Expected publication: November 12, 2013
Bryn is gone. Jenna isn’t…herself, and the world has been taken over by the alien Riders. The only constant in P.J.’s life is Khol. But even he might not be able to help her pick up the shattered pieces of her life.
P.J. finally gets the answers to all of her questions, but will she be able to handle the truth? And will she be strong enough to face her own destiny when the time comes?
About the author

Alien? Ok, asta deja ma sperie:))
Nu ca as iubi astfel de subiecte, pentru ca n-am citit niciodata vreo carte cu asa..specii, dar poate ca va fi interesanta.
Ador ultima coperta:x Iubesc movul, iubesc titlul, iubesc imaginea:x
Such beautiful covers!
wow...cpertile sunt incredibile:X
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