Janelle hasn't been
home in ten years. All of a sudden, she has to deal with her mothers
death, her broken relationship with her sister, and some sexy stranger
following her. She doesn't know whether to be scared, or excited.
needs to restore his families honor. He needs to use Janelle to do it,
there's one problem. There's someone standing in the way. He's vowed
that no one will stand in the way or getting what's his.
they must save what's left of both their families, and along the way,
deal with what's going on between them. Join them on the beginning of
their journey, under the Mohawk Moon.
My Review:
I was curious since I saw the title and I wanted to read the book without to care too much about its description.
The action begins quickly, but not abruptly. From the first steps occurs the thrill of danger and of the predestined attraction (or love?). Readers will feel it in full because the story is told alternately by Janelle and Damien. United by what they feel, they are separated from their family history. A history with ancient roots in which there are found trust and betrayal, murder, seeking of redemption and fulfillment of a sacred mission.
„I known my destiny since I was a child. Janelle will led me there, one way or another [...]. Will I have to kill her to get it?”
The relationship between Janelle and Damien is not the only one with problems. Personal decisions or the ones of others hang heavily between the main characters and influence the course of events. They must deal with the past to have a future and that it's not so easy when, even now, someone’s betrayal and anger threaten exactly what they get to cherish most. The resignation and sacrifice bring extra tension.
„I know the man they call father [...]. They may be beautiful, but that can’t save them.”
And in all this whirling the undeniable attraction between Janelle and Damien burns. This attraction is the one who provides sometimes funny moments or exciting ones.
Although predictable, the ending did not spoil the journey.
„I remember I always felt like the eagle was watching me. [...] She was out there, watching, waiting. But for what?” „The eagle has always been with our family. Since my great ancestors. To lead us, warn us, protect us. It was a sign. She will show up.”
I liked that the author has introduced elements of Native American and I wanted even more details and legends. Of course it was not the place or book’s genre, but this is what I would have liked ... However there are references that make you dream at past worlds, but also to think about lost moral values.
Without insisting on them, using them only to offer some explanation, the author draws attention to some important issues like: abuse, rape, misunderstanding of your debt, accepting of what you are or seeking justice at any cost. With regard to justice at any cost the author is playing on the edge. Classic cop - even when quitting - will always ultimately do what is right and bring the criminal to justice. In our case the gray is not clarify completely, reality’s shadows enveloping even more people than you initially expected.
There are some things I liked and some things I would have liked more detailed, polished, but if I say that I didn’t read the book in one breath and with pleasure it will be a lie.
„I look up at the moon through the trees. It’s a new moon. That’s not good. My mother always told me it’s bad luck to see a new moon through the trees.”
I received the book for review as part of Book Tour - Thank you!
Am fost curioasă încă de când am văzut titlul şi am dorit să citesc cartea fără să mă intereseze prea mult descrierea ei..
Acțiunea începe repede, dar nu brusc. De la primii paşi apar atât fiorii pericolului, cât şi a atracției (sau dragostei?) predestinate. Cititorii îi vor simți din plin pentru că povestea este spusă alternativ de Janelle şi Damien. Uniți de ceea ce simt, ei sunt despărțiți de istoria familiilor lor. O istorie cu rădăcini vechi în care se regăsesc încrederea şi trădarea, crima, căutarea izbăvirii şi îndeplinirii unei misiuni sacre.
„I known my destiny since I was a child. Janelle will led me there, one way or another [...]. Will I have to kill her to get it?”
Relația dintre Janelle şi Damien nu este singura relație cu probleme. Decizii personale sau ale altora atârnă greu între personajele principale şi influențează cursul evenimentelor. Ei trebuie să rezolve cu trecutul pentru a avea un viitor şi asta nu e chiar atât de uşor atunci când, chiar şi în prezent, trădarea şi furia unora pun în primejdie exact ceea ce ajungi să prețuieşti mai mult. Resemnarea şi sacrificiul aduc un plus de tensiune.
„I know the man they call father [...]. They may be beautiful, but that can’t save them.”
Şi în toată această învolburare se manifestă atracția incontestabilă dintre Janelle şi Damine, care este şi cea care oferă scurte momente pe cât de hazlii uneori, pe atât de incitante alteori.
Deşi previzibil, finalul nu strică plăcerea călătoriei spre el.
„I remember I always felt like the eagle was watching me. [...] She was out there, watching, waiting. But for what?”
„The eagle has always been with our family. Since my great ancestors. To lead us, warn us, protect us. It was a sign. She will show up.”
Mi-a plăcut mult faptul că autoarea a introdus elemente ale nativilor americani (nu ştiu care e termenul political correct) şi aş fi vrut şi mai multe detalii şi eventual legende. Normal că nu era locul şi nici tipul de carte, dar aşa mi-ar fi plăcut mie... Oricum sunt trimiteri care te fac pe de o parte să visezi la lumi trecute, dar şi să te gândeşti la valori morale pierdute.
Fără a insista asupra lor, folosindu-le doar pentru a oferi unele explicații, autoarea atrage atenția asupra unor probleme importante: abuz, viol, înțelegerea greşită a datoriei, acceptarea a ceea ce eşti sau căutarea dreptății cu orice preț. Cu privire la dreptatea cu orice preț autoarea se joacă pe muchie de cuțit. Clasic, polițistul – chiar şi atunci când renunță la funcția sa - va face întotdeauna în final ceea ce este corect şi va preda criminalul legii. În cazul nostru nuanțele de gri nu se limpezesc în totalitate, umbrele realității învăluind chiar mai multe persoane decât te-ai fi aşteptat inițial.
Sunt câteva lucruri care mi-au plăcut şi câteva lucruri pe care le-aş fi vrut mai detaliate, mai şlefuite, dar dacă aş spune că nu am citit cartea pe nerăsuflate şi cu plăcere aş minți.
„I look up at the moon through the trees. It’s a new moon. That’s not good. My mother always told me it’s bad luck to see a new moon through the trees.”
About the author:

The N in N. Kuhn is actually
Nicole. She was born and raised in western New York. She grew up with a
love of books, and a passion for writing. She was always found with her
nose in a book. She finally decided to take the steps to embark into
self publishing at the urging of her Grandmother. Mrs. Kuhn has
dedicated her second book to Janet Starr, as she passed just days after
being published.
Nicole survives on coffee alone. Mostly Tim
Hortons. (It’s a NY thing.) A fan of drinking it from the time she gets
up, until she finally rests. When not writing, she crochets and spends
time with her beautiful daughter and her husband. Her friends call her
Octo-Mom because she multi-tasks so well. Between her full time job,
family, crochet and writing, it’s a wonder she ever sleeps.
Kuhn feels that reading in our youth is a very important trait to
instill. She reads with her young daughter as much as she can. “It’s the
most important thing a parent can ever do with a child. Read, teach
them to read. Don’t buy them toys, buy them books,” She says.
Book Tour organized by Lady Amber's Book Tours