
Albert Camus

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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Excerpt Dying to Dream by Kathryn Long

Published May 14th, 2013


When Jack Robesaux is found lying dead on a Louisiana beach, psychic Marin Seurat must use her gift to prove it is murder and not suicide. Though Marin knows her dreams with their messages from the dead could help, she struggles with the idea of returning home and facing a troubled past. However, a phone call informing her of Jack's murder and the return of the family curse gives Marin that final push. In a surprising turn of events, Marin discovers a mystery from long ago that somehow connects to recent deaths. With the help of cryptic messages delivered by spirits, Marin races to solve the mystery of Saint Toulere.


Marin kicked at the covers as she tossed and turned in her bed. She struggled to awaken, but felt helpless. The dream pulled her under and deeper into sleep, resisting her attempts to tear free. She could hear the swish of silk, feel it brush against her thighs. She sniffed the damp, cold, musky air and it chilled her. She moaned as the dream took hold.

 Picking up her skirt, she hurried along the corridor. The poor lighting cast a shadowy veil this time of evening. Only the dim, yellow glow from the candles shown. She chose her way carefully, but the fast pace her legs took lead down a reckless path. "Mon petit, where are you? Come to me, Jacques," Marin felt the emotions of the spirit overtaking her. Her voice sounded uncomfortably strange. Yet, she carried on, when a sudden burst of noise broke the evening's silence. Slowly, Marin sensed herself fading away and into another.
"Madame Marguerite. Should you be up and around so late?"
The words made her jump and Marin pivoted quickly around to see who said them. She exhaled slowly when somehow she recognized who it was.
"Really, Girard, I don't need you advising me on how late I should be up and around, as you put it," she snapped. "That's hardly your position."
"Of course, Madame." Girard bowed, backing away. "Monsieur Etienne felt concerned and asked me to attend to the matter."
The mention of Marguerite's husband seemed to upset Marin and it did nothing to improve her mood. She lifted her chin, and with a steely glare she quipped, "You can inform my husband that I must attend to urgent business, and I will be along when I am good and ready. If this does not please him … well, then he may come join me in my search."
"Search, Madame?" Girard looked puzzled.
In an exasperated sigh Marin turned on her heel and headed off down the corridor once more, calling out as she picked up her pace, "N'importe pas, Girard. Just tell him I will join him when I am finished."
She left the servant standing there as she hurried around the corner, but her steps came to a halt when she heard the cry, a faint sound.
"Jacques?" she whispered and tilted her head. The long silence brought nothing more. No sound of the child, his footsteps, nor his laughter, just the small cry, a faded echo left behind.
Her anxiety built. Marin felt Marguerite fill her mind with words. Words from Etienne's conversation she overheard earlier that evening. And Marin trembled as she sensed the cold, cruel tone of his voice. It left her knowing that something was very wrong. And now, Jacques, Marguerite's son troubled her. She drowned in her desperate thoughts; she must find him.
When she reached the next corridor, Marin imagined she heard a whimper. Her eyes squinted into the dim light and she waved the lantern back and forth, but saw no movement, just a sound, so faint, its existence almost undetectable to anyone. Only a mother who lost so much could recognize the desperate plea, no matter how slight. She picked up her pace and ran.
"Jacques?" she cried as she neared the turn in the corridor. The sound of heavy footsteps echoed. Still faint enough to give her safe distance, but there all the same. Marin felt the cold shiver through her body and she began to cry. She put her ear to the wall to listen. Any moment, he would answer. She wanted to awaken, but Marin felt the emotions of Marguerite pull her close.
"Maman. Help me, maman."
Marin gasped. She put a hand to her throat. Her eyes widened with fear and hope. She leaned close to the wall. "Jacques? C'est tu? Is that you, mon cher?" Her lips brushed the cool dampness of stone. "Jacques?" she whispered.
The loud wail, a pitiful cry for help sounded once more. "Maman. Please, please save me."
She fell back several steps, tears welled in her eyes. She struggled to hold onto some semblance of calm. But then, those heavy footsteps echoed louder, nearer.
She grew quiet, only the trembling of her heart and rapid, shallow breaths escaped her. When the steps grew silent, her breath caught and held there.
 She recognized the voice, as familiar as her own. And just as Marguerite, Marin knew she must face it. Her heart raced, the terror and confusion merging. She felt herself pulled even further into the spirit of Marguerite, until they became one.
"Mon Dieu, please forgive me," she cried, as she slowly turned around.

About the author:
Kathryn Long is a recently retired school teacher who has enjoyed writing mysteries for several years. Credits include mystery shorts, "Betrayal in an Envelope" and "A Good Man", both published by The Piker Press. Long has ventured into self-publishing with a cozy mysteryseries beginning with Whips, Cuffs, and Little Brown Boxes, as well as a series of YA novels, Cinderella Geek, Not So Snow White and Alice in Realityland under the pen name Jennkrist. Dying to Dream is her fourth mystery gone to print with indie publisher, Mainly Murder Press. Future publications include a romantic suspense novel titled A Deadly Deed Grows, which will be coming out next year with The Wild Rose Press. Long keeps actively involved through such efforts as belonging to Sisters in Crime, maintaining a writing blog: http://kjlongteacherwriter.blogspot.com, an author website, and an author Facebook page, Kathryn Long’s Books.

Dying to Dream grew from the author’s strong interest in “ghost hunting” and participating in several ghost tours. Her knowledge of French and Spanish and love of foreign cultures helped create more colorful characters in the book and add to their authenticity.


Andreea Ilie said...

Interesanta cartea!! Si coperta e foarte draguta :D

Katherine said...

Nu am intalnit niciodata o carte care sa imi dea fiori numai cand ma uit la coperta...binetinteles, in sensul bun ;D