Shelby Pardow never imagined killing someone. That's about to change.
While hiding from her troubled father in the local library, Shelby stares at a flashing instant message on her computer: YOU ARE NEEDED. She discovers a portal that opens and teleports her to the planet Azimuth, where soldiers await. Here, she is not a child but a warrior, Kin to one of the six Aulic Assembly members imprisoned by Malefic Cacoethes, the daunting leader of the Nightlanders.
Malefic, the evil spawn of the demon Biskara, razes towns and cities in his quest to rule Azimuth, and yearns to turn his forces against Earth. Yet every time Biskara gets close to achieving his malevolent goals, the Assembly uses the Silver Sphere, a sophisticated armillary device, to thwart him.
With the Assembly deposed, Biskara directing Malefic's conquests, and the Silver Sphere out of reach, Shelby is thrust into an unforgettable quest with her fellow Kin. She must learn to kill and lead an army into battle, or Azimuth—and Earth—will fall.
„In a different world and another time, your alter ego will brilliantly shine. You and others just like him are very close to next of kin.”
This book caught my attention ever since her appearance was announced and I bought it a while ago but I didn’t have time to read it for various reasons. So when I saw that there is a Book Tour for it, I said it was the best opportunity to read it.
Is the kind of book that I like it: Young Adult and fantasy and I didn’t was disappointed. The Silver Sphere retains the characteristics of these genres and manages to satisfy even the reader that has chalk up as read many books of the genre. He will find many unhackneyed and inspiring things.
I liked how the author changes mythologies and find the way to present the "real" ones, giving new features to the eternal struggle between good and evil. For that we have colorful characters, races more or less strange, but with very human characteristics.
The book is written at the third person, but the author offers the points of view of several characters, creating a complete picture for the reader.
Action is alert and catches you from the first pages, making you overcome your initial allocated time for reading. The characters attract and you cannot wait to see what happens to them. They evolve and they must find their path. I know that Shelby is the main character, but I couldn’t wait to see what happens to Zach and Nick.
Personally, because I only recently finished Ixeos of Jennings Wright, I enjoyed making a parallel between these two books and to enjoy myself with the similarities and differences between them, with the originality that certainly each one of them has.
The ending brings a partial denouement and satisfaction, but also leaves the door wide open for subsequent volumes.
PS I love book's illustrations
Is the kind of book that I like it: Young Adult and fantasy and I didn’t was disappointed. The Silver Sphere retains the characteristics of these genres and manages to satisfy even the reader that has chalk up as read many books of the genre. He will find many unhackneyed and inspiring things.
I liked how the author changes mythologies and find the way to present the "real" ones, giving new features to the eternal struggle between good and evil. For that we have colorful characters, races more or less strange, but with very human characteristics.
The book is written at the third person, but the author offers the points of view of several characters, creating a complete picture for the reader.
Action is alert and catches you from the first pages, making you overcome your initial allocated time for reading. The characters attract and you cannot wait to see what happens to them. They evolve and they must find their path. I know that Shelby is the main character, but I couldn’t wait to see what happens to Zach and Nick.
Personally, because I only recently finished Ixeos of Jennings Wright, I enjoyed making a parallel between these two books and to enjoy myself with the similarities and differences between them, with the originality that certainly each one of them has.
The ending brings a partial denouement and satisfaction, but also leaves the door wide open for subsequent volumes.
"Your world
will be over soon, won't it, dear Bianca?"
PS I love book's illustrations
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„In a different
world and another time, your alter ego will brilliantly shine. You and others
just like him are very close to next of kin.”
Această carte mi-a atras atenția încă de când a fost anunțată apariția ei şi mi-am cumpărat-o cu ceva timp în urmă, dar nu apucasem s-o citesc din diverse motive. Aşa că atunci când am văzut că are loc un Book Tour, mi-am zis că e cea mai bună ocazie pentru a o citi.
tipul de carte care-mi place: Young Adult şi fantasy şi nu m-a
dezamăgit. The Silver Sphere păstrează caracteristicile acestor genuri
şi reuşeşte să satisfacă chiar şi cititorul ce şi-a trecut pe răboj ca
citite multe cărți ale genului. Acesta va găsi multe lucruri inedite şi
Mi-a plăcut modul în care autorul modifică
mitologii şi găseşte şi calea de a le prezenta pe cele „reale”, dând
haine noi luptei eterne dintre bine şi rău. Avem astfel personaje
pitoreşti, rase mai mult sau mai puțin ciudate, dar care prezintă
caracteristici foarte omeneşti.
Cartea este scrisă la
persoana a treia, dar autorul oferă punctele de vedere a mai multor
personaje creând astfel un tablou complet pentru cititor.
este alertă şi te prinde de la primele pagini, făcându-te să-ți
depăşeşti timpul pentru citit alocat inițial. Personajele atrag şi abia
aştepți să vezi ce se întâmplă cu ele. Ele evoluează şi trebuie să-şi
găsească drumul. Ştiu că Shelby este personajul principal, dar abia
aşteptam să văd ce se întâmplă cu Zach şi Nick.
pentru că abia de curând am terminat Ixeos de Jennings Wright, mi-a
făcut plăcere să fac o paralelă între aceste două cărți şi să mă bucur
de asemănările şi desosebirile dintre acestea, de originalitatea pe care
cu siguranță fiecare o are.
Finalul aduce un deznodământ parțial şi satisface, dar şi lasă uşa larg deschisă pentru volumele care urmează.
P.S. Imi plac foarte mult ilustratiile cartii."Your world will be over soon, won't it, dear Bianca?"
Coperta spune multe :)
Poate avem norocul sa o citim si noi ^^
E o recenzie foarte frumoasa!Felicitari!!
frumoasa recenzia! asteptam si recenziile viitoarelor volume sa vedem cum va evolua situatia.
mie nu prea-mi plac cartile scrise la persoana a treia.
Pare foarte interesantă:)
Mulțumim pentru recenzie.
coperta+descrierea= O vreau!! :x
Povestea pare interesanta,iar coperta e wow :)
asa e
coperta e foarte frumoasa:X
imi aduce aminte de calla din umbra noptii :D seamana putin cu tipa.
vă mulțumesc, mare revizuire!
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