
Albert Camus

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Cover Reveal and Giveaway: Forever Sheltered (The Forever Series #3) by Deanna Roy

Release Date: July 23rd, 2014


It is a standalone HEA that does not require reading any other parts of the Forever series.

Tina would rather sew up her girl parts with dental floss than go on a second date with a man. She's been dumped enough to know not to get attached.

But when Dr. Darion Marks comes into her art therapy room to ask a favor for a special patient, Tina recognizes the haunted look he buries beneath his stoic professionalism. So rather than be forced to ditch the handsome doctor after a single night, she decides not to date him at all.

So how exactly DO they end up half-naked in Surgical Suite B?

Dr. Darion has a lot to hide. His baby sister is the only family he has left, and he’s not leaving her treatment to some incompetent hack.

But now he’s breaking every hospital rule imaginable. He lied about his sister so he can manage her care, and now he’s banging the art therapy teacher between patient rounds like a fraternity boy at a keg party.

Nobody believes this can end well, not Tina’s friend Corabelle, who is overcoming a tragic history much like Tina’s, or even pink-haired Jenny, who thinks sex with strangers is good for your metabolism.

But Dr. Darion and Tina have one thing going for them – a fierce passion for each other that just might obliterate all their doubts, and solve all their problems.

Forever Sheltered includes many favorite characters from Forever Innocent and Forever Loved, as well as the much-anticipated wedding of Gavin and Corabelle.

About the author:
Deanna Roy is a passionate advocate for women who have lost babies. She founded PregnancyLoss.Info in 1998 and runs many online and in-person support groups. She is the author of several two-hankie reads, including Forever Innocent, Stella & Dane, and Baby Dust.

Author's Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Cover Reveal organized by Xpresso Book Tours


Vicki H said...

I did. On my on/gyn with my first pregnancy. I think it's natural. littlequeenie29 (at) msn (dot) com

Unknown said...

Nope. It might be the fact as for now that all my doctors were either women or quite elder men, whom I saw more as fatherly figures than crush material. shantih (at) hotmail (dot) it

stacey dempsey said...

I didn have a crush on my family doctor once lol

Anonymous said...

I use to have the biggest crush on my family doctor. He was tall, dark, and handsome.

amanda whitley said...

no i hate the doctors office and everything associated with it including the doctors.

Preet said...

Yup! I had crushes on a whole bunch of them. It's a side effect of going to medical school. :)

Unknown said...

No, i can't say that i have not in real life anyway!! :) My mom on the other hand loves her heart doctor and actully can't wait to go see him it's funny. thanks for the giveaway

Debs Desk said...

I had a crush on the doctor that delivered my son. He wore blue jeans and a flannel shirt to see me the next morning and nearly fell out of me bed.

collenga said...

Yes! I had the biggest crush on a Doctor I only saw twice before I moved to another city! I was so sad!

Maidenveil said...

Yes! I have this crush on my doctor, he's cuuute.

Unknown said...

Nope I have not but i have not been to the doctor to much so i guess I have not had the chance to have a crush on one. thank you for the giveaway

Elena said...

No, I never had a crush on a doctor

Anonymous said...

no never on a doctor

CCAM said...


Unknown said...

No I have never had a crush on a doctor.

rounder9834 @yahoo.com

Nicole The Reading Rebel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicole The Reading Rebel said...

Yes if the doctors on the TV show Grey's Anatomy count if not no.