The winner is:Danielle Bateman
You must claim the prize in 3 days bu sending us an email with your name, email address you want us to use, the book you want from the series (book 1, 2 or 3) and the ebook format you prefer: ePub, mobi or PDF.
If you fail to send the email, you'll lose the prize.
The winner in Raffle form here
The winner is:
Vera M
You must claim the prize in 3 days bu sending us an email with your name, email address you want us to use and the ebook format you prefer: ePub, mobi or PDF.
If you fail to send the email, you'll lose the prize.
The winner in Raffle form here

The winner is:
Jennifer Jensen aka GFC Jenny Jensen
You have 7 days to claim the prize by sending an email with your name, full address and the book you want.
If you fail to send the email, you'll lose the prize.
The winner in Raffle form here
Ionescu Ana Claudia aka anyt_dodo
Ai 7 sapte zile sa iti revendici premiul prin trimiterea unui email cu numele tau si adresa completa. Te rog, trece titlul cartii la subiectul email-ului). Nu trimiti email-ul, pierzi premiul.
Castigatorul in formularul Raffle poate fi vazut aici

Castigatorul in formularul Raffle poate fi vazut aici

Castigatoare este:
Stroe Constantin aka Stroe Alice aka strargate?
Ai 7 sapte zile sa iti revendici premiul prin trimiterea unui email cu numele tau si adresa completa. Te rog, trece titlul cartii la subiectul email-ului). Nu trimiti email-ul, pierzi premiul.
1 comment:
Felicitări tuturor! :D
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