
Albert Camus

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Review and Giveaway January Black by Wendy S. Russo Book Tour

"The world is a different place when you fall in love... when you have something to lose."
I really must begin with the fact that I liked it very much. So much that I did anything (even skipping work) to read it.

Plot and development:
In fact there are several stories. We have a main one, a couple apparently secondary, one "objective", and several other tertiary. How and when these stories will intertwine and mutually determine are the novel and unexpected elements that will change the course of events. You'll learn about these stories gradually throughout the book. Although some have found their outcome long ago, all of them influence every movement that takes place now. Each story brings something new, something both delicate and powerful.

It will be about maturing, about fulfillment as a man and high ideal, about the fight for love and not just about it. It will be about manipulation and pulling the strings, trust and betrayal, duty.

The author has succeeded a solid and coherent building. The start proposed by the writer will heat you. What began as a simple challenge will gain tremendous proportions and the death penalty. Wendy S Russo leads you on a winding road and you'll not know what your next turn will bring.

The characters are admirable. Initially can intrigue, but along the way you start to appreciate each of them. Everyone has a story, a secret, a hidden burden. Each has at least one good reason. The evolution of the main character - Matty - occurs imperceptibly, but it is consistent. It is a true pleasure to see how he thinks, how he links information received, how he feels, how he grows.

Oh, there are plenty! It remains for the reader to discover them himself. They are not hidden, are quite clearly expressed, but in today's society are forgotten or overlooked, taken as something that is implied. Covering personal and social life, these messages are important. Take heed to them!

I highly recommend the book.

Every time I write about how I liked a book I’m thinking with fear that maybe the one who had a willingness to take into account my opinion will not share it. Each has his own tastes, each seeking something in the books they read. However, I think many readers will be able to see this book’s messages and its extraordinary beauty.
"The blessing and curse of creation is that a work, be it art, or writing, or software, is only truly finished when it has elicited some sort of reaction from someone."
 I received the book for review as part of Book Tour - Thank you!

Tour Schedule
Trebuie să încep neapărat cu faptul că mi-a plăcut mult, foarte mult. Atât de mult, încât am făcut orice (chiar şi sustras de la lucru) pentru a o termina.

Povestea şi acțiunea:
În fapt sunt mai multe. Avem una principală, vreo două aparent secundare, una „obiectivă” şi alte câteva terțiare. Cum şi când aceste poveşti se vor întrepătrunde şi determina reciproc sunt elementele inedite şi neaşteptate care vor schimba cursul evenimentelor. Vei afla despre aceste poveşti treptat, de-a lungul cărții. Deşi unele şi-au găsit deznodământul cu mult timp în urmă, toate influențează fiecare mişcare ce are loc acum. Fiecare poveste aduce ceva nou, ceva delicat şi puternic deopotrivă.

Va fi vorba despre maturizare, despre împlinire ca om şi ideal înalt, despre lupta pentru iubire şi nu doar despre ea. Va fi vorba despre manipulare şi dirijare, încredere şi trădare, datorie.

Autoarea a reuşit o construcție coerentă, solidă. Începutul drumului propus de scriitoare te pune pe foc. Ceea ce a început ca o simplă provocare va căpăta proporții deosebite şi pedepse cu moartea. Wendy S Russo te conduce pe un drum sinuos şi nu vei ştii ce-ți va aduce următoarea curbă.

Personajele sunt admirabile. La început pot intriga, dar pe parcurs începi să le apreciezi pe fiecare. Fiecare are o poveste, un secret, o durere de ascuns. Fiecare are cel puțin un motiv bine întemeiat. Evoluția personajului principal – Matty - se petrece pe nesimțite, dar este consistentă. Este o adevărată plăcere să vezi cum gândeşte, cum leagă informațiile primite, cum simte, cum creşte.

Ooo, sunt destule! Rămâne ca cititorul să le descopere singur. Nu sunt ascunse, sunt chiar clar exprimate, dar în societatea de azi sunt uitate sau nebăgate în seamă, luate ca pe ceva ce este subînțeles. Având ca obiect viața personală sau socială, aceste mesaje sunt importante. Luați seama la ele!

Recomand cu căldură cartea.

De fiecare dată când scriu despre cât mi-a plăcut o carte mă gândesc cu teamă că poate cel care a avut bunăvoința de a-mi lua în considerare părerea nu o va şi împărtăşi. Fiecare are gusturiile lui proprii, fiecare caută ceva anume în cărțile pe care le citeşte. Totuşi, cred că mulți cititori vor putea vedea mesajele şi frumusețea acestei cărți.

Refreshingly intelligent and loads of fun! I lost a few hours as I read this book. It's a Young Adult novel that is refreshingly and astonishingly intelligent, and the love story is perfectly played out. ~Christine Ashworth, Amazon Review 

The mystery was intriguing - I loved how Wendy Russo weaved in all her secrets throughout the book, how she incorporated just enough to keep you reading, while never actually divulging much of anything. I was guessing for most of it and that's pretty hard to make me do. ~Julie, Clean Teen Reads 
Wendy Russo has created a masterpiece. ~Ivan Amberlake,


About the author:
Wendy S. Russo got her start writing in the sixth grade. That story involved a talisman with crystals that had to be found and assembled before bad things happened, and dialog that read like classroom roll call. Since then, she’s majored in journalism (for one semester), published poetry, taken a course on short novels, and watched most everything ever filmed by Quentin Tarantino. A Wyoming native transplanted in Baton Rouge, Wendy works for Louisiana State University as an IT analyst. She’s a wife, a mom, a Tiger, a Who Dat, and she falls asleep on her couch at 8:30 on weeknights.   

More Information:
Blog Tour Giveaway $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 5/8/13
Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer http://iamareader.com and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.  a Rafflecopter giveaway  


Bianca said...
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Bianca said...

După titlu şi copertă susţin cu multă siguranţă că e o carte grozavă!

CCAM said...

As fi vrut sa fiu ironica, dar mi-a fost frica ca nu o sa se inteleaga mesajul. Ma intreb ce intentie ai avut cand ai lasat/schimbat asemenea comentariu la o recenzie

Wendy said...

Thank you, Bia Bianca :) and thank you, CCAM, for the wonderful review.