To celebrate with you our first anniversary, we organize this international giveaway.
You can win any book/s you want up to 30 $
Good luck!
The Giveaway is INTERNATIONAL as long as The Book Depository ships to you for free OR you want ebooks from Smashwords or Amazon
The Giveaway is INTERNATIONAL as long as The Book Depository ships to you for free OR you want ebooks from Smashwords or Amazon
The winner will be announced here, on Mythical Books
a Rafflecopter giveaway
pentru avalansa de postari,update-uri,stiri interesante,recenzii si concursuri.pentru tot!
@Nastya Paun, muzica nu? :D
We share a lot of similar taste so i enjoy discovering new books thanks to you and then the bonus of international giveaway!!
I like a lot of books you showcase on your book and your giveaways rock!.
Happy Blogoversary!
Rafflecopter Name Dawna Newman
Why shouldn't we like you? First of all I found a ton of new books thanks to your cover reveals and giveaways. :D
Congrats on 1 year!
Love the blog. You've introduced me to a lot of unknown authors and books. Great reviews and tons of fun contests. Here's to many more years to come.
pentru ca nu ne lasati niciodata sa ne plictisim :D si da, pentru nenumaratele concursuri, pentru recomandarile de carti, filme si muzica si pentru ca aveti stil :D
Yes, I truly like this book blog! I follow only a handful as it is, but I love the books that you introduce or review. While I don't buy or not buy a book solely on one person's opinion, I do value what bloggers like/dislike about it.
Îmi aduceți în vizor cele mai noi cărți și-mi măriți mereu lista intitulată „Cărți ce trebuie să apară în RO” ! :))
Baftă !
I love that your giveaways are international, thanks for the giveaway!
Imi place blogul vostru pentru ca aveti multe concursuri cu premii super tari si pentru ca postati articole despre carti mai putin cunoscute dar care sunt super.
Of course! You review really relevant books that for sure contribute to whether or not I buy a book. I love your giveaway opportunities as well and really appreciate them :)
I love you, guys, because you provide reviews, introduce to many authors, have a lot of giveaways and change banner pictures a lot -they are great :)
Karina V
Many reviews, contests, books and authors I never heard of. Great job :)
Because you are awesome blog :)
Happy Blogoversary!:))
Thanks for the amazing giveaway! :)
Of course I like you!!! You always show off great books and I love all of your giveaway!
There is variety in this blog. Happy blogoversary.
I have discovered many new books and authors through your blog and the international giveaways are great! Of course I like you!
I love that this blog introduces new books, and of course the giveaways. And unlike some, this blog doesn't make my slow computer to load for too long :D
Imi place acest blog pentru ca impartim aceleasi gusturi, insa ar trebui sa mai scrieti si in romana, din cand in cand.
Imi place de voi pentru ca intotdeauna am gasit pe acest blog informatii utile despre cartile pe care voiam sa le citesc. in plus, intotdeauna sunteti gata sa ne ajutati in cazul in care dorim sa aflam vreo informatie noua, sunteti aproape de noi si asta ma bucura cel mai tare ^^
@Apy, inteleg ce vrei sa spui, dar daca ai observat cu atentie, recenziile sunt bilingve iar cartile publicate la noi sunt, normal, prezentate in romana.(Da, la ultima mea recenzie nu am pus decat in engleza pentru ca era prea mare postarea si a trebuit sa fac un compromis).
Nu este vina noastra ca piata de carte e asa de proasta in Romania, asa ca nu vad de ce sa mai traducem descrierile cartilor atata timp cat ele nu apar si la noi. Cine stie engleza intelege, cine nu... ne pare rau.
La inceput traduceam si descrierile, dar cum si timpul nostru e limitat si din dorinta de a va prezenta cat mai multe aparitii am recurs la aceasta solutie. :D
Yeah I like your blog a lot. I've found so many new books and authors I didn't even know about before.
You review a lot of books and have great contests.
Yeah. Cause you often held giveaway :))
Imi place ca de fiecare data cand nu stiu ce sa mai citesc (desi aam cateva zeci de carti in biblioteca pe care inca nu le-am citit) mereu gasesc o carte de care sa ma indragostesc pe blogul vostru, imi place ca am sansa de a cunoaste alti scriitori, prin interviurile voastre, ca imi imbogatesc playlistul (aveti gusturi bune in materie de muzica), imi plac concursurile voastre si imi place faptul ca scrieti si in engleza
Normal pentru ca mereu gasesc aici o multime de noutati despre carti si filme.
