The bloody, raw meat was tantalizing her; calling to her. She hated it and yearned for it all at once.
Stop, she ordered. What are you doing?!
So hungryyyyy, snarled a primal voice deep within her.
Don’t you dare! she screamed back.
But the primal hunger ignored her pleas and took over her body, forcing her rational voice deep within the crevices of her mind.
What would you do if you discovered you weren't human? That you turned into a bloodthirsty monster against your will?
What if your instincts, emotions and desires were torn between your own and the dark, dangerous animal lurking inside of you?
If it could make you yearn for someone you shouldn't, make you say and act in ways you wouldn't and overwhelm your whole existence?
If everything you'd ever known about your life was a lie?
In a world where a deeply hidden community is swathed in mystery, deadly secrets, betrayal and murder, Jaz Barker struggles to fight against the dangerous Beast within her and the emotions and desires it thrusts her way.
When tensions ride high and people she cares about are put in danger, she will have to decide how much of her newly awakened animal-side she's willing to let in.
And if it is worth the risk...
About our inner beasts (about what kind of Shapeshifters we will meet in Beasthood)
First of all, I love this topic. It encompasses the whole novel. This concept of fighting the inner beast. Only, the thing about Beasthood, is the inner beast is real. Not quite physical, but an alternate personality. The name 'Beasthood' means the nature of a beast. Which is essentially what this novel is about, hence why I titled it that.
I like the idea of the inner beast fighting within Jaz. We have that ourselves. Our good thoughts battling with our bad, our positive motivation being flattened by negative energy. The trick is to find the balance.
Jaz is constantly battling herself. She doesn't accept who she is and in the beginning she tries to push it all away rather than understand it, balance it, let it in. I never encourage the idea that being beastly and cruel is right but to accept negative thoughts and choose not to let them get to her/us. In book two, we will see more of Jaz accepting that she is part beast in nature. That she does have rather primal urges that need to be answered at times, and need to be quashed at others. The hard part is knowing when to do what and seeing it through. Her beast, like our inner beasts, drives us to do great things, but also terrible things. That for me, is the good and evil in this novel, not the people. I don't make people all bad, or all good. It's not realistic. Everyone has a drive and a reason for their actions. It's just when they act on bad actions it's then we see them as the bad guy. The more bad they do, the badder they seem. And same goes for the good guys.
The shapeshifters in Beasthood are complex and are stronger than humans physically and mentally. They have a mindset that could be considered similar to someone with a multiple personality disorder. They have their primal, instinctive, demanding beast side and their own more rational side. They physically look human when they haven't Changed (a term for shifted/morphed) apart from one or two minor differences, and then they become a Beast. Something not like a werewolf but a different species altogether.
In the novel, I try to make out that the Werebeasts/ shapeshifters are their own species, and have their own way of life, mindset, rules, culture. Which has been hard for some readers to understand because they don't get why some of the characters do things the way they do. I guess that must mean I made them different enough, which is what I wanted.
At first, Beasthood is about fighting the demons -or the beast. Then it gradually moves on to learning about it, understanding it, and then respecting it. I don't think Jaz really accepts it until book two (coming this year). A lot of readers have been hoping to see how she develops, and she does develop a lot in Beasthood, from a lost, stubborn kid, to a mature, brave and likeable character.
I think everyone can relate to her because she's like us when it comes to inner beasts. We appreciate her struggle, her fear and admire her bravery, her ability to accept, forgive, understand. It isn't easy.
Not all of the Werebeasts carry the same qualities. And that's when the bloodbath begins...
“For the fourth round, the judges have decided that the two opponents must face each other in their Beast form, starting now!”
The crowd drowned out his rumbling voice and went manic.
Jaz stared in disgusted awe as Kain's body contorted and twisted and crunched until he turned into a Beast. His roars and howls were spine-chilling, sending shivers through every inch of her. But she realized her reaction wasn't because of him.
Something was wrong with Nik.
“Why isn't he Changing?” Alf barked. “Why the fuck isn't he Changing?!”
Jaz gaped at Nik who was standing completely still. Kain's spine cracked and dark brown hair began pushing through his skin, covering his Changing body. His jaw crunched as it lengthened.
“He can't Change,” she uttered in a low voice, mostly to herself. The air in her lungs suddenly felt like a ball coated in spikes.
“He can't bloody Change! He must be too weak!” She clamped her hands to her mouth just as Kain lunged straight for Nik.
Before she knew what she was doing, she jumped forward, tripping over the thigh-high barrier. She felt Alf's hand whip past her, missing a grip on her arm before she saw the sand floor of the arena below her, rushing towards her. She held out her hands just in time to try to soften the fall before she slammed into the ground; the wind was knocked out of her and she grunted.
