
Albert Camus

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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Excerpt and Giveaway Nephilim Warrior series by K.A. Young


Anna Wilkins is a prototypical housewife. She buys groceries, picks up the dry cleaning and hosts dinner parties. Everything was picture perfect from the outside looking in until the life she was born to live collided with the life she was living. Her husband is murdered by a creature from another realm, a creature that is only visible to her. Through her pain, his death awakens a part of her she didn't know existed. She is then thrust into a life of Vampires, Werewolves and Sexy Nephilim Warriors.

Drawn to her by a bond as old as their race, a Nephilim Warrior named Eli finds Anna at her darkest hour and seeks to arouse what lies dormant within her. The scorching sexual attraction she and the Warrior feel for each other is beyond anything either of them can control. Struggling to find her way; her body betrays her mind as she transitions from human to a supernatural being. 

Her greatest challenge will be to determine whether she should trust what she is told that she should be or to rely on her own instincts and allow herself to shape who she will be...


Nothing has ever come easily for the last female warrior of the Nephilim. Now that Anna has found her place in the world, she has much to learn about her new role as Queen. As the mating bond becomes clear, emotions run high as one of the sexy warriors must step aside while the other takes Anna as his Queen and assumes the throne.

It is a wild ride, as Anna must return to Georgia to deal with a vampire that is waging war on residents of her hometown. Luckily, she has her best friend/paired sorceress Elise around to keep things interesting. Anna struggles to find the perfect solution that would allow her to remain loyal to her past as well as honor the responsibility of her present.


Julie manages her life the best way she knows how, by waking up everyday and putting one foot in front of the other, along with a little help from modern medicine. Most days she holds things together pretty well; as the mother of twin toddlers and a wife to a husband she can barely stand she still manages to keep up appearances and paste a smile onto her face. Until dreams of a sexy vampire plague her nights leaving her panting when she wakes. 

Julie begins to struggle with her own urges though she dare not admit aloud that she now has a taste for blood. She longs to indulge her desire by taking the vein of the vampire that makes her quake with need. How much longer can she keep the creature inside of her at bay? Only time will tell if Julie is strong enough to resist her darkest desire or if she even wants to try.


Pain is something that I never fully understood until this moment. You can’t even comprehend the agony of losing someone that was part of you until it happens to you. You always know and accept that life ends in death, but you also believe that you have more time than you truly do. You envision a satisfying, long life. You picture yourself wrinkled and happy on the front porch, rocking in a comfortable chair, looking over at the man you love who’s seated next to you. His eyes are crinkled with laugh lines, permanently imprinted on his handsome face; proof of a long life filled with happiness. At least, we Southerners picture it that way; the front porch is the quintessential icon of Southern culture.
My Joe and I spent many evenings on the front porch of our plantation-style home, sipping sweet tea and listening to the sounds of chirping crickets along with birds singing their delightful night songs. We should have had more time; he was only thirty-six. Way too young to die.


I sit on the small grassy patch next to his grave, unaware of how I arrived here, why I’m here, or even how long I will remain. So much has changed in my life over the last year. First, I lost my mortal husband, Joe. Shortly thereafter, a Nephilim warrior named Eli swooped in like a whirlwind, turning my life inside out. I rub my hand across the smooth granite headstone, stopping to trace his name with my fingers. Joseph Adam Wilkins Born October 16, 1974 Died August 10, 2011. It was raining the day of his funeral as if the heavens grieved over his passing. I smile, remembering the life we shared, a time when I was oblivious regarding the supernatural world, believing I was merely human, and not the last female warrior of the Nephilim race. It is strange how life unfolds, nothing is predictable when it involves me, a fact I am learning to accept.

I lift my head and look around the cemetery. It looks different from how I remembered it. My internal alarm blares loudly inside my head. I have learned to trust my instinctive warnings. I scan the area, assessing the perimeters for threats. I hear rustling in the nearby trees behind me. I turn to investigate; my vision is superb so I am puzzled why I can’t make out the face of the shadowy figure in the trees. My hand, still resting on the headstone, suddenly feels damp and slippery. I lift my hand to my face; blood covers it, but whose blood?

Blood Kiss

“I’m still having the dreams.” I sighed and smoothed out my high ponytail as I stared at the large floor plant in the corner of the office to avoid Dr. Weismann’s scrutinizing gaze. I could hear him rocking back in his large office chair, something he always did as he waited for me to continue, but this time I wasn’t planning to divulge anything further. I scrounged up the courage to make eye contact with my psychiatrist of the past five years.

“Julie,” he began as he peered over his reading glasses. “You are well aware that it is unwise to withhold information from me. How am I to help you if you don’t trust me enough to confide in me?”

He set his pad aside, and then folded his hands in his lap. He was attempting his silent chiding technique. In as much as he had studied me to learn my patterns, I was also a diligent student. This would only last three to five minutes, and then he would sigh and glance at the clock to evaluate how much time remained in our session, which would leave a whopping three minutes. I had timed my delivery perfectly; just enough time remained for him to write my prescriptions, but not enough time remained to delve into the issue. I kept my face blank of any expression as I watched him complete his ritual and tear off my prescription from his pad.

“All right, here are your prescriptions; it’s the usual two hundred milligrams of Zoloft, ten milligrams of Ambien, but I’m upping your dosage of Klonopin to one milligram. You should see a marked difference in your anxiety. I reached out to take the scripts from him when he pulled them back. “Julie, you and I have made a lot of progress these past few years. You mustn’t allow your insecurities to set us back a bit­; you know can trust me.”

“I do trust you, Dr. Weismann, and I will discuss this with you when I am ready. I need a little time to process the dreams before I can talk about them. They’re… well, different than they used to be.”

His eyebrows shot up. “Different how?” I could tell he wanted to have this discussion now, but luckily, time would not allow us to continue.

I sighed, “I… I don’t know, they just are. Can I have my scripts now, I need to pick up the kids and get to the pharmacy, then the grocery store. I have a million things to do when I get home,” I pleaded with him to let this go.

He pressed the prescriptions into my open hand. “If you get shaky or have an extreme episode like you did last month, you take two Klonopin and have Bill call me. This is nothing to play around with, understand?”

I nodded and he opened the door. Thank the Lord God Almighty, I was out of there.

About the author:

K.A. Young is a paranormal/ urban fantasy romance author that lives with her family in the South. She began writing because her mind was swimming with incredible stories that were begging to be told. Her love for reading began as a small child when she realized that a good book was an instant escape to a mystical land that could be reached anytime and from anyplace.

Author's Giveaway


Unknown said...

This series sounds so awesome! I have it on my TBL and will buy it as soon as I get some money!

Anonymous said...

This book looks awesome!

LhasaLuma said...

This looks great! Thanks so much!

Kai said...

Love the stories about fallen angels and their offspring. Nice to know that there are heroes and heroines that protect the world from them.

Unknown said...

Beautiful stores.. here's wishing to continued success!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a sweet read.. excited and thanks for the info and the chance giveaway!

stacey dempsey said...

sounds interesting and spicey too GREAT

Unknown said...

great giveaway

Andreea said...

Beautiful covers <3 .

Heather Hand said...

This is a FANTASTIC SERIES! I had the opportunity to read the first two books as review books on GoodReads and I was blown away! The third book blew my mind - even knowing her "surprise this is how it is" style I still am amazed at how everything & everyone worked out. The ending - WOW! SO perfect!

I reviewed all three books on GR if you want to look up my reviews - Heather book whore & shifter slut extrordinaire is my name :-)

Gaby Metivier said...

I've heard so many good things about these books and I can't wait to read them!! Thanks for the giveaway! :D