I love the coloring and shadows on your blog. Love. Great selection of books highlighted, easy to find stuff... well managed, GREAT blog!! :-D Thx for the chance to win!
Îmi plac pozele de profil, concursurile, noile apariții, concursurile, vă admir pentru faptul că aveți capacitatea de a opri timpul în loc, altfel nu îmi explic cum de reușiți să postați atât de mult și în română și în engleză și probabil dacă ați vorbi rusă și chineză, ați posta și recenzii în acele limbi :)) Mulțumim pentru tot :)
I enjoy your reviews and your giveaway! Happy anniversary!
Da,imi place blogul vostru,pentru ca sunteti mereu la zi cu noutatile in materi de carti si filme.De asemenea,imi plac foarte mult recenziile.
La multi ani!
I like your reviews and contests.
I like entering for a book giveaway, so your blog is sure stop. I wish I could speak Romanian to understand some of your post ;p
Happy Anniversary!
Absolutely! You have great reviews & giveaways! :)
~Veronica Vasquez~
I like your giveaways and movie images.
pot spune ca de aproape un an urmaresc blogul, deci imi place, de ce ar fi greu de spus, pentru recenzii, recomandari de lectura si pentru ca exista o atmosfera creata de blog, ce te face putin dependent
@GZM De acord cu tine, din pacate e perfect adevarat ca piata de carte e foarte slab dezoltata.
Pentru că reuşiţi să promovaţi cărţile şi lectura într-un mod inedit, pentru că postările nu se rezumă numai la cărţi, ci şi la muzică (care îmi place foarte mult şi m-a ajutat să-mi extind orizonturile) şi la filme (după care sunt ochi şi urechi). Blogul acesta e ca o pungă de pufuleţi cu surprize :).
Thanks for the giveaway! Your blog is awesome!! <3
-Cali W.
Your blog is wonderful! I especially love the great giveaways you hold, like this one! Thank you!
I like reading your reviews and the contest are the best!
(Ileana A.-rafflecopter)
Yes! I love reading your reviews and your giveaways are the best! <3
You have amazing giveaways.. your site is so colorful and fun to visit!!
vals_hemi at yahoo dot com
Well, for once we have similar taste in books (almost)!!!And of course for your incredible giveaways...(especially when you make them INT)Happy Blogversary!!!
PS:Thanks for the giveaway... :)
Music time, movie reviews and giveaways!
Absolutely! Love checking out the reviews and giveaways!
I love checking out your reviews and your giveaways are awesome! I am not from the US so I always look forward to your giveaways 'cause you have lots of great ones open internationally. Having said that though, I am yet to win in one, lol.
Happy blogversary! Great milestone :) I enjoy coming around and seeing the giveaways and reviews and what everyone else has to say.
Nu îmi place blogul vostru , îl ador ! Şi iubesc felul în care imaginile se tot schimbă :3 . Sunteţi în ton cu fiecare carte şi film şi muzică şi recenziile sunt minunate :3 .
Îmi petrec foarte mult timp pe blog , încât nici nu realizez cum au trecut orele aşa uşor .
La mulţi ani >:D< !
I absolutely love your blog. You guys review such a wide range of books and your giveaways are always the best. I also love that you guys will put up music. The only other music I see on the hundreds of other blogs I follow will be really few and far in between or other author's playlists as they write. You guys are truly unique!
I love your blog; since discovering your blog a few months back, it has quickly become one of my favorites. Your reviews are interesting, you always have excellent books featured and your giveaways are some of the best I've seen anywhere. I've won from your site and your bloggers are wonderfully kind and helpful, even though I'd never dealt with the Book Depository and was unfamiliar with the process. You are wonderful, well-rounded, versatile, and respectful. Plus, your site is visually appealing. Thank you for all you do for your readers.
The best site ever! I m glad that I discovered you, I really like all the post, feed-back's about the most new books, giveaways...many thanks to your site !
pentru toate informatiile despre carti si concursuri:D
I realy like the kind of books you read, it gives me some new ideas about books I want to read.
And I love those great giveaways.
I love the design of your blog and your banners are always changing and are gorgeous. Diffidently love all the contests and reviews that you do. Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary!! :D
I like your book reviews and giveaways!
You guys hosted many awesome giveaways :)
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