Hop hosted by Stuck in Books
Our opinion is that the tastes are not to be disputed, thus we will let you to choose any book you want, up to $17
Good luck!
MYTHICAL BOOKS' Giveaway is INTERNATIONAL as long as The Book Depository ships to you for free OR you want ebooks from Smashwords or Amazon
The winner will be announced here, on Mythical Books
The winner was announced on 22nd of May
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The winner was announced on 22nd of May
Tastes differ!
I can't think of a reason not to recommend a book. A recommendation could lead to a new favorite book or author! =]
I recommend "Uzumaki" by Junji Ito. Because I know you'll like this scary book!
I would recommend Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon
I don't think I have never not recommended a book - as for why should recommend - you love a certain book so much that you just want to share it with the world.
Christina R. in the rafflecopter
I'd never not recommend a book I love, but I don't suggest recommending a book just because it's hyped or famous and you secretly didn't like it.
thank you so very much! :)
I tell people about books I love after reading them but I also respect the fact that we all have different taste and not everyone would like what I do.
If someone isn't interested in hearing about your book recommendations, I guess that would be the time to exercise caution. But if my friend does love to talk about books, I enjoy sharing recommendations. It's always important to be respectful of other peoples tastes and preferences though!
I tell people all the time when I have read a good book.
I like to recommend a book so I have someone to discuss the book with
People don't always have the same taste in everything, but I still will recommend a book and they can decide for themselves!!
If I know that someone has similar tastes then I'll gladly recommend a book. If they don't, then I won't!
I can't think of a reason. I love recommendations
I only recommend books freely when I know that the person shares the same likes and dislikes that I do.
I would not recommend a book if anything in it upsets me.
Thanks for the giveaway; some people don't like certain genres, so don't recommend a book from a genre they don't like. ;)
Thank's for the giveaway. I can't think why not to recommend a book. We all have different tastes, but that doesn't mean we won't try something new.
Even though everyone has different tastes in reading I find it hard not to suggest a title of a book I thought was a fabulous read. They don't have to read it but suggesting a title is just that, a suggestion.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol ( dot) com
I would not recommend a book if it had a hard limit that might someone uncomfortable.
If you love a book, recommend the heck out of it. If you like it, the same. If you hate it, but recognize its value, recommend it! I think you should always recommend books, and let people make their own opinions about it. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean someone else would feel the same.
I can't think of a reason too why men do it.
You should not recommend a book to someone if you know the person does not like that genre or subject
I would NOT recommend a book, if I know the content in the book would upset that particular reader/friend.
Not everyone like and think same about one book :)
I recommend books only if I felt like they were worth my time.
I would not recommend a book if I didn't want to share my 'book boyfriend'. LOL!
Oh thats hard since what someone might love...someone else might not. I do always share the ones that I love...in hopes that someone else might love them too. However...If I do not like one...I usually keep quiet as someone else may love it!
Because then you will have too many bookaholics to rule the world.
I shouldn't recommend a book if you personally didn't read it or enjoy it. Books should get recommended from personal enjoyment that's being passed on, not just because.
I don't know why someone shouldn't recommend a book to anyone. It's always the reader's choice whether they want to read a book or not. If there are delicate topics or issues in the book, I would mention it. If it's geared towards a certain age group, again I'd mention it but it's still the person's choice whether to read it or not. :)
I think you should always recommend books, but only if you know the other person's tastes.
I can't think of why not to recommend a book.
I love giving and receiving recommendations. There are just too many good books out there I don't want to miss any of them. Many of my favorites came from other people's recommendations.
I don't think you should recommend a book if you haven't read it yourself
I think you shouldn't recommend a book when You've not read it yourself.. Seen it happen a few times.
I like book recommendations. If you like science fiction read Illuminae. If you like fantasy read Impyrium.
I don't think you can or should recommend a book & come off as a reputable commendation if you haven't read the book.
Well, I'm not sure if there's a real "should" (or "shouldn't") for me here. :) But I'm most likely to recommend a book if I love the author's works in general, and/or if I found the book to be really captivating & absorbing. Interesting question!
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