
Albert Camus

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Giveaway: Dysfunctional: A Matilda Schmidt, Paranormal Psychologist Trilogy (#1) by Cynthia St. Aubin


Meet Matilda Schmidt, Paranormal Psychologist...

When Cupid gets stupid…

It isn’t every day a sexy demigod throws a pissed-off Cupid onto psychologist Matilda Schmidt’s couch and informs her the fate of the world depends on her ability to get him off his diapered ass and back to helping people fall in love. But first, she’ll need to convince a seductive hit man he’s snatched the wrong woman before he convinces her he might be the right man—for a night.

When luck runs out…

Accused of stealing gold from an infamous Irish street gang, Paranormal Psychologist Matilda Schmidt will die in exactly five days if she doesn’t cough it up—guilty or not. With minutes ticking away and her office overrun by a leprechaun who's loopier than he is lucky, Matilda makes a deal with a demigod—give him one night in her bed and he’ll help her locate the missing gold.

When there’s not a hop in hell…

The day is going to hell in a hurry for Paranormal Psychologist Matilda Schmidt, and that's before a suicidal Easter bunny shows up for treatment. Hunted by two jealous goddesses—and with her full-time hit man sometimes lover nowhere to be found—Matilda will have to save herself, or the world will be up River Styx without a paddle.

About the author:
Cynthia St. Aubin wrote her first play at age eight and made her brothers perform it for the admission price of gum wrappers. A steal, considering she provided the wrappers in advance. Though her early work debuted to mixed reviews, she never quite gave up on the writing thing, even while earning a mostly useless master's degree in art history and taking her turn as a cube monkey in the corporate warren.

Because the voices in her head kept talking to her, and they discourage drinking at work, she started writing instead. When she's not standing in front of the fridge eating cheese, she's hard at work figuring out which mythological, art historical, or paranormal friends to play with next. She lives in Colorado with the love of her life and three surly cats.

Find out more about Cynthia St. Aubin on her website:

Author's Giveaway

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