1216 AD
On the mountain, high above the village of Farran – Nuri is caught between heaven and hell. Two men fight for her love and her soul. The first is Maras, an elemental being who follows the storms. Nuri knows that he is not human, he’s something more. She believes he is her beautiful fallen angel. Yet he is transient and is bound to the elements and their love may be as fleeting as the storm itself. The second is Brother Erebus, a pious monk whose tortured soul is twisted by his desire for her.
But Nuri may sacrifice more than her heart when the Church brands her angel a demon. As Brother Erebus will do anything to protect her soul from the silver haired devil, even if he has to crush her body to do it.
Thank you, Mrs.Hurley-Moore
Let’s see: myths, Brothers Grimm stories, History, Literature and Philosophy Degree – how they influenced your writing style?
Everything I write is influenced in some way by them. I love the hero’s journey through the myths and it’s echoed through the fairytales. I find it very hard to get away from medieval history and fairytales.
What do you think about the fantasy literature of our days?
I love that there is such variety, with so many authors opening up different worlds for us all explore.
Reading the book description, I wondered: what true love means?
For me, it’s recognizing your partner’s strengths, weaknesses and the obstacles you have to face and knowing that having them in your life is more important than any of it. Combined with that, there has to be mutual trust, commitment, communication, respect and lots of laughter.
What makes a great love triangle and what are the traps to avoid when you create one?
One that’s not expected and shows conflict between the three characters. As for the traps, not making the love triangle too obvious or contrived.
And your ballad “Thrice More” made me ask you: what do you think about happy ending?
I love happy endings. I always want my characters to triumph and in the end not only find happiness but also love.
When I wrote ‘Thrice More’ I modeled it on the old medieval ballads. None of them ever ended well. Most of them were cautionary tales such as don’t go against your family’s wishes or you, your lover and most of your family will die (The Douglas Tragedy) or don’t desert your family for the ex flame because he’s really the Devil and you’ll die (The Demon Lover) or don’t commit your entire life to mourning the dead because eventually you’ll die (The Unquiet Grave).
I wanted to include a ballad in Rain and was going to use one of my favourites but then I thought I would try and write my own. It is merely a shade compared to the originals but I did enjoy writing it.
Thanks so much & best wishes, Nicóle.
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Doamne! Culoarea aia e absolut superba! Coperta e formidabila, si nu exagerz deloc cand spun asta. Si ce se vede in spate? Un strain. Oare e chiar un Fat-Frumos? <3 Titlul se potriveste de minune.
Thank you so very much for being part of this tour & for the great interview. - Tonya
Daniela Ella - Multumesc pentru comentariu, sunt de acord că este superb. Va place cartea. - Tonya
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