
Albert Camus

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Excerpt and Giveaway Sloan's Surrender (The Morgan Sister's #2) by Eliza Brown

Release Date: February 12th, 2014


What do you do when you find yourself falling for the kind of man you never in a million years imagined yourself with? How do you keep your distance when everything inside of you is craving the one thing you don’t deserve? When someone is as broken as I am, they don’t get the happily ever after. That kind of thing is reserved for people like my sister Stella, people who deserve it. 

He thinks I’m worth loving, he thinks I’m special. But he doesn’t know the demons in my past. He doesn’t know the things I’ve done, to protect my family, to protect myself. If he knew, he’d run. He can never find out, he can never know how truly dark my soul is. I should have let him go before it got to this, but I love him, I can’t live without him now.

Book #1

After living the past six years of her life as a shadow of her former self Stella Morgan’s twin sister Sloan takes matters into her own hands. Setting her quiet, reserved sister up with her friend and boss Brayden Brooks.

But after the trauma of her past, can Stella ever trust another man? Can she overcome her demons to find her happily ever after?


Grabbing my bag I let Christina know I was heading out. I lit a cig as soon as I got outside. The fresh air felt good on my skin. The walk to Freddie’s took a little longer tonight since I was lost in my own thoughts. Three cigarettes later, I was sitting in my usual booth at the back of the bar.

It was Thursday, so no band tonight. I settled into the seat, closed my eyes and lay my head back while I waited for the waitress to come get my order. Thoughts of the pretty boy kept invading my mind. I didn’t want this. I wasn’t ready for it.

My mother had once told me that when you meet the right man something inside you just clicks. You can try and fight it but it will do no good. No other man will ever do.

Fuck, I’m screwed.

I felt like banging my head against the table, but I didn’t want to cause a scene. Not that I have a problem with causing scene’s, I’m just not in the mood. I want to be left the hell alone, drink myself into oblivion then find some random root rat and have my way with him.

Just then the seat on the other side of the book creaked and dipped. What the hell? Can’t people just leave a girl alone? I sat up in my seat ready to rip someone’s head off, but I was pulled up short by the sight of pretty boy sitting across from me.

Sloan- Sloan’s Surrender by Eliza Brown

Amazing. Simply amazing. Sloan is the most incredible woman I have ever met. She’s feisty, sexy, quirky and passionate. All things I’ve never had the pleasure of encountering in a woman. The women I am usually surrounded by are vain, shallow and the only passion they have in life is themselves.

Sloan was like a breath of fresh air. So unlike anyone I’ve ever met. I could have sat for hours listening to her talk. Hell, I did sit for hours just listening to her last night. The more she spoke, the more I wanted to know about her. She only talked about her work as a tattoo artist but she had more passion for that one thing then I have had for anything in my entire life.

There was no doubt in my mind that I wanted more than friendship from her. The whole time I spent with her my body was alive. Like there was an electric current running through my veins. I couldn’t get enough. I wanted to be close to her. But I knew if I tried anything too soon, she would run.

Dexter- Sloan’s Surrender by Eliza Brown

About the author:
I'm a 26 year old mummy to three crazy cute kids. Wife to a sexy tree lopper. Little sister to a Nutbag, a Fireman and a Linesman. Owner of a Big Ass Great Dane and a Slightly Psychotic Cat with a limp. Writer of what i like to think are Fan-Freaking-Tastic books. I discovered books can help you heal, give you motivation to go after what you really want in life and sooth the soul. I had a strong desire to write a book of my own for a really long time, but I didn't have the confidence. One day after a particularly inspirational chat with one of my best friends, I decided to go for it. Simple as that. I had stories running around in my head and it was time to set them free.

 Author's Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like more "Sloan's Sureender" than Saving Stella. Eliza Brown it's a wonderful writer, and I love the description of his books.