Mandy McKinney lives the charmed life. She is beautiful, athletic, popular, dating the hottest jock in school, and certainly doesn't have any time for her loser twin sister. But Mandy also has a secret. When the truth is unveiled, her world is twisted upside down, and her very life is at stake.
Mandy's twin sister, Brianna, has never had any success in the dating department. When Brianna finally meets the guy of her dreams, it turns out that he has secrets of his own. Dangerous secrets. Just her luck.
The twins are about to be swept away into a world of beauty and power beyond their wildest imaginations where nothing is what is seems, danger is lurking in the shadows, and their only chance of survival is finding themselves, and each other, once again.
Guest Post
Choose TRUE Friends
you're in high school, it can be hard to know who your real friends
are. Mean girls whisper lies in the hallway, and rumors can fly like
wildfire. All of a sudden, you feel like a leper. It hurts when your
"friends" all of a sudden drop you and talk behind your back.
the new YA paranormal novel, In Shadows of Magic, Mandy McKinney
appears to be the most popular girl in school. She is beautiful,
athletic, talented, and adored by all the boys in school. The truth is
that Mandy is a big, fat phony! She is a witch, and has been using her
powers make herself popular. Are Mandy's friends real? If she wasn't
the star of the school, would any of the popular crowd still hang with
her? Does Mandy even honestly like some of the "mean girls" she hangs
out with, or is she only friends with them to boost her image?
is tired of living her life behind this facade, but she worries that
she will never make any friends the real way-- through loyalty and
kindness. At the start of In Shadows of Magic, Mandy lacks the
confidence to walk away from her fake life and pursue true friendships.
What will happen when one of Mandy's "friends" turns against her and
creates a scheme to ruin her life?
YOU- tiful: Choose real friends who you share common interests with,
love you for you, and will stand up for you even when everyone is
against you.
Will Mandy find the confidence to find true friends without using her magic? Read In Shadows of Magic to find out!
witches Brianna and Mandy on their magical journey of self discovery in
the new Young Adult Paranormal novel by Alison F. Prince, In Shadows of
To learn more about In Shadows of Magic and author Alison F. Prince, check out these links!

Alison F. Prince lives in Hoboken, NJ where she works as a school
psychologist (M.A. Marist College), author, and jeweler. She is the
author of In Shadows of Magic, a new YA novel out from Astraea Press
Website ** BlogTumblr ** Goodreads ** Facebook ** Twitter
Author's Tour-Wide Giveaway
$50 Amazon Gift Card from Alison
10 eCopies of In Shadows of Magic by Alison F Prince from Astaea Press.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Event organized by Prism Book Tours
Only buy clothes that you feel pretty in.
Be yourself and pamper yourself!
~Veronica Vasquez~
best friends are forever...
Dress in clothes you're comfortable in and feel beautiful in--your confidence will be boosted just by feeling good about your outfit :)
A really fresh brewed cup of coffee and a good book makes the world rosy and me very happy, when I am happy I can share a smile and pass on the joy :)
Count your blessing once a week. Study found that doing it more often will make it a chore. ;p
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