
Albert Camus

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Friday, June 2, 2017

edgy, raw, and gritty mystery - Running Blind by Lisette Kristensen

18+ "The trouble is, with this particular gang they rarely welcome back deserters.
Lots of twists and turns, a great cast of characters. High tension throughout makes this a hot erotic/suspenseful read that I can highly recommend." - MA Conley, Goodreads


Published: May 17th 2017

A murder mystery that is edgy, raw, and gritty. It's packed full of danger with wild twist and turns

Baleigh Burgess was trapped. Her world spun out of control the night her partner/lover was gunned down. Facing prison on trumped up drug charges, she was forced to go undercover to find the killer. She wasn't prepared to face her suspects, her old motorcycle gang, she once ran with back in the day.

Faced with her morals being comprised in proving her loyalty. Concealing her identity which if discovered was certain death. Baleigh lived on the edge and only grew darker when a man, a stone cold killer entered her life. Was he there to kill her or lover her? 

Running Blind takes you on a taut, dark murder mystery, where everyone is a suspect and a thin line of betrayal looms at every turn.


"Turning to leave the room, Baleigh stopped dead in her tracks. Voices. A female voice and one she recognized right away…Jodie. Fuck. She could also hear footsteps and there were more than one set. Derrick? Baleigh was stuck at the door entrance. The voices came from the back of the house and it dawned her she did not lock the door. An inward groaned rang through her, they would know right off someone had broken in.

She clutched the revolver and knew she might have to shoot her way out. What seemed like a nice little tattle tale was turning into a shoot out. Baleigh's whole inside were racked with fear. She had no idea which way to go, cringing she poked her head out to see if she could make out where they were. Glancing down the hall towards the kitchen her eyes could not focus in the darkness. 

It was pitch black, no shadows of light which was odd to her. Then with a sudden force something hard smashed to her face. Baleigh had no idea what hit her, she crumbled to the ground as the haunting silence captured her."

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About the author:
Lisette grew up surrounded with stories of intrigue, crime and sordid plots. This led her to become fascinated with film noir and pulp fiction. Studying criminal justice in college she developed an interest with the lurid unsolved cases of Hollywood. 

Running Blind is her first venture into the mystery genre, it based on her experiences working for the LAPD Gang Intelligence. Coming soon will be a series of books focused on those cold cases from the glory days of Hollywood.

The Dark Desire Series is four books (including a box set) that follows the path of a troubled woman into the dark depths of erotic hedonism, love and conflict. The series is explicit and with strong sexual conten.
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Kate Sarsfield said...

Great cover shot especially the smoke trails.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the compliment on the cover. I will let my graphic designer know :)

Stephanie LaPlante said...

This sounds like a great book. I absolutely love the cover to.

wendy Hutton said...

sounds like an interesting book thanks

Jan Lee said...

Well the cover is certainly appealing, lol :) It's on my to read list!