
Albert Camus

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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Review and Giveaway The Grimm Chronicles I by Isabella Fontaine, Ken Brosky Blog Tour

“Life isn’t a fairy tale. It has a lot of ups and downs.

I was very curious how Chronicles it will be because I didn’t met too many successful sequels or retellings written by another author. It takes inspiration, enough originality to not succumb to the original. I think that Isabella Fontaine and Ken Brosky took great courage to start this adventure. Seem that they have succeeded. Grimm Chronicles are not a retelling of their works, but a starting point that is (re) reminded to you through the chapters’ mottos.

I asked myself many times as a child, what happens when evil is prevailed, the girl saved and eventually concluded with a wedding. It seems to me that "and they lived happily ever after" might be a little nuanced. So, no more danger, no more challenge, no more continuation? Well, Grimm Chronicles offers a possible future. This future is rather unpleasant for those directly involved, but one that offers opportunities to other heroes.
“We don’t belong. That is why evil consumes us all, eventually. We are loved on paper, but not in the flesh. Because on paper, the stories end. When those foolish brothers made us real, they forced us all to live beyond the end of our stories. And we knew not what to do.
My first reaction was, and was quite strong, one of revolt. Why is that? Then, on the way, I was relieved: free will is still there, there is still a chance for some.
“Why did they make me like this?” she asked. “I do not know,” I said. I felt pity for the girl. There had to be some reason [...].”
I liked how the authors gave consistency to current happenings through the notes of the previous heroines, by creating a history of the struggle against The Corruptions, a history of Heroes, who apparently are in fact heroines. Maybe a revenge for the fact that in stories the heroes are mainly boys and the damsels are in distress?

"Our" Heroine is the girl for the task. Smart, agile and resourceful, she discharges the "additional" duties that she received, although preserve her innocence and ... hers teenage interests and worries.
“I was just thinking about how I’m going to explain this new hair color to my parents tomorrow. I’m pretty optimistic it’s the only thing I’ll have to explain to them, despite the incredibly slim odds we’ll be able to actually pull this off.”
The help is always welcome, even if it’s from a character under the very specter of "Corruption" and even if it means involving a person who actually she wants to protect. A person that I would like to be even more involved ... and on different levels. But the biggest advantage is come from the knowledge. Any magic, any plan goes much better when you know. Yes, knowledge is power.
„Books are gateways to other worlds.”
The book has rhythm, the reader's curiosity is maintained, new elements and twists appear and moreover, it doesn’t have that exaggerated care not to "shock the children", remaining in the bounds of a "classical" story where the grotesque and creepy scenes coexist with the gentle feelings. We don’t have princesses in pink, but true warriors. Oh, yes, you'll find also some life lessons (beautifully presented) ... so, pay attention to them!

If I have not convinced you to read the book, then I'll tell you straight: read it!

I received the book for review as part of  Book Tour

“Life isn’t a fairy tale. It has a lot of ups and downs.”
Am fost foarte curioasă cum vor fi Cronicile pentru că nu am prea întâlnit vreo urmare sau repovestire de succes scrisă de un alt autor. E nevoie de inspirație, de suficientă originalitate pentru a nu sucomba în fața originalului. Consider că Isabella Fontaine şi Ken Brosky au avut un mare curaj să înceapă o asemenea aventură. Se pare că au reuşit. Cronicile Grimm nu sunt o repovestire a lucrărilor acestora, ci un punct de plecare care îți este (re)amintit prin motto-urile ce însoțesc capitolele.

Eu una m-am întrebat de multe ori în copilărie ce se întâmplă după ce răul este înlăturat, fata salvată şi eventual nunta încheiată. Parcă acel „şi au trăit fericiți până la adânci bătrâneți” putea fi un pic nuanțat. Adică cum, gata cu orice pericol, nu mai există nicio provocare, nicio urmare? Ei bine Cronicile Grimm oferă un posibil viitor. Un viitor destul de neplăcut pentru cei direct implicați, dar unul care oferă oportunități altor eroi.
“We don’t belong. That is why evil consumes us all, eventually. We are loved on paper, but not in the flesh. Because on paper, the stories end. When those foolish brothers made us real, they forced us all to live beyond the end of our stories. And we knew not what to do.”
Prima mea reacție a fost, şi a fost una destul de puternică, de revoltă. De ce să fie aşa? Apoi, pe parcurs, am răsuflat uşurată: liberul arbitru e încă acolo, încă mai pot exista şanse pentru unii.
“Why did they make me like this?” she asked. “I do not know,” I said. I felt pity for the girl. There had to be some reason [...].”
Mi-a plăcut cum autorii au dat consistență întâmplărilor actuale prin însemnările eroinelor anterioare, prin creerea unei istorii a luptei împotriva Corupților, o istorie a Eroilor. Eroi care se pare că sunt de fapt doar eroine. O revanşare eventual pentru faptul că în poveşti eroii sunt aproape mereu băieți şi domnițele în anaghie?

