’s going to have to choose between his feelings for a girl and his deeply ingrained hatred toward her race.
Sabella begins to understand that it’s not always what you know that could get you killed ... it’s what’s in your blood. Will she be able to harness her new powers and protect those she loves, or will she be burned at the stake by someone she trusts?
“Are you quite certain this is the path we must take, Father?” I asked, peering up at the thumbnail that hung low in the night’s sky.
“It is unfortunate, Hecate, but I am. I fear that if we do not act now, Cronus will wage his war. He is desperate for your powers and those of the child in hopes of regaining dominion over all the lands.” My father, the powerful Zeus said placing his hand on my bare shoulder as my hair whipped in the wind.
“I don’t understand why he wants to regain control over the humans. What would he stand to gain?” My voice quaked with fear. Cronus, my father’s father had been the most powerful Titan to ever rule, until my father had grown up and banished him and all of Titans to Tartarus in the underworld.
“With the combined powers of yours and the child, he wishes to open the crossroads and unleash the underworld. He seeks revenge against all those he feels overthrew his rule, and he will not be satisfied until he has the power to do exactly that.” my father paced the cliff’s edge, “As his son, his behavior saddens me greatly. He has already begun recruiting spies to find your location. Lamia, Mormo, and Empusa will act against us, and should you be found, they will take you to him.”
“Then so mote it be! I do, however have yet another question. The magic that I must undertake will put me into a deep slumber this evening when the moon is at its most potent. How will I know when to rise?” I asked.
“The child, the one whose power will be far greater than any we have ever witnessed will call you to her when it is time.” He answered.
“Then it shall be done. I have already taken the liberty of creating the potion that will assist us this night. However, I do wonder why this child, who is not even born yet is of such importance to Cronus’ plan?” I tilted my chin to face my father directly.
He eyed me for a moment before he answered, “She is important, because she is of our blood. By the time she is of this world, the power in her blood will decide all of our fates. She will be both Goddess and Titan, the beginning and the end. She will be both, living and dead, able to walk between worlds. She will be the absolute power.”
“I understand, Father.” I said, tilting the tiny vial with the powerful potion into my mouth. In a mere moment, the beautiful moon, my moon faded from my vision and all went black.
About the author:

She’s also a huge football nut! That's right fellas, she’s a DIE-HARD Ravens fan living in Pennsylvania! How's that for ballsy?
She’s been writing for as long as she can remember, but two years ago her loving husband─ who believed in her talent, finally gave her a gentle push... actually, according to her, it was really more of a kick... in the lower back-upper thigh region. She claims it hurt. After a few restless nights she decided to allow everyone to meet all of the crazy characters in her head, and here we are.
K.B. has as her family calls it, a ridiculous addiction to hats, shoes, sunglasses, owls, and coffee. No problems there, right? That's what she said.
Welcome to K.B.-land, it's a lot like Disneyland only without all the endless lines, unnaturally happy people, and it doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg to enter! LOL
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