
Albert Camus

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Monday, May 8, 2017

Why they are murdering them? - #YOLO by K.M. Pyne

"I have always loved YA/Na even now that I am over 30. I couldn't put this book down, the story gripped me andwith the social media generation in full swing it not only highlights and tackles a real issue but #Meet does it with style and grit. " - about book #1 Emma. Goodreads


Publication Date: May 8th, 2017

Once again Ruby Knight finds herself dragged into her Mam’s World. This time someone at her school is out for revenge!

Ruby, along with her friends, have to work out who is murdering students ... Why they are murdering them? ... What do they ultimately want?

At the same time relationships are made and some are broken, but will Ruby find the killer in time? 

Or will someone else have to perish at the hands of a killer?


When Ruby Knight's best friend, Catriona Taylor disappears Ruby knows something isn’t right. 

Time is ticking and the race is on to find Catriona. Has she run away? Is she really on a holiday with her parents? Has something more sinister happened to her?

These are the questions facing Ruby. Can she find Catriona? Can she ask her detective Mam for help? Or will she leave it too late?

Follow Ruby on her journey to find her best friend!

"This was a new adult book I had heard little about, but quickly found myself intrigued and caught up in the story that sees Riley and Ruby working together. I admit to questioning him at times though! This author kept me guessing right to the very end! An absolute must read by anyone who likes NA books and for all teenagers. It's message of online safety and the dangers that come with it are vital. " - about book #1 Lady living in Bookland, Goodreads

About the author:
KM Pyne lives in Dublin, Ireland and this is her first YA book. There are sequels which are already written and some paranormal YA’s in the future. She is married, has two children and works full time. Writing is a hobby, but it takes over more and more of her life. Characters and stories come into her mind all the time and she has to stop and write them down so that she can build on them at a later date.

Author's Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

Jan Lee said...

I'd like to read this book and I may give it to my teen niece after I'm done, lol :)