
Albert Camus

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Team Badass Swagtastic UTopYA Giveaway Featuring Timid Monster Materials

ABOUT Timid Monster

A group of geeks plotting world domination one film at a time.
Everyone at Timid Monster looks at sci-fi, fantasy, and adventure with hope. It's what we relate to. It's how we communicate. It's what drew us together. And it's what ultimately draws us to our audience. The extraordinary people at the cons are like us. In genre movies, we're able to communicate in a particularly hopeful, fanciful language where the deepest parts of our soul can be made real. We hope you're looking forward to the conversation. We are.

About the authors:

Inger Iversen lives in Virginia Beach with her tree-hugging boyfriend Joshua and her overweight lap cat Max. When not reading or writing she spends her time watching reruns of True Blood or killing zombies in Call Of Duty.

C.L. Foster is a brand new writer with big dreams and lots of avenues she wants to travel.

Originally from Florida, she has lived all over the world, but has settled down in Pennsylvania.... for now! She has a Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice, minoring in Psychology and Forensics. Which means you don't want to cross her because she knows how and where to hide a body so it's never found!

She proudly admits to hearing voices in her head, but at times, her characters' impromptu visits can be rude and annoying. Thankfully, she has adequate patience for their shenanigans and can out ninja them any day of the week.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Event organized by Girls Heart Books Tours


Unknown said...

I like the timid monster on the end of your post. can I use it as FB cover page?
It'd be lovely.
Thanks for the giveaway!

CCAM said...

@Ashtrie - it's a banner from Timid Monster site so I don't have any decision to make about it... I liked it very much and used only for their promotion....

Unknown said...

Thank you :D