Eroina „noastră” este o tipă pe măsura sarcinii. Isteață, agilă şi descurcăreață, se achită de sarcinile „suplimentare” primite, deşi îşi păstrează inocența şi.. preocupările şi grijile adolescentine.
“I was just thinking about how I’m going to explain this new hair color to my parents tomorrow. I’m pretty optimistic it’s the only thing I’ll have to explain to them, despite the incredibly slim odds we’ll be able to actually pull this off.”
Ajutorul e bine venit întotdeauna, chiar dacă e din partea unui personaj asupra căruia planează însăşi spectrul „Corupției” şi chiar dacă înseamnă implicarea unei persoane pe care ar vrea de fapt s-o protejeze. O persoană pe care eu aş vrea-o şi mai mult implicată.. şi pe mai multe planuri... Dar avantajul cel mai mare vine din partea cunoaşterii. Orice magie, orice plan merge mult mai bine atunci când cunoşti. Da, cunoaşterea e putere.
„Books are gateways to other worlds.”
Cartea are ritm, curiozitatea cititorului e întreținută, apar elemente noi şi răsturnări de situație şi în plus, nu are acea grijă exagerată de a nu „şoca copiii”, menținându-se în genul unei adevărate poveşti „clasice” în care scenele groteşti sau creepy pot exista alături de cele mai suave sentimente. Nu avem prințese în roz, ci adevărate războinice. A, da, o să găsiți şi nişte lecții de viață (frumos prezentate)... luați aminte la ele!

Dacă nu v-am convins s-o citiți, atunci v-o spun de-a dreptul: citiți-o!  

Tour Schedule
  This book contains the first 3 episodes of the critically acclaimed series
   Episode 1: Prince Charming Must Die!
   Episode 2: Happily Never After
   Episode 3: Revenge of the Castle Cats

  Additional features for this special edition:
   - An introduction
   - Two special "Lost Diaries"
   - A behind-the-scenes interview
   - A collection of original Grimms' Fairy Tales

  The Grimm Chronicles is intended for Young Adults aged 13 and up. The goal is to provide Young Adult readers with a strong, charismatic young woman in the role of the hero and provide readers with a positive protagonist who uses her brain to overcome obstacles life throws in her way.
Book 4: The Orphanage of Doom
Book 5: Blood and Thunder
Book 6: The Order of the Golden Dragon
5 stars!” ~ Bookies Book Blog
"Highly recommended for all who love fairy tales and the YA genre." ~ My Cozie Corner
"All in all the books were excellent." ~ LilyElement
"If you love fairy tales and them being turned into modern day stories you will love these short stories." ~ Mom With a Kindle
5 stars (out of 5) ~ I Am, Indeed
Isabella Fontaine and Ken Brosky’s incredible talent for storytelling takes the reader on an amazing action-packed ride fueled by endless creativity and limitless imagination. TGC is like a high-stakes version of Harold and the Purple Crayon meets a contemporary, above ground Alice in Wonderland.“ ~ Bookfetish
I absolutely loved this book! No, let me rephrase that, I FREAKING LOVE THIS BOOK! Nope, that doesn't even do it justice. Vol. 1 has the first three stories from the 12 that will ultimately make up the chronicles.” ~ Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

About the Authors:
Ken Brosky received his MFA in fiction writing from the University of Nebraska-Omaha. He also teaches English at Madison College. This is his first Young Adult series.

Isabella Fontaine owns a farm in Wisconsin and enjoys reading weird books like House of Leaves. This is her first Young Adult series.
Tour Giveaway
Ends 3/15/13
Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer http://iamareader.com and sponsored by the authors.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

Andreea said...

Asta chiar este o idee originala.Chiar mi-ar placea sa vad ce le-a iesit.