Half the crowd turned in her direction, some pointing at her, the other half who hadn't yet seen her still had their eyes glued to the cage. She cocked her head up, saw the Beast's teeth about to shred Nik's shielding arm to pieces, when her view was blocked by someone's back as they pounded towards the cage. One by one, five more Weres jumped down from behind her, dodging her as they raced towards the metal dome. She stared in bewilderment as two more sprang out from the barrier containing the pulsing crowd on the other side. The increase of Weres on the arena floor caused an uproar in the crowd and Judges Stand.
Jaz saw the two cage guards knocked out on the floor just before she felt an arm around her, yanking her to her feet. She wheeled round to face the cold, beautiful eyes of her enemy.
“Fraya!” she barked, teeth bared. Njord's note had confirmed the feeling in her gut that the cold-hearted bitch standing in front of her had killed Lora and her unborn child. Jaz wanted to squeeze the life out of her and enjoy watching it. But the guilt-stricken look in Fraya's eyes stopped her.
“Need a hand?” Fraya offered.
Jaz studied her suspiciously but urgency kicked her into action. She pushed her emotions aside, ignoring Fraya as she bolted across the sand floor, sprinting over and around Weres fighting and throwing punches at each other. She couldn't tell who was with her or against her. She didn't care. She just needed to see if Nik was alive.
Beast Kain was roaming around the cage, pacing back and forth. Nik was in the middle still standing and Jaz exhaled with relief. Alf was pushing others back from the cage. The wispy-haired judge was screeching into his microphone, calling for order.
It was then that the balls of fire shot out of nowhere.
Jaz screamed as one hurled in her direction. Those in front of her path ducked, and she dived to the side just in time. Then there was another from a different direction, coming from her left this time. She ran forward. Then came another, and another all being shot from guns fixed into the stone barrier just below the crowd. Jaz spotted square holes that had been opened for the guns to fire through, before she had to dive again.
The heat of the balls turned the arena into Hell itself. She ran towards the cage but was stopped in her path as more fireballs in quicker succession exploded out into the arena. The fireballs bounced off the wall of glass protecting the crowd. Jaz had no idea when or how the glass wall had appeared.
As she ducked down on the ground she noticed the balls of fire seemed to purposely miss the cage, aiming only at those who'd disrupted the fight. Some of the people dispersed as quickly as they could. But others weren't so lucky.
Jaz cried out when a man next to her, not much older than she was, was hit in the chest by a fireball. He fell back screaming like a banshee. She jumped away, falling onto her butt as she gawked at him. His clothes were melted to his torso and the skin was burnt off like candle wax. He held his burnt flesh, and it was then Jaz saw the enormous hole in his body; his intestines, stomach and liver burnt away; his spine was visible, charcoal black and smoking. She sagged over her bent knees, clutching her stomach as the unbearable stench made her retch.
He was gasping as his hands scrambled around his stomach, as if trying to hold himself together. More skin slid away like red-hot melted cheese from his touch. And then he held up his burnt hands screaming because he'd rubbed away the flesh and muscle from them, leaving nothing but charred bone. Then he gurgled as he choked on his own blood, unable to breathe.
Jaz sprang to her feet, holding her hand to her mouth. Her eyes widened to saucers when she saw the fireball hurtling towards her. Before she was a human barbecue, someone knocked her down from behind and the fireball flew past her, hitting the wall.
She swung round to find Fraya again. She should have shoved Fraya into the path of a fireball but the horror of what she'd seen stupefied her. She peered down at the dying man and saw he was no longer moving. The foul stench and smoke in the air made her cough and her eyes burn.
“Go!” Fraya bellowed, shoving her up.
Jaz jumped to her feet, avoiding the charred bodies, dodging the one-on-one combats still going on despite the raging fireballs shooting out. She wanted to scream at them to get out of there, but she needed them to be distracted because she knew at least half of them would try and stop her. Fraya was the first to try as she yelled at Jaz to come back, before Jaz pulled open the enormous bolt on the door of the cage and jumped in.
About the author:

She has written various novels and short stories in her lifetime but has only recently decided to publish. She writes a wide range of genres such as dark fantasy, romance, thriller, historical fiction, dystopian, horror and paranormal. Her books tend to fit better into the New Adult genre as they usually have a more mature theme.
Beasthood is her first published novel.
Besides writing she also loves designing blogs, websites, covers for others' books as well as her own and various graphics. She has four blogs/websites and counting. Pinterest and Tumblr keep her busy, as does reading, drawing, painting and watching films. That's if she gets time to do any of these things with a three-year-old jumping around.
When asked in an interview, 'What books have inspired you to write?' she replied, 'I write books I wish existed, not because I'm inspired by a book that already exists.'
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Thank you for this brilliant promo. I love how you've done it. If anyone has any questions for me, I'll be happy to answer them. <3
Thank you! I'm glad that you like it and I'm happy for telling me <3
I liked the GP and the book sounds interesting; I cannot wait to read it.
Thank you so very much for being part of the tour - Loved the guest post.
Thank you! I'm not new to blogging but I wasn't sure if the GP was good or not. Thanks so much for all your tweets and promoting. It means a lot! And I hope you love the book when you read it. <3
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